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V8 Beast

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Oh and on the jersey note, screw em. Let's rock t shirts until we can prove we r worth a damd. I'm not spending another dime unless we are rolling over the comp.


jerseys automatically add to your stats, didn't you know, lol?


but on this, I disagree, I'd actually like to look like a team, and the longer we hold off the less likely we'd actually get them at all, I'm not sure what the lead time for them would be, but I would have to think it would take atleast a couple weeks



Side Note

not that my shit dont stink or anything, but one thing I noticed we need to work on defensively is pulling the flags, its definitely something tough to get down, but I think if we take some time at practice to go over it, it will help.


also, if anyone has needle and thread, i'd like to sew steves flags to his shirt so he stops randomly losing them

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Dropped td pass, 3 dropped first downs, drops that got picked, getting burned deep, missing flags, refs making horrible calls... but still not bad for a first game. You dont play like champions after 3 weeks. We played with a team that has been playing together for years and it showed in how organized they were. We see what we did wrong, now we change it. No need to do a 180 because then we are basically starting over. We know what our weakneses are and lucky for us they are easy fixes. We dont start over we add to what we already have. The entire team lost that game...


What does need changed..


Huddles on offense (every play) unless we purposely go no huddle then it needs to be quick!


Faster opening on defense for deep balls


Better flag grabbing (we all had our issues here)


Watching the ball until its in your hands (watching the tape people were turning their heads up field before catching all night long)


Get Steve a flag that doesnt fall off by itself


More organized substitutions


Faster plays on offense. The other teams blitz so fast that we will have 1 second to let it go.


Extend the ball when you get close to the goal line. We lost 14 point because of this.


Kick field goals on 4th down


A voice on the field. Thats 100% my fault and it wont happen again. Be prepared to get cussed out/ benched if we are messing up. (and yes I will cuss out and bench myself). We are not going to wait until its too late to make changes.


Doing things so good that the refs dont have the option to mess us over. (Leighs touchdown, a few of the passes Steve threw his flag fell off after the ball was gone, On that last first down the ref gave the guy an extra 2 1/2 yards.) When I was watching it back I was pissed, but again we allowed ourselves to be in that situation.


Do plays that put them on their heels. Pass pass pass pass, direct snap for 5 yards, pass pass pass wont work. Reverse, flea flicker, qb draw, stop and go routes, play action, play football!!!!!!


Like I said all easy fixes and exactly what we are doing at practice this week. I'm printing off this post, and by next week we are going to play like we have been together for years... jerseys and all dammit! I fucking hate to lose! I stayed up until 5am watching that tape. We are putting up 60 points next week. I dont give a damn who we are playing against. Execution, knowledge, and precision beats speed and streetball all night long.. we played streetball yesterday.

Edited by V8 Beast
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Not to be a dick or anything but warming the bench wasn't all to fun... Not sure why I was sitting so much when we had some people getting burned on D. Just saying...


My fault, substitutions were horrible. On your end just communicate if you dont think you are playing enough. I ended up playing the entire game on d and I had not planned on that. Subs will be time based going forward and based on the flow of the game for the last 5 minutes of each half.


3 reciever groups to alternate in, and 2 defensive teams of 5 to rotate in and out.

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Not to be a dick or anything but warming the bench wasn't all to fun... Not sure why I was sitting so much when we had some people getting burned on D. Just saying...



I tried to get u in as much as I could, u need to have a bigger voice.

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My fault, substitutions were horrible. On your end just communicate if you dont think you are playing enough. I ended up playing the entire game on d and I had not planned on that. Subs will be time based going forward and based on the flow of the game for the last 5 minutes of each half.


3 reciever groups to alternate in, and 2 defensive teams of 5 to rotate in and out.



I agree and disagree at the same point. There needs to be subs, but mass subing in and changing chemistry would be a bad idea. I think dbs can swap every few series and wrs but I wouldn't go changing the entire line up cuase honestly people will mess it up not being where they should. U and I were confusing the mid linebacker cuz we would communicate and we knew what we were doing but the flats were super open and that shouldn't have been. Everyone needs to pick a spot on o and d they wanna play. That would prolly work out better. I think

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On offense we need spacing and communication. I stated before the game to the Wr's to look at the D and see what they give you and check with me at the line. Leigh was the only one to do so. I have my own flag that actually has a clip that I will be using so that issue is gone. Second, we had TOO MANY DROPPED PASSES!! I had 3 int's. 1 dropped pass, 1 he broke his route while I was throwing. The last was my fault trying to throw while back peddling. I have plays already drawn up that are interchangable. We will be on point for this sunday. I am stating this now, no communication on Offense sit down and watch. Also on D, we were watching the DB's staring in the backfield and getting beat. I soooooo wanted to come in and play some D but I was struggling trying to move and run from playing basketball all week. This week we better put up at least 40 from the offense alone! LEEEEGGGGGGGOOOOOO
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more check offs at the line, more running game, a little better organization, and more short passes to stay away from the 3rd / 4th and longs. And we need to work on catching the ball.


You were open a few times and It was my fault for not recognizing the blitz to scramble out and hit you for that quick 6. That will not be an issue again! We have an advantage on speed and i can cover the entire field on 1 pass and put it right on the money so we will utilize that from here on out!

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Brian/Steve you guys want a defense that's effective, then you need to try this:


1st. who ever your "TOP 2 ATHLETES" are they need to be playing defensive end and creating havoc in the backfield, line them up 3 feet outside the tackle and let them loose, they should cause major disruption for the QB


2nd. Defensive backs should be your 2 MOST AGGRESSIVE players with speed since they should be the only 2 guys in man coverage, they should be lined up on the line of scrimmage and bump the receivers to set the tone/intimidate and also help stop the run


3rd. the 2 Linebackers they need to be your BEST FLAG PULLERS they should play a zone coverage and their main job is to clean up any plays that get away from the defensive ends and defensive backs, in flag football the linebackers job is to protect not attack, never blitz unless you have too, remember if the 2 linebackers blitz then half the field is open


4th. your safeties need to keep/protect everything in front of them so they don't give up the big plays


I haven't seen the team or you guys play but if you need to move players around then do it, don't worry about who wants to play what because that's what they wanna play, the only way your gonna win is to play like a team


the defense I posted above is what my team did our first season and we made the playoffs(got eliminated in the 1st round)

the next few seasons we tried it again but had issues with new people coming in not wanting to play like a team, they wanted to play a position they liked and nothing else, it was all me me me and not the team, so our team slowly declined and fell apart

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1 blitzing with zone is our base. We housed the entire game like that. The second we went out of that we got burned. 6 yards per play in zone blitz, 25 yards in our other sets. We have work to do...


As far as subs we need to mix it up. Maybe not sub out 5, but we do need to get a rotation going. If they dont know the plays they need to learn quick. Im playing a little bit of offense next week :lol:

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New defensive line up....


Phil/ brian / dave- dl

Dave/ keith/ justin -lb

Duff/justin/ romeo/brandon- db


If ur not on this list and would like to be, let me know. As of rite now these are the people who know the defense and I'm comfortable with. Again I say especially dbs, you fuck up this week you better beg steve to let u play wr cause I'm not putting up with missed assginments and getting your ass caught up looking like deon sanders. Brian is gona be nice about the whole thing, I'm not, I don't give a shit about ur pt, if u can't play. U can't play. Special teams has some openings

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1 blitzing with zone is our base. We housed the entire game like that. The second we went out of that we got burned. 6 yards per play in zone blitz, 25 yards in our other sets. We have work to do...


As far as subs we need to mix it up. Maybe not sub out 5, but we do need to get a rotation going. If they dont know the plays they need to learn quick. Im playing a little bit of offense next week :lol:


well just protect the area between your defensive line and safety and you should see positive results as long as everyone is paying attention and working together. BTW grabbing flags is a lot tougher then people think

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I wanna get it on FS. Wait to you see the scheme for the O, people will not know what hit them. I based it off what I seen people playing, the red hawks and phils D. It is on!



:rolleye: my scheme just changed after a long talk with the carter. Clearly personal is being moved around, so we will be playing a lot more aggressive. Our goal is to out score our offEnse and there whole team

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