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WWII Bomb found , controlled explosion in river

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That video shot from the roof top was probably the coolest thing I've seen like that.. It puts things into a perspective of how real things really are.


go to iraq


/crotchety vet blah blah I've been to war and you haven't so you wouldn't understand blah blah

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Pretty cool it still worked, MADE IN USA BABY!


they probably used C4 to exploded it.


I was out in Fallon, NV at a Naval base for 4 months rebuilding Targets in the middle of the dessert for their Top Gun School.


Any time we came across any kind of metal sticking out of the ground we had to call EOD to exploded it. It used to be a test site for live bombs, sometimes they wouldn't go off so they would just blow everthing up that they came across, just incase it was still live.


Now they use fake bombs for target practice, when it lands it lets off a puff of powder so that the pilot can tell if he hit the target or not.

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Pretty cool it still worked, MADE IN USA BABY!


You'd be amazed at how well explosives continue to work. All of the C4 that we use now during day to day operations here in the States is from the '60s. Left over from Vietnam. Even black powder filled cannon balls from the War of Northern Aggression are extremely dangerous, and in most cases more sensitive now than the day they were manufactured.

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It's an almost daily occurence in Germany...there were almost 2.8 MILLION tons of bombs dropped on Das Reich by the Allies...and some of the fuses used were NOT reliable. Most of the raids targeted industrial areas and city centers, which are the areas being redeveloped and built up now, leading to undetonated ordnance surfacing many years later.


There are large areas in eastern France that are still considered unsafe due to undetonated artillery shells from WW1. In parts of the Ukraine and Belorussia, you can find ammunition, both fired and unfired, literally sitting on the surface after frost heaves it up.

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