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16 year old kid beats bus driver


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Personally, as a child of those 60s and 70s, I think the morality was there, and has decreased over time, regardless of the generation. Time has taken it's toll and done the deed. What did happen, is the liberal portion of the 60s and 70s, like education, teachers, etc, whatever, took liberty, and became uber liberal. Yes, a swing way to the Left started, and hasn't stopped. If you look closely, even the Right Wing portions of society, have shifted Left. Each decade brings more wild stuff that would be unheard of the decade before. Will it stop? Sure, when it swings back to the Right, and we will hate it...

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It's that same reason that a few terrorists can take over a plane with a box cutter, society has formed us to keep to ourselves and pretend nothing has happened. We tend to as a society to turn a blind eye to evil and confrontation to keep ourselves out of it and believe that this will keep us protected. The one thing we all needs to realize is the evil that you witness will grow and eventually effect you and be harder to stop. (by no means disrespect to anyone involved in 9/11)

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I think our government should take a lot of blame for shit like this too. Back in the day parents and teachers could actually discipline kids and not get in trouble, teachers had swats and parents could spank their children or use some other kind of physical punishment to get their point across and it usually worked. I promise you if they still had swats in schools then our school systems would not be nearly as fucked up as they are. Anymore parents and teachers fear the kids, and with good reason, that kid is gonna get a slap on the wrist maybe do a few months in juvi but nothing serious, however had the bus driver lost her cool and hit him then she would be going to prison for 20 years. Kids get away with everything now because everyone is afraid to discipline them.

On a side note dont twist what im saying, i dont think that it is acceptable for parents to beat their kids or punch them in the face or anyhting like that, however a smack to mouth may be neccessary if they mouth off, or my dads favorite the slap to the back of the head.

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I use to get the belt when I acted up. Also, our elementary principle use to carry his paddle everywhere he went and tapped it against the walls as he walked. I remember when kids got paddled he did it in the middle of the library which was in the middle of the school so every kid could hear it and put fear in them. IT WORKED!

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thats f'in crazy!

kids are out of control these days. (coming from a 24 yr old)

my mom had a big paddle it was 1" thick oak with 1" holes drilled in it. and if i did something wrong she would be the living day lights outta me! not is a crazy way but as to disapline me. and it worked but its crazy who u cant even whip ur own kiddys

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Ah yes, the 2x4 paddle with a handle carved out, holes drilled for aerodynamics, and a nun behind it. That was motivation.

This kid needs to get his. Of course no one is responsible for their actions anymore. Once caught he'll cry, claim it wasn't his fault cause he wasn't hugged enough or was hugged to much. The old passing of the blame buck that they all do now.

The hippie comment made me remember a joke:

What's red and yellow and looks good on hippies? Fire.

[The above joke in no way grants permission to set a hippie on fire. God forbid I get blamed by some jack ass who wasn't at fault when they torched a tie-dye]

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Tomcat. I thnk you hit ti right on the head. The shadow of the hippies. And now they're running our colleges, the ones that society tells ALL of our youth they have to go through to be anything. So now theses hippies have found a way to push their ajenda. and what can we do? Find a college or even a class at a college that teaches conservative , moral beliefs and though processes.

well there is Notre Dame, Xavier, Boston College... all Catholic universities...where morals and faith are anchors to the educational process....

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Wow, what a piece of sheet. I can honestly say that I was paddled once by my principle in like fifth grade, and maybe twice by my parents or grandparents IN MY WHOLE LIFE. Not taht they didnt believe in it, but thats all it took to put the fear of God in me. I still did stupid shit, but never went over the line. This kid obviously fears no punishment or pain so he will act however he wants. There is enough blame to go aound, the parents for being too weak to raise their kid right, the government for making it almost impossible, and society for standing by and watching. Wow, my head hurts, anybody for a beer?

+1 on burning hippies too, not that they have any responsibility in this post, but thats about all they are good for.

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I heard the bus driver and that punk live around the corner from eachother in their neighborhood! Also, that he got released for $500 and all is well!! :nono:

Somebody was telling me they researched the story and found articles making these statements.

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