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Fallen Soldier brought home today.

Otis Nice

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This is exactly why I'm losing weight. So I can go EOD and prevent this crap from happening.


Welcome home Soldier. Welcome home.


Forgive me customers. If you come to my office or call my phone I will be out by the street proudly waving my American flag as the procession comes through.

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If I can get a guaranteed shot at the EOD pipeline I'll go Navy. I never wanted to go Navy since grandpa is a 21 year USAF EOD vet, bro-in-law is a USMC SGT, friend is a USMC PFC, and other friends are Army Ranger and Infantry. I've always heard the stereotypes such as, "90 Sailors go down, 45 couples come up," and "Do you really want to be stuck on a ship surrounded by men for 6 months or more at a time?" Truth is I never looked into the Navy for myself.


Navy is the only branch that jump AND dive trains it's EOD's though. Therefore they can deploy anywhere at anytime with any team, be it SEAL, Ranger, Green Beret, Marine Recon, etc.


If I can't go USN EOD I'll go EOD for any branch. Probably USMC. Luckily the job I want is across all 4 branches.


EDIT: Just realized you are military so you probably know all this. :) Thanks for serving Soldier.

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I didn't know that part about the Navy but I have worked with them in Iraq before. I have a friend in the Navy and he seems to enjoy it. Good luck to you getting the job you want. I have a friend who failed out of the EOD school in the Army, he got sent to the wolves and became needs of the Army. Thanks though :thumbup:
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Weird. Was just there. Channel 10 is here and the funeral is ending so as is custom The Dispatch probably considers it a done deal and it's lost in the memories of time.




Channel 10

Fox 28



Hopefully one of these will work for ya.

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