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natural gas rates ?????


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NEVER EVER AGAIN will i have electric Heat.


Ever. Period. Ever.


Even with the cost differential. I dont care.


having a heat pump Sucks. We even have brand new one, and there is NOThing worse than feeling cold ALL the fucking time.


Heat>Ambient air.

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i thought i wanted electric heat since i had it at my apartment, but gas heat = so much better


idk how much we pay, since i dont pay the utilities, but i think for last month the bill was $31 or so.


and holy shit to the person paying $160/mo for an 800 sq/ft apartment. the highest ive seen it at my 1400sq/ft house was this past winter when it was cold as fuck, and i think it was *maybe* $140-150.

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i thought i wanted electric heat since i had it at my apartment, but gas heat = so much better


idk how much we pay, since i dont pay the utilities, but i think for last month the bill was $31 or so.


and holy shit to the person paying $160/mo for an 800 sq/ft apartment. the highest ive seen it at my 1400sq/ft house was this past winter when it was cold as fuck, and i think it was *maybe* $140-150.


lucky....mine will hit $250 ONCE, in like feb when its been cold as shit, otherwise it's like 175ish. My furnace is new in 07 too...

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NEVER EVER AGAIN will i have electric Heat.


Ever. Period. Ever.


Even with the cost differential. I dont care.


having a heat pump Sucks. We even have brand new one, and there is NOThing worse than feeling cold ALL the fucking time.


Heat>Ambient air.


I have a heat pump and it works pretty well. I also have propane backup for when it gets below 35* outside.

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I pay 48 cents a cubic foot


That is cheap. Who do you have ?


Electric heat would kill me and my wallet. I just put in a new 95% gas furnance and replaced an old 15+ year old unit, so I can not wait to see how much I will be saving.

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That's why it's not bad. Try not having a fuel alternative. It's awful. We obtained a kerosene heater from the parents to heat the lower section of our house.


But it makes me woody after a few days of use even with a window cracked and the ceiling fan on.

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Natural gas prices are WAY down right now, so your bill should be reasonable. Electric prices, on the other hand, are going up (Thank you AEP) making an electric home something you may want to avoid simply for cost reasons. There are lots of reasons why this is happening, but essentially it boils down to this...Columbia gas customer pay what is essentially a variable market rate. Gas is down, your bill is down. Electric customers pay what is essentially a fixed tarriff rate, which means that regardless what the market does, your prices will remain essentially the same. Market goes down, AEP gets paid. I could go into way more detail, but those are the nuts and bolts.
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NEVER EVER AGAIN will i have electric Heat.


Ever. Period. Ever.


Even with the cost differential. I dont care.


having a heat pump Sucks. We even have brand new one, and there is NOThing worse than feeling cold ALL the fucking time.


Heat>Ambient air.


I'm all electric with a 5 Ton heat pump. Turn your thermostat up...my house isn't cold, but the electric bill is painful.

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