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Fuckin POS Family Members...


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So anyone else have POS family members that only know how to leech off of their brothers sistes and parents?! B/c i sure as fuck do my worthless older brother. Mutherfucker wants to borrow my car to pick up his daughter in fucking Kentucky b/c his pos expedition doesnt have heat and he doesnt have any money to fix it b/c he's too busy supporting some girl and her 3 kids that arent even his! When i tell him my cars brakes are shot and DEFINITLY cant make the drive to Kentucky or whereever the fuck he's gotta go he goes apeshit saying how im fucking him on purpose and im a little bitch and all i ever think about is myself.... ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?!?!?!


I know it sounds like a very juvenial thing to do but i really got into a txt argument with him for the past hour and it felt so fucking good calling him out on all the fucking bullshit he's put our family through in the last 10 years hes really fucking delusional.


Worst of all he now says im dead to him and his daughter and if his daughter Bellas ever ask's about Uncle Ryan he'll be sure to tell her what a piece of shit i am. Wow.... awesome bro. Im so fucking angry im shaking.



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I have a delusianal younger brother that I dont speak to anymore. The drama just became to much and he literally kicked me out of his truck 2 weeks after I went into a wheelchair and he was bringing me home from the Dr.'s. I stiil dont know what the wife was thinking suggesting the bonding time.
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Even a little bit of drama is too much for me. It's a shame he's dragging his daughter into this, but sounds like you're better off having him not talk to you. I'll bet as soon as he needs something else he comes around and starts talking to you.




Nobody needs drama like that in their life, especially is you have your own family to take care of. I would just cut him off, and during family functions and stuff, just be polite but nothing more.

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Nobody needs drama like that in their life, especially is you have your own family to take care of. I would just cut him off, and during family functions and stuff, just be polite but nothing more.




Just stay away, I am going with my mom to my sisters wedding FOR MY MOM not my sister.


Just be polite like mentioned above if he wants to cause a scene let it happen and let it roll off your shoulders. True friends and family will know who you are and how you act.


Stay true, Shoulda gave him the # to Enterprise.

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So anyone else have POS family members that only know how to leech off of their brothers sistes and parents?! B/c i sure as fuck do my worthless older brother. Mutherfucker wants to borrow my car to pick up his daughter in fucking Kentucky b/c his pos expedition doesnt have heat and he doesnt have any money to fix it b/c he's too busy supporting some girl and her 3 kids that arent even his! When i tell him my cars brakes are shot and DEFINITLY cant make the drive to Kentucky or whereever the fuck he's gotta go he goes apeshit saying how im fucking him on purpose and im a little bitch and all i ever think about is myself.... ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?!?!?!



I know it sounds like a very juvenial thing to do but i really got into a txt argument with him for the past hour and it felt so fucking good calling him out on all the fucking bullshit he's put our family through in the last 10 years hes really fucking delusional.



Worst of all he now says im dead to him and his daughter and if his daughter Bellas ever ask's about Uncle Ryan he'll be sure to tell her what a piece of shit i am. Wow.... awesome bro. Im so fucking angry im shaking.




Wow that sucks. Hopefully he thanks how much of in ass he is on his way to Kentucky and calls to apologies to you. Still don't talk to him for awhile.




I have a delusianal younger brother that I dont speak to anymore. The drama just became to much and he literally kicked me out of his truck 2 weeks after I went into a wheelchair and he was bringing me home from the Dr.'s. I stiil dont know what the wife was thinking suggesting the bonding time.


I would've thrown something and busted one of his windows.





Just stay away, I am going with my mom to my sisters wedding FOR MY MOM not my sister.


Just be polite like mentioned above if he wants to cause a scene let it happen and let it roll off your shoulders. True friends and family will know who you are and how you act.


Stay true, Shoulda gave him the # to Enterprise.


lol. You should sleep with the maid of honor lol

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I have a younger sister like this, My family company pays for her tuition ( didnt pay for mine mind you) and she doesnt work here nor is she ever allowed back in the building as far as I am concerned. When she found out we are getting year end bonuses she wigged out and tarted demanding that she gets one because, and I quote, " Its our fucking company and no one should get more so we can keep it all!".


I almost killed her.

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All family shit aside.. youre MUCH better off NOT loaning a car to a person like that.


Trust me i know, I didnt want to in the firrst place but the way my brother is.... he will guilt trip you to begin with, then he'll be a dick and try and intimidate you into doing what he wants then he'll just insult you and threaten to "beat my little ass" when he knows he wont get what he want.


My brother is seriously delusional, he's crazy. His personal life is such a fucking mess he takes it out on everyone else. My sister txt'ed hima bit of advice about bartending and he fucking went off calling her an alcoholic and a loser blah blah blah. he's borrowed more money than i can remember, he used my other brother to sign on his truck then neglected the payments EVERY MONTH for teh whole term of the loan, my other brother at one point had a repo man show up at his mother-in-law's house looking for the truck. He use's my mother as a check book and thats it. He has a sense of entitlement about EVERYTHING and thinks his whole family owes him something. Whenever he's around we usually walk on eggshells, Ive been sick of it for years but i never said anything until last night.


I hate to say i'd dissown him but i dont see any way he and i would continue a relationship now. Which is crazy, me and my oldest brother are real close we hang out all the time. As im the youngest of 5 we have a big family and we're all relatively close and still talk weekly, except matt. Holidays might be weird but whatever i'll just ignore him.

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sounds like Eric Cartman. one of those people who never learned personal responsibility and is very adept at ignoring their own faults and blaming the world for their problems. there's nothing you can do to help these people. they're the ones who touch a hot stove and instead of learning not to touch it again, they start screaming about how if someone else hadn't been cooking this never would've happened in the first place.
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Well one thing that you have to remember is that it's family. To some people that doesn't mean much but to other it's important. I can't see turning my back on a relative (especially my immediate family). My sister for example sounds a lot like your brother in that they both expect people to help them and if they don't then we're shit because we didn't help. I let her live with me for almost a year (she said it was only gonna be 3 months) but as soon as I asked her to start looking for a place she went crazy on me and told me that I was shit for "kicking her out". Anyway... not to get into the details of my family issues but I hate drama too. So I figured out how much I was willing to put up with. I'll still talk to her but I'm not busting my ass or putting myself out there anymore to help her that's for sure. You can still be there without getting shit on too much. good luck though.
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Wow that sucks. Hopefully he thanks how much of in ass he is on his way to Kentucky and calls to apologies to you. Still don't talk to him for awhile.






I would've thrown something and busted one of his windows.





lol. You should sleep with the maid of honor lol


Im gonna take me one hell of a date... Stripper status, Que the big tits and cleavage.

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So anyone else have POS family members that only know how to leech off of their brothers sistes and parents?! B/c i sure as fuck do my worthless older brother. Mutherfucker wants to borrow my car to pick up his daughter in fucking Kentucky b/c his pos expedition doesnt have heat and he doesnt have any money to fix it b/c he's too busy supporting some girl and her 3 kids that arent even his! When i tell him my cars brakes are shot and DEFINITLY cant make the drive to Kentucky or whereever the fuck he's gotta go he goes apeshit saying how im fucking him on purpose and im a little bitch and all i ever think about is myself.... ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?!?!?!


I know it sounds like a very juvenial thing to do but i really got into a txt argument with him for the past hour and it felt so fucking good calling him out on all the fucking bullshit he's put our family through in the last 10 years hes really fucking delusional.


Worst of all he now says im dead to him and his daughter and if his daughter Bellas ever ask's about Uncle Ryan he'll be sure to tell her what a piece of shit i am. Wow.... awesome bro. Im so fucking angry im shaking.




fuck him and next time u see him beat his ass since he's ur brother and he's such a piece of shit to his family.

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I've gone through major lows and a few mid-to-high points with my own sister. However, about 2 years ago the wife and I pretty much cut her off completely from our lives due to her selfish behavior. Long story short, I know she checks our family photos and details and asks my parents about us, etc.


My family is Italian and my father really big on "family staying together" regardless of all the shit. Very tough for me to do. In fact I don't believe the same way. However, in honor of his wishes, I've loosened up a little, and while I still keep my distance, I will talk cordially to her at times. Her boyfriend is cool and we're good, but her and I are still on rocky ground. Likely always will be.


I say create distance, cut him off and stop all contact for a minimum of 6-12 months. He will either continue on or change. Either way, you'll be fine.


Good luck man.

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How ironic my younger brother who lives with my mom just got drunk tonight. Talk about drama. The last thing I heard out of his mouth just a few minutes ago was him calling me a dickhead. I really don't like talking about it much because this has gone on for way to long. Many night I have been up all night wondering what the hell is going at my moms house. With the passing of my dad and my brother moving in there going on his drinking rampages about every 2-3 weeks, Yes I have Drama and I know a little about it. So you are not alone. I guess almost everyone has some drama just some worse then others. It seems like when I put my foot down it just makes it worse. Hell I could start my own thread here and ramble on all night.
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fuck him and next time u see him beat his ass since he's ur brother and he's such a piece of shit to his family.


I would but im really not exaggerating when i say he's almost twice my size. Im not small by any means 6' 220-230lbs depending how fat i am, but he is and has always been much bigger, 6'2-6'3" 300-330lbs, he's been fighting people his whole life and wouldnt hesitate to throw down with his own faimly. If it comes to that then i wont shy away but i wouldnt do it in front of the kids, and he would.


Tim: My mother is the same way. Since our father passed when i was young she's always been very adamant (sp?) about all 5 of us staying close, which for the most part we have. But even she has a hard time with him. I would say i'd just keep my distance in the same way you have but i dont even have to try that hard. We live less than a mile apart and I NEVER see him. Maybe thats a blessing in disguise?

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