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Immke Honda service shop....


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  mmrmnhrm said:



:bs: Whoever it was stood there and pulled out a calculator as if I don't know how to do math. Not the way to make someone with an engineering degree, who's staring at you with sticker shock after working 12+ hour days for three weeks straight, feel better. I would like the convenience of local service and a chance to relax, but if it's going to cost that much, screw it.



You gotta pay to have quality oem parts installed. Thousands of other people pay for service there and don't argue about prices mainly because they don't work on their own cars ever, are lazy, or have crap tons of money. If you can change the oil yourself, why not do all the maintenance yourself? I do that with my Audis so I don't spend tons of money on labor.


Honda marysville is a little cheaper but they are also 15 minutes out of Dublin and fully booked all the time. We get cars in and out really quick except Saturdays when we are swamped.

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  Evolved8 said:
why even bother going onto a dealer if you have that mentality going into it.

Why bother? Two reasons:

1. Nothing about the CVT fluid change is documented in the owner's manual, and there's an odd process to make sure you put in the right amount. Then again, the OM doesn't even mention adjustment points for the headlights, it just says "the headlights were properly aimed when your vehicle was new... Adjustment should be done by your dealer." So any time I go over a pot-hole and the aim gets knocked off, I have to visit my dealer?

2. After working three 60+ hour weeks in a row, I'd prefer not to spend a weekend afternoon in near-freezing weather mucking about underneath my car. There's a price I'm willing to pay for convenience (and to feel confident some kid didn't cross-thread the drain bolt while staring at the cheerleader through the waiting-room window), but $90/hr is not it.


  6 Speed S4 said:
Thousands of other people pay for service there and don't argue about prices mainly because they don't work on their own cars ever, are lazy, or have crap tons of money.

I think you just described about 3/4 of northern Columbus...

If you can change the oil yourself, why not do all the maintenance yourself?

If the CVT process were documented, I would. That's the only piece of this car, apart from recalls and small consumables (my cell charger eats those microfuses for lunch) that ever makes me visit. I kinda wonder if it's in that AllData set someone mentioned a couple months ago, but didn't reply to my PM about.

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  Evolved8 said:
I look at it this way if you want to complain/and or cant afford the services for your car then take the bus or walk. End Thread/


I think his point is valid and it's that the dealership is charging some crazy ass amounts. Nothing more. Your thoughts on walking are like telling everyone here who has commented about bitches to just give up women and surf porn. Yes, I actually opened that door wide for everyone. :p

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he does some what have a point. i dont know about immke, but when i worked at dave gill, i was a lube tech (meaning i pretty much did all of that stuff you mentioned minus the trans and i only made 8.xx an hour. Not sure if all dealerships have those kind of people though.


For your question on how much techs make, it depends on how qualified they are. My dad has all of his ASE certifications and made pretty close to 29 an hour at a buick dealership.

Edited by pontiacfreak142
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  Jones said:
Summary of thread:


Confirming the stereotype of Hybrid owners.



You'll have to explain this, as I haven't watched SP in something like 12 years now. If it's something to do with hybrid versus non-hybrid, that has nothing to do with it. Go back and read the thread, you'll notice that not once did I ever blame these prices on the type of car I drive. In fact, except for Evolved8 who mentions the higher cost of 0w20 (which I picked up at Napa for $5.79) and Archie (whose point I can't quite fathom), the fact that I have a hybrid is a complete non-issue. What is at issue is:

1. Why labor at a dealership costs so much (my initial rant)

2. Why standard maintenance items are not fully documented in the OM (which prevents me from just doing it all myself)

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To the OP, i had the same sticker shock when a VW dealership quoted me $520 for a routine 40k mile (might have been 50k). When I asked what all was included it was routine maintenance, oil change with filter, top off all fluids check belts etc... blah blah blah. Basically absolutly NOTHING worth $520. Someone on here (I think it was Jones) recommended I try MotorKars in Grandview I went to them a few weeks ago and had awesome service at a great price. Hell they even did some service for free, they lubed my door hinge b/c it squeeked and even noticed my tire needed to be plugged b/c it had a slow leak. Those may seem small but a dealership would've charged me .5hrs to do that work.


I understand not wanting to do your own work, and I understand not wanting to pay a rediculous amount to get it done. The only compromise is to find a quality shop thats not a dealership, right?

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why is it so expensive? the cost of doing business, electric isn't free, water isn't free, all that equipment isn't free, all those techs there go to school that isnt free if you knew what it cost to keep that dealership running a day you would prolly shit. there is more too it then just paying a tech $8 bucks and hour to change oil and the other 82 dollars is profit. would be nice if it was, i would be rich
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  HotCarl said:
Someone on here (I think it was Jones) recommended I try MotorKars in Grandview I went to them a few weeks ago and had awesome service at a great price. Hell they even did some service for free, they lubed my door hinge b/c it squeeked and even noticed my tire needed to be plugged b/c it had a slow leak. Those may seem small but a dealership would've charged me .5hrs to do that work.




Glad to hear the visit went well. If you don't want to use the dealer, you either have to have an independent shop you trust, or turn your own wrenches.

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That was all mind numbing. It's really quite simple. They will charge what the market will bear. I think the problem have with dealerships is they don't realize what they are getting for what they are paying for. Granted there are some major tools there but quality is key. It's the writers job "sell" the work being done.


When I quote somebody for a Hazardous Waste drum for removal they get sticker shock all day long. What they don't realize is the cost for my guys to handle the drum, haul the drum, Paper Work, Fuel, Insurance, Processing, Reporting, payout for the reps, Disposal facility, ETC. Parts Washers are the same way. While my company certainly isn't the cheapest out there being a premium provider it'll come with costs.


I asked a guy last week if he wanted my service for a 20G parts washer for 125 a turn, or his current who was charging him 85 for a 20G service, filling the drum with 8 gallons and a brick in the bottom of the drum to weigh it down. Suddenly he realized he wasn't getting such a great deal.


rant over

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  HotCarl said:
Someone on here (I think it was Jones) recommended I try MotorKars in Grandview I went to them a few weeks ago and had awesome service at a great price. Hell they even did some service for free, they lubed my door hinge b/c it squeeked and even noticed my tire needed to be plugged b/c it had a slow leak. Those may seem small but a dealership would've charged me .5hrs to do that work.

This is very useful info :) I haven't had the need to find a real mechanic since I moved down here about six years ago (except once when the only option was Germain Ford because of a rare part at 9pm).

  HotCarl said:
I understand not wanting to do your own work, and I understand not wanting to pay a rediculous amount to get it done. The only compromise is to find a quality shop thats not a dealership, right?

  Jones said:
If you don't want to use the dealer, you either have to have an independent shop you trust, or turn your own wrenches.

  Nitrousbird said:
You are on an automotive enthusiast website, and aren't doing your own basic maintenance. Really?!

Jones, you can bet I'll be checking out MK when I need something more than what NTB can handle. Nitrous (and others), learn to read. I keep telling you folks I do my own oil and filters and just wanted a break for once. 60 hour weeks suck. Only the CVT that worries me since it's not documented :(

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  mmrmnhrm said:
I keep telling you folks I do my own oil and filters and just wanted a break for once. 60 hour weeks suck. Only the CVT that worries me since it's not documented :(

I bet it would take less time buying the oil whenever it is convient (on the way home from work), then doing it when you have time, than it would to drive over to a dealer and wait around for it to get done. There goes the time excuse. The money saved makes up for your time as well.

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  Nitrousbird said:
I bet it would take less time buying the oil whenever it is convient (on the way home from work), then doing it when you have time, than it would to drive over to a dealer and wait around for it to get done. There goes the time excuse. The money saved makes up for your time as well.

I already have the damned oil and filters for when I do it myself. Hello... I have said flat out a couple of times now that if it weren't for the CVT, and that I just want to relax for a change instead of spending an hour on frozen concrete, I'd be doing this one myself as well.


Who's got those AD DVD's? I'll come over with a spare hard drive now if you've got the time. Can't believe I'm catching this much flack for wanting a weekend off.

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  mmrmnhrm said:


Jones, you can bet I'll be checking out MK when I need something more than what NTB can handle. Nitrous (and others), learn to read. I keep telling you folks I do my own oil and filters and just wanted a break for once. 60 hour weeks suck. Only the CVT that worries me since it's not documented :(


Motorkars specializes in Volkswagen, Audi and select Porsche vehicles.

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  6 Speed S4 said:
Motorkars specializes in Volkswagen, Audi and select Porsche vehicles.

Bollocks!! Any Honda spec shops around that won't try to turn me into a ricer?


On a better note, F-YOU HONDA!!! I finally found the CVT instructions scanned in a 4-year old post on a hippie board :bangbang: (But I'd still like a copy of that AllData set, if it's still around)

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  mmrmnhrm said:
Bollocks!! Any Honda spec shops around that won't try to turn me into a ricer?


On a better note, F-YOU HONDA!!! I finally found the CVT instructions scanned in a 4-year old post on a hippie board :bangbang: (But I'd still like a copy of that AllData set, if it's still around)


We actually have a hybrid civic now even though we are by no means a "Honda" shop. If you are in Worthington we are not all that far away either (Corner of 23 and Powell Rd). Shoot me a call (614-444-5884) or send me an email over: sales@ipsmotorsports.net


Take care,


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Thanks for the offer, Jeff... got the docs I need for the CVT change, but I do need to get an idea of who can turn the wrenches I either don't own, or don't trust myself with. Curious about two things..

1- What's this HCH in for, and is it first gen (7th gen platform) or second (8th gen)?

2- I could have sworn IPS was over by the 270-161 interchange. All I remember at 23 and Polaris is Discount Tire, Tuffy, and Midas all bunched together.

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  mmrmnhrm said:

2- I could have sworn IPS was over by the 270-161 interchange. All I remember at 23 and Polaris is Discount Tire, Tuffy, and Midas all bunched together.


We just moved in the past month :) We are now at 8333 Green Meadows which is right behind that group. Stop by if you are in the neighborhood and someone will be more than happy to show you around :)


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  mmrmnhrm said:
Thanks for the offer, Jeff... got the docs I need for the CVT change, but I do need to get an idea of who can turn the wrenches I either don't own, or don't trust myself with.



I have a Honda tech that lives 2 doors down from me....he is constantly turning wrenches on all sorts of Honda's in his personal garage (and driveway) for side money. I've had him help me out with a few things I didn't have the tools for, if your interested, I could talk to him about what he would charge to do whatever work you didn't want to. Just PM me for more info.

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