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End of exam week.......


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yea you're right. Since Jamie got the dogs she usually stays home with them unless we go to the zig lol


Ollie needed a friend so she got another IG. It's a major responsibility to own those dogs let alone two. I own one myself and he is a handfull. How are they doing these days?

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Ollie needed a friend so she got another IG. It's a major responsibility to own those dogs let alone two. I own one myself and he is a handfull. How are they doing these days?


Yep, she has 2 italian greyhounds now. The other's name is theo. They're awesome.

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Holy shit! What frat? where? We got in huge trouble last year, but we're just on probation till the end of this year


Epsilon Delta Tau. We're a local Engineering only fraternity. Someone assaulted a brother at a party we had and we called the police and they hit us with serving to minors, disrespect to God and the community (UD is a catholic school), and a few other BS charges. We got kicked off campus for 3 years :-(

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If you haven't taken an English class yet, do so very soon. One more thing, enjoy slapping your friends asses too.


There are*, this is the internet, don't take things so seriously. I'm a 5th year senior Mech. Engineering student (co-op program), so I didn't pay much attention in english class. Traded alot of beer to the other kids to write my papers ;-)

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There are*, this is the internet, don't take things so seriously. I'm a 5th year senior Mech. Engineering student (co-op program), so I didn't pay much attention in english class. Traded alot of beer to the other kids to write my papers ;-)


Time to drink your education away!

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There are*, this is the internet, don't take things so seriously. I'm a 5th year senior Mech. Engineering student (co-op program), so I didn't pay much attention in english class. Traded alot of beer to the other kids to write my papers ;-)


This is also the "Pussy" room, I mean romper room. It's all in good fun in here. Of course you can't type anything to upset anyone in here anymore or you will get banned, so I'm done.

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Epsilon Delta Tau. We're a local Engineering only fraternity. Someone assaulted a brother at a party we had and we called the police and they hit us with serving to minors, disrespect to God and the community (UD is a catholic school), and a few other BS charges. We got kicked off campus for 3 years :-(


That sucks. We got in trouble for having the new members out too late for nme last year, so by capital's definition, that's hazing.

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That sucks. We got in trouble for having the new members out too late for nme last year, so by capital's definition, that's hazing.


Anything is considered hazing anymore. The sorority here where I attend college is not allowed to call their pledges "pledges", but rather "pledge sisters" because it is considered hazing. It's BS. Just for the spirit of the conversation; I'm a brother of Tau Kappa Epsilon :)


Just finished my last exam this morning! I plan to celebrate by pulling the engine in my FD. Good times...good times.

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That sucks. We got in trouble for having the new members out too late for nme last year, so by capital's definition, that's hazing.


Everything is hazing now. We made our pledges carry cinder blocks to a field one by one and spell out our fraternity name many years ago. Our pledging process is toned down a lot now, I wish people didn't get so butt-hurt about shit these days.

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Everything is hazing now. We made our pledges carry cinder blocks to a field one by one and spell out our fraternity name many years ago. Our pledging process is toned down a lot now, I wish people didn't get so butt-hurt about shit these days.


Yea, I had a ton of fun when I pledged and all of it was considered hazing.


Fyi, if anyone is going to arena tonight, I'm going to brothers right now. if you don't know me i'm pretty tall and have blonde curly hair.

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Anything is considered hazing anymore. The sorority here where I attend college is not allowed to call their pledges "pledges", but rather "pledge sisters" because it is considered hazing. It's BS. Just for the spirit of the conversation; I'm a brother of Tau Kappa Epsilon :)


Just finished my last exam this morning! I plan to celebrate by pulling the engine in my FD. Good times...good times.


If I told you what my brothers frat did for hazing at OU people could go to jail if the word got out.

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Yea, I had a ton of fun when I pledged and all of it was considered hazing.


Fyi, if anyone is going to arena tonight, I'm going to brothers right now. if you don't know me i'm pretty tall and have blonde curly hair.



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Yea, I had a ton of fun when I pledged and all of it was considered hazing.


Fyi, if anyone is going to arena tonight, I'm going to brothers right now. if you don't know me i'm pretty tall and have blonde curly hair.


Key is: Going to arena tonight... Saturday lol. And starting at brothers and making our way down the strip.

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Finished my last college exam EVER on Tuesday! I graduate on the 10th! AHHHHH :D


*high five* i graduated on the 10th from Lincoln


Im not sure which I was more excited about... graduating college or getting the fuck out of Indianapolis

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