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Weight Loss Thread "2010/2011"


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Busted ass today at the gyms. Did 2 sessions. One primarily weight lifting with 100 situps and 50 deep dips thrown in then another that was mainly cardio with another 100 situps, around 30 pullups total, and some running and then biking.


Sitting at 227lbs and 95lbs lost so far. Want 222lbs by Dec 6th so I can say I dropped 100lbs in a year

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Want 222lbs by Dec 6th so I can say I dropped 100lbs in a year


Do whatever you can to get there. It's an amazing feeling when you are able to tell people and their jaws drop. I've lost 132 pounds in a year.



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Wow.........good for you man!


I've started to watch what i've been eating and went and joined a gym last monday. I reently had a check up at the dr. and I gained 14lbs since my last check up (6 months ago). My weight at that time was 279.7 since monday I've lost 4.5lbs so I'm now 275.2. I'm 6'1" and I'd like to drop 40lbs.


I'm actually in a contest with a guy i work with and It goes till Feb 1st.


My biggest problem is I love drinking Coke, Fast food is yummy and Pizza is my best friend. So far I haven't had any Coke and have been changing eating habit's (No more McD's burgers for lunch everyday), more salad, grilled chicken, fruit and some veggies (can't stand much, but can eat carrot's and broccolli). Also portion size is a big one for me, so I've been cutting that as well. Subway is now my friend and only 6" subs instead of 12".


I know 40lbs is very doable, but I'm not very good at staying on a diet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Right time to bump this back up. I'm pretty much done losing weight just focusing on muscle now. On any given day Im between 220 and 225lbs.


Wearing 34 waist jeans comfortably and in a large shirt nicely. Would optimally like a 32 waist but not really concerned about it since every clothing manufacturer makes my size that I've looked for.


Also being able to buy fitted clothing is amazing. I'm quickly becoming a fan of Banana Republic

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Right time to bump this back up. I'm pretty much done losing weight just focusing on muscle now. On any given day Im between 220 and 225lbs.


Wearing 34 waist jeans comfortably and in a large shirt nicely. Would optimally like a 32 waist but not really concerned about it since every clothing manufacturer makes my size that I've looked for.


Also being able to buy fitted clothing is amazing. I'm quickly becoming a fan of Banana Republic


I'm convinced every manufacturer is shrinking their 32s. That or I'm just getting fat.




Asked for pullup bar for xmas. Didn't get it. :fa:


Hopefull about my 2012 goals, haven't ironed them out yet.

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Dude, you look awesome! Great job! :cool:


I've managed to keep my weight off since 2008. Maybe I've covered it earlier in the thread, maybe not, but I dropped 65 pounds between April and September of 2008. Some major crap with work kept me from the gym in later 2009 through March of 2010, so I put back on about 15 pounds. Then that March through August 2010 I dropped 30+. I've manged to stay at that weight since. So adding it all up, that's 80+ total.


The gym 3-4 days a week, ice hockey 1-2 times, and watching what I'm eating (mostly during the week, the weekends I let loose a bit) has kept me at a good fitness level. The best thing is, that my routine and life style is just a part of what I do now. It's not a "diet" or the like. It's just how I live my life to stay in the shape I'm in.


Me a few months ago with my grandmother:



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