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Foxnews is full of lies or this link is full of lies? SAY IT AINT SOOOOOOOO WHOA A WHOAAAAAAA




News Corpse / By Mark Howard

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Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid

A new survey of American voters shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources.

December 15, 2010 |





Yet another study has been released proving that watching Fox News is detrimental to your intelligence. World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation.


So the more you watch, the less you know. Or to be precise, the more you think you know that is actually false. This study corroborates a previous PIPA study that focused on the Iraq war with similar results. And there was an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll that demonstrated the break with reality on the part of Fox viewers with regard to health care. The body of evidence that Fox News is nothing but a propaganda machine dedicated to lies is growing by the day.


In eight of the nine questions below, Fox News placed first in the percentage of those who were misinformed (they placed second in the question on TARP). That’s a pretty high batting average for journalistic fraud. Here is a list of what Fox News viewers believe that just aint so:


* 91 percent believe the stimulus legislation lost jobs

* 72 percent believe the health reform law will increase the deficit

* 72 percent believe the economy is getting worse

* 60 percent believe climate change is not occurring

* 49 percent believe income taxes have gone up

* 63 percent believe the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts

* 56 percent believe Obama initiated the GM/Chrysler bailout

* 38 percent believe that most Republicans opposed TARP

* 63 percent believe Obama was not born in the U.S. (or that it is unclear)


The conclusion is inescapable. Fox News is deliberately misinforming its viewers and it is doing so for a reason. Every issue above is one in which the Republican Party had a vested interest. The GOP benefited from the ignorance that Fox News helped to proliferate. The results were apparent in the election last month as voters based their decisions on demonstrably false information fed to them by Fox News.


By the way, the rest of the media was not blameless. CNN and the broadcast network news operations fared only slightly better in many cases. Even MSNBC, which had the best record of accurately informing viewers, has a ways to go before it can brag about it.


The conclusions in this study need to be disseminated as broadly as possible. Fox’s competitors need to report these results and produce ad campaigns featuring them. Newspapers and magazines need to publish the study across the country. This is big news and it is critical that the nation be advised that a major news enterprise is poisoning their minds.


This is not an isolated review of Fox’s performance. It has been corroborated time and time again. The fact that Fox News is so blatantly dishonest, and the effects of that dishonesty have become ingrained in an electorate that has been been purposefully deceived, needs to be made known to every American. Our democracy cannot function if voters are making choices based on lies. We have the evidence that Fox is tilting the scales and we must now make certain its corporate owners do not get away with it.

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It's all propaganda. Try watching a foreign language newscast, or at least (real) BBC. It's no wonder much of the world thinks we're idiots.


The BBC... dont get me started on those progressives, they make our media look like peons in propoganda wars.


And the source of that article to me is shaky...

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I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as pure unbiased news, this article that you're quoting is just pointing out certain parts of a study done by some group at the University of Maryland. Why don't you find the actual study and let's see what all it says? I watch Fox news, I also watch CBS, they report mostly the same thing. I also watch the O'Reilly Factor and listen to Rush Limbaugh, so what? I like hearing what they have to say, but following along with what some people say 100% is about as stupid as Islamic extremests. I beleive in God, but I don't go to church because I beleive that every form of Cristianity is formed on a few people's opinions. Hence why I don't take this type shit at face value.





* 91 percent believe the stimulus legislation lost jobs

* 72 percent believe the health reform law will increase the deficit

* 72 percent believe the economy is getting worse

* 60 percent believe climate change is not occurring

* 49 percent believe income taxes have gone up

* 63 percent believe the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts

* 56 percent believe Obama initiated the GM/Chrysler bailout

* 38 percent believe that most Republicans opposed TARP

* 63 percent believe Obama was not born in the U.S. (or that it is unclear)

and all these facts prove is that people confuse news and opinion, and the general public just takes what they hear at face value. There are far too many variables to call any of these things facts whether right or wrong.



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"Perhaps this is an obvious point, but the democratic postulate is that the media are independent and committed to discovering and reporting the truth, and that they do not merely reflect the world as powerful groups wish it to be perceived. Leaders of the media claim that their news choices rest on unbiased professional and objective criteria, and they have support for this contention in the intellectual community. If, however, the powerful are able to fix the premises of discourse, to decide what the general populace is allowed to see, hear, and think about, and to “manage” public opinion by regular propaganda campaigns, the standard view of how the system works is at serious odds with reality."


Divided into multiple, interlocking parts that themselves betray a lack of focus, Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media opens with a vigorous examination of Chomsky's ideas about the mass media, “Thought Control in a Democratic Society.” Chomsky posits that the mainstream media shapes, defines, and controls public opinion, often by excluding, marginalizing, or otherwise dismissing dissent, all in service of political and corporate elites. For Chomsky, the generally held belief in the conventional role of the media, that of enabling the public to assert substantive control over the political process (based on the underlying assumption that representative democracies function best with a well-informed public, and therefore a free press unencumbered by government control or influence), is a false, misleading one. The mainstream media is driven by the pursuit of profit, is often owned and operated by corporations, and manipulated by their own desire for continued access to the corridors of power on the local, state, and national levels. The mainstream media sets the general agenda, selects the appropriate topics, determines emphasis and the framing of issues, as well as careful filtering of information and the “bounding” of debate, all in the service of dominant interest groups.

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I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as pure unbiased news


Yup. Even if you take cold hard facts (for example, wikileaks) your own interpretation of them is biased. This goes for every person on here, including myself and this post.


It's good to get a mix of different news sources in there, including BBC and Al Jezeera.


US and British Govt. plotted a bombing of the Al Jazeera headquarters to control the news.




Welcome to the new world order everybody :cool:

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"Perhaps this is an obvious point, but the democratic postulate is that the media are independent and committed to discovering and reporting the truth, and that they do not merely reflect the world as powerful groups wish it to be perceived. Leaders of the media claim that their news choices rest on unbiased professional and objective criteria, and they have support for this contention in the intellectual community. If, however, the powerful are able to fix the premises of discourse, to decide what the general populace is allowed to see, hear, and think about, and to “manage” public opinion by regular propaganda campaigns, the standard view of how the system works is at serious odds with reality."


Divided into multiple, interlocking parts that themselves betray a lack of focus, Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media opens with a vigorous examination of Chomsky's ideas about the mass media, “Thought Control in a Democratic Society.” Chomsky posits that the mainstream media shapes, defines, and controls public opinion, often by excluding, marginalizing, or otherwise dismissing dissent, all in service of political and corporate elites. For Chomsky, the generally held belief in the conventional role of the media, that of enabling the public to assert substantive control over the political process (based on the underlying assumption that representative democracies function best with a well-informed public, and therefore a free press unencumbered by government control or influence), is a false, misleading one. The mainstream media is driven by the pursuit of profit, is often owned and operated by corporations, and manipulated by their own desire for continued access to the corridors of power on the local, state, and national levels. The mainstream media sets the general agenda, selects the appropriate topics, determines emphasis and the framing of issues, as well as careful filtering of information and the “bounding” of debate, all in the service of dominant interest groups.


Chomsky is the god damn man. It still amazes me that people don't understand the media exists, like any other business, to make a profit. They don't have any duty to society. They produce stories that will sell the most advertising by getting the most viewers, simple as that.

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We get it trowa, you are a nutswinging lib tard.


I am a registered independent voter get it right telephone tough guy. My political values do not lean more to the left or right bro. I shit ammo and you will only pry my guns from my cold dead hands but I like some of the values (on paper at least) of socialism.



Don't taze me brah we be trollin.

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A strong well worded opinion can sound like a fact when done right. Its not misinformation as much as it is misinterpretation (even though thats how they want it to be interpreted lol).


Truth! If people really think the trash that is on CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC is anywhere close to the facts you really should quit life. The truth is much a hella more scary than what is put out there by the "media".

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Chomsky is the god damn man. It still amazes me that people don't understand the media exists' date=' like any other business, to make a profit. They don't have any duty to society. They produce stories that will sell the most advertising by getting the most viewers, simple as that.[/quote']


This is one of the scariest things to realize for me. I don't think many people understand that almost everything we think, say and/or do has been manipulated by media of some form. We no longer think for ourselves and we don't even realize it.

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Maybe you r libertarian?


I do like to think that each person has the right to live his life in any way he chooses so long as he respects the equal rights of others. But then capitalism and greed would not make our country as awesome as it is if no one got walked all over. Big pharma is a good example of corporate greed but they help keep people alive. Problem is not everyone can afford their drug prices.

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1-* 91 percent believe the stimulus legislation lost jobs

2-* 72 percent believe the health reform law will increase the deficit

3-* 72 percent believe the economy is getting worse

4-* 60 percent believe climate change is not occurring

5-* 49 percent believe income taxes have gone up

6-* 63 percent believe the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts

7-* 56 percent believe Obama initiated the GM/Chrysler bailout

8-* 38 percent believe that most Republicans opposed TARP

9-* 63 percent believe Obama was not born in the U.S. (or that it is unclear)

1. There have been a shit load of conflicting studies showing job creation or the lack thereof. Not really surprising people have no clue what to think. The gubberment and independent researchers cannot agree.

2. It won't? That's really interesting. How have they decided that? I mean, last I checked, the biggest stuff doesn't start until 2014. I'm intrigued to know that they can see the future.

3. This is a weird question to ask people. Is there a sign of recovery? Yes. Do many people other than economists see it? No. Until things start getting better for the average person, the majority of people won't believe things are getting better. Unfortunate but true.

4. People aren't very smart. I'd be interested to know if the question was as simple as it's worded here, or if it talked about greenhouse gases and other shit.

5. Income taxes are not solely determined by the federal government. State/local income taxes could have risen. I'd also be interested to see how many people who watch CNN and MSNBC think that taxes are being cut for the wealthy with the Obama tax deal.

6. My guess would be that a lot of people really have no idea what was in the stimulus. Sorry, but these bills just aren't that simple that you can pull them up and read them straight through.

7. Not Fox's fault. Obama took over and continued pushing things. They railed against Bush when he started the bailout stuff too.

8. Not a high percentage here, why should I care?

9. Ok, what is the problem with that? People are very upset that the president seems unwilling to play ball and unveil his documents. Like it or not, birther or not, he has not done so. There isn't a 100% sure answer on his status at this time.


Sorry, but a study (or at least the analysis) that is so deeply flawed really has no merit. Those were just some quick points that any simpleton should be able to figure out. Hell, anyone with even a little bit of a data analysis background should be questioning everything they see with stats. Unfortunately people are perfectly happy to say that everyone who opposes them is a liar. Each side is equally guilty of this, but the left seems to be louder once again. Just pay attention enough and you'll see what I mean. Hell, even the president's spiritual advisor, Van Jones, has said in an interview that Fox News is Satan.

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