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Intro - Dennis Mertzanis


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I prefer the Figure Skating reference...have you seen the talent figure skaters have, they are amazing.

Too bad drifting is more like Ice Dancing.


What kind of motorsports have judging? Never seen an F1 race where at the end they tell the winner "sorry, you didn't spin your tires enough, so we are going to go ahead and give you 4th place."


Drifting is for showboating, and generally attracts the type of crowd real car enthusiasts could all do without.

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Damn there are some dick approaches in this thread. You're not into what I'm into, so you must be wasting my time and be dumb. WTF?


There's not one person on this site that would turn down going out and trying to drift a car on a track, let alone want to be able to have any precision with car control. This is his thing, why does it have to get your approval?


Welcome to the site. It's good to see some variety around here. CR is a little like the dog pound. There's a little of every bread here and some don't get out much and start snapping at each other.


Nice build. I don't know a thing about drifting, but hope to see you post more in the future.

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Damn there are some dick approaches in this thread. You're not into what I'm into, so you must be wasting my time and be dumb. WTF?


There's not one person on this site that would turn down going out and trying to drift a car on a track, let alone want to be able to have any precision with car control. This is his thing, why does it have to get your approval?


Welcome to the site. It's good to see some variety around here. CR is a little like the dog pound. There's a little of every bread here and some don't get out much and start snapping at each other.


Nice build. I don't know a thing about drifting, but hope to see you post more in the future.

Agreed. Nice car, and I'm glad to see someone out there doing what they love with cars. I'm not big into drifting, but I know it takes skill and it's a lot of fun.


Welcome to the site.

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I like all new guys, I never figure out why people accuse others of hiding behind a computer though.


it boggles my mind too. All that aside. I believe he is the real deal though through what other people have told me about him.


Dennis - I hear you are one heck of a driver and your car/accomplishments/abilities are very good.


Unfortunately, you had one chance to make a good impression on here and you may have not done such a good job with that. Especially on a place like this, you cannot come on here and just start jabberjawing.


Most people on here are anti-imports or anti-drift. I hope (if you make it) you can cope with that and see the many benefits that this forum has to offer. IT is very hard to see and very much not transparent when you first get here.


Keep driving, keep enjoying yourself. Maybe do less of "trying to justify and prove that your sport is noteworthy to people who will never understand". You can't expect to come on here with a nice car, some real experience, and a chip on your shoulder. They will cut you off at the knees.



I say props though, car looks slick and I have heard that you take driving seriously.


I seriously wish I was into golf or something less time consuming


For truth's sake you will become a better driver before you become a better golfer. true story.

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Welcome to the site, Dennis! Great to have someone with passion on here. I gotta plug Cars and Coffee...we DO have guys here that get out from behind a computer to talk cars, and we love to hear some war stories!



All of you guys that wasted your Saturday night flaming a new guy should have your man cards revoked. Jason, you're exempt since you can't get out of bed. :)

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awsome man finally a sponsored racer. im working on sponsor ship. never tried before its a difficult battle. looks like your doing well with drifting. ull get a lot of haters on the site. im usually one of them. but its always good for a sponsord racer thats actually racing to be on the site. too many of the members will never be sponsord racers or actually race.

plus rep +

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I prefer the Figure Skating reference...have you seen the talent figure skaters have, they are amazing.


I've seen the talent... on their knees.


But I kid. Welcome to the site. Ignore the cry babies and whiners. Or don't. Supposedly, there are 'auto enthusiasts' on this board, but they seem to be few and far between. Like a true boob man, such as myself. :D I've said this before. If you're a true car guy, you enjoy all motorsports to an extent. Much like if you're a true boob guy, you just don't like big boobs, you like them all. Goddammit, I like them all.


Enjoy your stay.

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Hey new guy, remember there are a lot of people here with no cars and/or girlfriends. That leaves a lot of time for hating and masterbation.. sometimes at the same time. Expect drift references whenever people disagree with you for the next 37 years.


Here is a brief look into your future...


You: "I prefer tuna"


Them: "You would like tuna fish you drift fag"


You: ":wtf:"


Have fun, hope to see you around when you can find some free time.

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Masturbation, if your going to do it, at least know how to spell it. :)


Search the correct spelling and my name. I've typed it out 100000 times on this site. The fact that one is dominating their man parts I have adopted spelling it with "master" as to show dominance. I will continue to do so for forever, thank you.


Edit: Is it weird that when I spell it with a u it feels weird? Its like masterbating is when you beat it hard and show your penis who is boss. On the other hand (no pun intended) masturbate is like getting a girly smelling lotion, lighting candles, and loving yourself to slow music. When my spell check highlights that word I usually click ignore with a slight attitude. I'm the master damn you!

Edited by V8 Beast
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CR has always been a tough crowd. Not really sure why it's been like that, but it is. Some noobs do stuff to invite the criticism - this guy doesn't seem to be doing much beyond talking about what he likes to do with his time and his money?


Welcome, OP. I can't really comment much about drifting, since I don't know that much about it. Looks cool enough to me, though. And fairly difficult to do correctly.

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Plus rep all the way. The guy is obviously good at what he does and can rake in some nice sponsors and has done more with his car and efforts than 95% of the crowd here. Something tells me he would wipe the floor with most on a call-out to compete in his arena. "the force is strong with this one"
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Welcome, I saw you drive at one of the CMS "fun" events. I was really blown away seeing experienced drifting in person. Definitly something I do not want to participate in due to the obvious risks involved, but it's fun to watch and the cars are really neat.
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