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Wendy's new French Fries


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I had them once and they were kind of soggy, still tasted pretty good though. They kind of reminded me of fair fries. Some vinegar would really set them off!


That sounds like a good idea. I like salt and vinegar potato chips, never had vinegar on fries though. Rarely eat fries but I did try the new Wendy's ones and definitely prefer the old ones at their best (was kinda rare to get them at their best though). Burger King and Dairy Queen have my favorite fries.

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Sorry guys, but Wendy's old fries were fucking gay. *They always tasted soggy and undercooked, and pretty much had zero flavor to them.* The new fries aren't God's gift to fast food or anything, but they are MUCH better than their old faggot fries. Definitely a little too much salt though.


McDonald's and BK still have them beat, and NOTHING can even touch Arby's curly fries. You Arby's fry haters better wash your mouths out with soap.





*disclaimer, the Wendy's by Tuttle always had MUCH better fries than the other locations around, so I guess a lot of it depends on which one you go to

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