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Black Ops / Wii Insight


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Looking to add a few things to the new game system. I know many here have PS3's or 360's but we are a Wii family and that's all I have to say.


That said, I was looking into Black Ops. If so, what do you guys recommend for accessories / guns, etc. that would not only work on the Wii for this game, but perhaps others? Any one better than the other?


Sniper Rifle ?



Hand Guns?







What's the most versatile?


Where would you buy?

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First off, you can have more than one system. We have a Wii and a PS3. Honestly, the Wii mostly collects dust...the PS3 is used almost daily.


The Wii is for specific kinds of games. I burned World at War for the Wii for the hell of it, and it just isn't the same. That system isn't meant for 1st person shooters. The Resident Evil for the Wii is awful as well, and I love that franchise. The Wii is meant for exercise type of games, action sports games, group games, and a few other things work well (Rock Band / Guitar Hero work well, Twilight Princess (Zelda) was fun).

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First off, you can have more than one system. We have a Wii and a PS3. Honestly, the Wii mostly collects dust...the PS3 is used almost daily.


I've told you, sell me some stuff :D I'm not a gamer. With kids and what not, there's no real time, thus a true adult gaming system would be a waste. I do like Black Ops like games and have them on my PC, I'm just hoping to see it on a huge plasma or even in the theater :cool:


The Wii is for specific kinds of games. I burned World at War for the Wii for the hell of it, and it just isn't the same. That system isn't meant for 1st person shooters. The Resident Evil for the Wii is awful as well, and I love that franchise.


I hear you, but am curious as to what other Wii users say too.


Tim, I couldnt imagine anyone trying to play Black ops with a gun style of controller. Have you ever played any of these new shooter games? You are moving 6+ actual controls just to walk and shoot on a regular controller. This isnt Duckhunt.


yes, but there are two controllers, some of the guns have the movements built in? hell, I can play it very well on a keyboard, it's got to be easier on the Wii. not sure how it registers movement on these games. our Wii has Motion X or something built into the controllers which is supposed to enhance the gaming somehow.


I am with Tim on this, we got my kid Black Ops for the Wii. The Wii is our newest system.


Lettuce chat then too. I'm a big Craig's List nut, so I may pick up some stuff to try. There's also a new / used store in our area. Gadget Ease is owned by the same folks that do Once Upon a Child and New Uses. Looks pretty nice and I have a feeling gaming stuff lines that place.

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I have blackops for wii, been going to get the zapper for it. The sniper rifle looks better, but I wonder if the controls are good. It seems like the zapper may be laid out a little better for actual gameplay.


I haven't played much for console games since the original NES so these new controllers are nuts to me. I do play very well on computer FPS games though.

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i tried to play black ops on my buddies xbox360, then borrowed my brothers system for a week...i felt like a retard...like someone said, theres so many controls to use at the same time (2 joysticks just to move and look), it confused the shit out of me for the first 2-3 hours. even after a week, i probably wouldnt do good on anything past the beginner level
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We got a Wii for my 7 year old. He has been playing boxing/tennis/baseball for about 2 days straight now. We also got him a star wars game that has Light Sabre duels. I can honestly say the Wii is really great for family time.


I do want to get a fun duck hunt style shooting game and a couple guns to have fun as well.


I also found a gun at Odd Lots here in Newark for 15 bucks. Now that I see they are a bit pricey I will stop by tomorrow and pick it up. It was the resident evil with the knife for $15.

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Dead Space Extraction was cool on Wii. I loved the regular Dead Space on the 360 though. That is about all I have played on it and it was Wii only so...yeah...


Edit: I have nothing to add to the Wii gun question but wouldn't mind getting one. There is an Odd Lots up here on Polaris so I am see if they have the cheap gun mentioned earlier.



Edited by vitamincj
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I've told you, sell me some stuff :D I'm not a gamer. With kids and what not, there's no real time, thus a true adult gaming system would be a waste. I do like Black Ops like games and have them on my PC, I'm just hoping to see it on a huge plasma or even in the theater :cool:

PS3 is so much more than a gaming system. I didn't even own a game for mine for almost a year after getting it. I hadn't played a game on it for a few months until I just got GT5...yet it is used almost daily in my house.


- Streaming Netflix

- Streaming programs I download - use my desktop as a file server and stream files over. Very easy to setup with PS3 Media Server

- Blu-ray player

- Streaming music (again, PS3 Media Server at work)

- Web surfing (I don't do that often with it, but can).

- Awesome picture viewer - especially when you have guests over, as it is far easier than hovering over a PC to look at it. Another PS3 Media Server use.


My wife loves it too, and uses it even when I'm not around. :) As for the Wii, I moved that to the TV we rarely use, as I was hoping it might get more use there then on our main setup. Nope.


At least mod-chip / soft mod you Wii so you aren't blowing cash on games for it. Canadamods.ca

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PS3 is so much more than a gaming system.

- Streaming Netflix


Wii does this too.


- Streaming programs I download - use my desktop as a file server and stream files over. Very easy to setup with PS3 Media Server


My home theater is controlled by my PC.


- Blu-ray player


We have three very nice ones already.


- Streaming music (again, PS3 Media Server at work)


All rooms are controlled by my PC, including the theater on the lower level.


- Web surfing (I don't do that often with it, but can).


PC controlled with wireless. Don't surf on the TV's though. Will slide show photos to family and play videos via PC though.


- Awesome picture viewer - especially when you have guests over, as it is far easier than hovering over a PC to look at it. Another PS3 Media Server use.


Panasonic Plasma's I have do this via built in


At least mod-chip / soft mod you Wii so you aren't blowing cash on games for it. Canadamods.ca


Looking into the current options already. May come to you with questions.

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I have blackops for wii, been going to get the zapper for it. The sniper rifle looks better, but I wonder if the controls are good. It seems like the zapper may be laid out a little better for actual gameplay.


I haven't played much for console games since the original NES so these new controllers are nuts to me. I do play very well on computer FPS games though.


I'm looking at getting this by the end of this week. Does seem to really integrate the controls nicely. I saw a few different ones cheap at Odd Lots too.


Wii Zapper



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The Zapper looks pretty cool and with the proper button layout, could be an interesting way of playing Black Ops especially since you won't have to play mouse/kb people. I wonder if the playability of it will be skewed for the Wii controllers on its version.


As far as the PS3/Wii thing. (Devil's advocate thing since I did read your disclaimer in your original post. ;))


Here's one you won't have an answer for. Netflix on PS3 can be had in HD and it's $1 cheaper, to boot. lol


I saw you have an answer for everything Joe put out there, but without getting into specifics, the PS3 can do almost everyone of those things... but better. I'd even wager to say that at least 80% of owners have no idea of the PS3's full capability. Hell, I believe I read a study, survey, whatever, last year and something like half the owners of ps3's didn't know the thing played BluRays movies and about half the 360 owners didn't know it played DVD's. lol Anyway, I enjoy owning them both plus, I'm done being chatty here. They both have their place and not just on either side of the tv. Bam.


I'm always on the lookout for a good Wii game simply because ours just doesn't get used enough, either. It is good for company, though. I don't mind having it as it really does have its uses. But it is our 2nd system, PS3 being our first... not counting previous gens, etc, of course.


Plz, remember to check the video game trade/borrow/buy list! I do have some Wii games for temporary swap, possible more.

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I'm looking at getting this by the end of this week. Does seem to really integrate the controls nicely. I saw a few different ones cheap at Odd Lots too.


Wii Zapper




My father in law has this one...it felt weird to me using it.


I have the perfect shot one if you want to come grab it. You can use it (even keep it if you like it) for a while. I probably haven't used it in at least a year. It was my favorite out of the ones I have tried. Let me know if you want to swing by and grab it. I can leave it out for you somewhere if I'm not around.

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The Wii version looks a bit like the retarded cousin, but it looks like it gets the job done. Although, I also hear that there are large sections of the game missing from the Wii version, like the awesome boat sequence with Sympathy for the Devil playing in the background.


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