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Xbox can suck it


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First off I have talked to my son about this over and over. My son plays one of the xbox's all the time and knows how people repeatedly make threats of hacking and I have told him its never going to happen. 2 days ago he gets a message from someone(I seen it and it is legit looking)

that is clearly taken from when they were banned and just resent it to him. However they stated that for mspoints or live cards they wouldnt ban him. So what does his dumbass do but send they guy a 30 day live card. As soon as I find out I login to the online forum that I know and have been on that handles all bannings. First off it is run by volunteer moderators. I explain what happened and I am told to block communications with user, and file complaint. I also decide I will add 2000 points and change the gamertag as well. I get a message today stating I am the one being permanently banned for offering services.


This is the most f'ed up website, there are thousands of users asking why they are banned and the only reply people get is a reference to the TOU. Hell if your banned you have to use someone elses gamertag just to find out why your banned becasue you cant login to forum with a banned gamertag.


So now I have called CS and they have nothing to do with xbox live enforcement nor does anyone know who to contact. If I ever find one of these mods personally it will literally be game over(see what I did there). If its not handled this week i will be filing a small claims court suit on xbox which I know they wont send a representative to and I will automatically win. Then I will just have to figure out some way to recoup the money for the points and the brand new 1yr xbox live membership I just bought.

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Their dept literally hides behind the online forum. From all the people I have spoken with they immediately state they have nothing nor have any contact info for them. However the mods do o by their gamertag on the forum. I am considering starting a forum for the sole purpose of listing these gamertags and offering money to anyone willing to identify their real names. I just want to have a chat for about an hr with one of them.
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sounds like jason is butthurt because his kid made a poor choice. Never trust anybody

I dont get butthurt, I get dickhurt, its 2 totally different things. Yes he made an ignorant choice, and I use the term ignorant as defined. However I am more pissed that with the 2 xbox's I have here, the 2 at the other house and the other one that I put in the grandparents house for when the kids are there, all the memberships I have purchased including all the MSpoints over the years, that I am unable to contact someone to help get this resolved. I dont like wasting my money, I literally almost lost a foot to obtain it.

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Yeah, screw paying for the online. That sucks. I can forgive alot of shit for some good customer service and shitty customer service pisses me to no end. This seems fundemental yet somehow, many companies seem to not give a shit anymore. Maybe, younger generations find this more acceptable do to the informal, impersonal 'age' we live in.

Also, I never have some of the issues I hear xbox users having with strange people messaging me with stupid shit or phishing scams, etc. As far as customer service, Im sure sony's is as good or shitty as any other large corp, but I dont know. I've never had to use it.

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The online gaming industry seriously needs to learn some things from real world customer service. Every online game I've played has been just like this, they basically pretend you don't matter because they can't see you and I think assume your just a kid and don't matter. They lose members in droves because of this and still they don't seem to care.


I will say that EVE Online customer service has been awesome. They handle issues immediately and there is a method of escalation that works. Sometimes it takes getting the right CS rep, but it does work.

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They screwed me over once already with a 1 day ban because of an issue in a profile that they stated to closely resmbled the word "ass". It was just a word not derogatory or anything. I let it go because it was one day, no biggie. This time I am taking it as high as I can go. I have documeneted all messages, sent a message to xbox live VP, and to the executive board of xbox live. I have contacted the Ohio Attorney Generals office. I have also made them aware of the fact that in OHio they cannot keep monies already payed after a contract has been cancelled without being able to prove damages which results in no refund. I have a full years membership as well as 2000 Mspoints on this account and I dont plan on walking away from it.
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They screwed me over once already with a 1 day ban because of an issue in a profile that they stated to closely resmbled the word "ass". It was just a word not derogatory or anything. I let it go because it was one day, no biggie. This time I am taking it as high as I can go. I have documeneted all messages, sent a message to xbox live VP, and to the executive board of xbox live. I have contacted the Ohio Attorney Generals office. I have also made them aware of the fact that in OHio they cannot keep monies already payed after a contract has been cancelled without being able to prove damages which results in no refund. I have a full years membership as well as 2000 Mspoints on this account and I dont plan on walking away from it.

all that costs about what? $150?


Funny thing about all this is way back when xbox live first came out i used my moms Mastercard to set up the account and pay for the bill. That card was cancelled and cut up years ago, but yet i still have Live and can by points on that card. Basically somehow ive been getting it for free for years now haha

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I am way into the Point of the matter, not the money. Plus I have alot of time on my hands. And it really could be more if you stop and figure the cost of the box, accessories, all games(we have double so multiple xboxes are playing at the same time), the points I have lost, the membership, ect......... Without being able to play online its just a paperweight to me. I already have dvd players and we dont play offline.
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that sucks about the hacking threat stuff, ive had that happen a few times. Ive even had people go so low as to tell me if i dont give them a car from forza that they wanted, they would get me banned. I just laughed. There customer service is a joke though. I was low on money a while back and didnt have the money to renew a year subscription. I searched all over on xbox for a way to cancel but couldnt find one. Finally got a customer service email adress, and got an awnser of, we dont deal with that kind of stuff, but we can give you a phone number of some one that MIGHT be able to help.
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I talked to a high level exec who is looking into the situation. He was very nice and explained to me(although he stated they never discuss this stuff with the public) that theres a method behind the way xbox's enforcement team handles situations the way they do and why they are so elusive in the way they deal with the public. I basically told him how I perceived it from a consumer standpoint and how it appeared that they simply didnt car about CS. Why it makes sense on one level it still seems as though the system is flawed. They shouldnt have a forum where the mods are addressed by their gamertags. I dont want to feel like I am dealing with just another gamer who gets to decide if something offends them personally enough that it warrants me losing money. Either way the guy told me that it has never happened before but he would re-imburse all the MSpoints I would have lost and the remaining of my membership which has already been paid for. The funny thing is it literally took me 5 seconds to reach an executive within xbox's corporate office and its been 3 days since I first attempted to get a single answer out of the enforcement team. They literally act like this team is area 51, it doesnt exist and your not allowed to discuss its personel or its purpose.
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I talked to a high level exec who is looking into the situation. He was very nice and explained to me(although he stated they never discuss this stuff with the public) that theres a method behind the way xbox's enforcement team handles situations the way they do and why they are so elusive in the way they deal with the public. I basically told him how I perceived it from a consumer standpoint and how it appeared that they simply didnt car about CS. Why it makes sense on one level it still seems as though the system is flawed. They shouldnt have a forum where the mods are addressed by their gamertags. I dont want to feel like I am dealing with just another gamer who gets to decide if something offends them personally enough that it warrants me losing money. Either way the guy told me that it has never happened before but he would re-imburse all the MSpoints I would have lost and the remaining of my membership which has already been paid for. The funny thing is it literally took me 5 seconds to reach an executive within xbox's corporate office and its been 3 days since I first attempted to get a single answer out of the enforcement team. They literally act like this team is area 51, it doesnt exist and your not allowed to discuss its personel or its purpose.


probably because If someone found out who they were in real life they might get murdered

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Well it sounds like you already have some executive or executive customer serivce email addresses... but just in case you could use some more here are a few links.





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