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Valentines Day..


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and i HATE cut flowers!! real plants ftw! and fuck roses, those are lame! get your girl something different and unique!!


and etsy is an awesome suggestion! all the girls i know, love that site!!


Etsy is awesome but won't do the "Im going to wait untill the last min." people any good! I wouldnt go so far as to say I HATE cut flowers but I do like the different stuff! Sean gets off late too so idk what we are doing either!

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at least y'all are thinking about your girls...he hasn't even said "happy v-day" to me yet...i normally don't care, but for some reason, i'm annoyed by this :)


i still plan on making awesome shrimp tacos, though, and watching a movie and having the 3 yr old make him a card :)

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Dam.... talk about shitty luck, went out spent a good chunk of change on some flowers and a nice bottle of wine for the gf.. an as I leave the parking lot I get a ticket..... fml fuck valentines day an fuck the police.


You can still do vday for your woman...its just a ticket!

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I got back from traffic court a lil while ago. And I talked to the prosecutor afterwards just just shooting the shit. And I guess the cities are writing a lot more tickets trying to help out with money. But if its a speeding ticket most will just drop it to no points.


I got my 42 in a 25 Reduced to a Muffler Violation with max costs $227 total. Only because the Magistrate reviewed my driving record and when you have tickets like 113 in a 55 they are not going to give ya much slack on the fines.


But, go out woo your woman, give her the best 3inches she has ever got! Worry about the ticket later!

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