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Art 101 at Columbus State....


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How do you like it over there? I didnt take that one but I took 3 different class' a few semesters ago. I dont know if they have any class' that are all that difficult. I had to go as part of voc rehab for work and I thought they were covering such basic stuff it wasnt worth going back.
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I used to like it a lot but now I am ready to get out, this is my last two quarters before I go to Ohio State or Franklin, a 101 class can be hard and believe me cstate has some hard classes because it has shitty proffessors.

My very first class since H.S was the semester I attended last year. I almost walked out as soon as I heard the professor talk. He turned out to be kinda a nice guy but he just came off so bad. The only reason I stayed was to see how I would do in the class and I basically just played the game to see if I could and ended up with the highest score in the class(at least our group). I hope I never have to go back. Its all BS, I sat there every class thinking if some of these dumb motherfuckers need college than I certainly dont. I was amazed at how poorly educated alot of the students were.

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At CSCC, every once in a while you'll luck into a really cool professor who knows their shit and will actually teach you something useful. Unfortunately, 75% of them are completely worthless

Out of the 3 classes I had only one guy was cool, I think his name was Dave Ruth(arch 101). He was really a decent easy going guy.

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Yeah the problem is it is just a part time thing for most of them, I cant wait to get to Franklin. Also a lot of them are part time but take it way to serious, kids at Ohio State have now problem only showing up for exams and that rarely ever happens at cstate, not that that is a good thing to do, just saying.
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