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The biggest eye opener I have had in a long time.

I Eat Rice

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So I have been super bummed for a while now over some decisions that I have made/ was making. It was more a pissed off hate yourself kind of thing that usually never turns out well for me. Well today I decided to make a quick drive up to the disk golf course by my house to spend some time in the sun clearing my head. On the way there I saw something that put everything in perspective for me. I saw what appeared to be a 60 something year old woman walking her dog and right behind her was her husband walking hand in hand with their son. The son looked to be in his 30's from what I could see and it was obvious that he had some form of mental disorder ie downs or something along those lines. Then it just hit me that the trials and tribulations that this family has had to endoure with having a son like this has to be astranomical and never ending. To my surprise they all smiled and waved at me when I drove past and at that point I felt about the size of an ant. Here I am pissing and moaning around about my life when really it is not that bad at all and the things that are wrong in my life are of my own doing. Here is this family that did not chose for this to happen yet could be so happy even with the everyday life that they are forced to live. It made me realize that no matter how bad it is, there are people out there that have it much worse and can still be healthy, happy and loved. I have no idea if it was fate, luck, or karma that brought me down this road I normaly dont travel to see this but whatever it was I am so gratefull. I just wanted to share this with the forum because of the many users on here I am sure there are some going through their own hard times and challenges as well. Life is too short to worry about the bullshit stinking around us, instead we should just spend more time smelling the flowers. If this post reaches just one person on this forum that is going through a tough patch then my goal has been reached. Enough with the gay talk now I just had to get this out to a mass group of people...
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I expected to get a response like this from you considering your many other heartless, ignorant, and self centered statements that come out of your mouth. I am beganing to be on the side of V8 Beast when I say this but it seems you need to look in the mirror and figure out why you need to constantly push your negativity on to others because it is making me feel quite sorry for you. I am quite sure I have meet you in person as well and you never seemed like this but maybe I just had a bad first impression. If I am wrong about meeting you and if it was another black ws6 owner I am sorry but I am quite certin that I am thinking of the right person here.

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J/k In the scheme of things our own problems always seem huge because its all we know. In reality there are people living on the street, cancer patients that know they are dying, and people like the ones you saw walking. At the end of the day just make sure you are doing all you can to make your life the best it can be and enjoy a smile from time to time. Its not always easy finding a reason to smile, however there are always reasons to smile... just need to look harder at times. Also be sure to embrace a sense of accomplishment when you achieve your goals. Rather they be big or small celebrate them and dont get stuck in a negative mind state.
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geez calm down.. everybody's so fucking sensitive anymore

Well that was more of a serious post. Was not looking for a bullshit off the wall comment from the back seat...

J/k In the scheme of things our own problems always seem huge because its all we know. In reality there are people living on the street, cancer patients that know they are dying, and people like the ones you saw walking. At the end of the day just make sure you are doing all you can to make your life the best it can be and enjoy a smile from time to time. Its not always easy finding a reason to smile, however there are always reasons to smile... just need to look harder at times. Also be sure to embrace a sense of accomplishment when you achieve your goals. Rather they be big or small celebrate them and dont get stuck in a negative mind state.
Yep its just hard to keep everything in perspective due to the fact that we all seem to be selfish by nature. I am finaly coming to realize that this world is so much bigger than myself and I am only a small bite of the pie. I have a purpose and a plan and it is not up to me to look for it and search it out but to just live and let the rest figure itself out. Whatever this purpose or plan is, it is much bigger than me and much bigger than what I can understand and wrap my head around.


So does this mean I cant cut myself anymore when things go badly?
Cutting yourself is your choice. Just make sure you use a razor blade or very sharp cutter next time that way you really know what pain is instead of the paper cuts your giving yourself now...:cool:
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Eh, you came home and posted this. I guarantee in 2 months you'll be bitching about some petty shit again -- it is the way the world works.


If this truly changes your life more power to you.


This is the icing on the cake really. With all that I have been through this year as far as 2 dui's, trying to get my life back together, going to jail and fighting through a few relapses. Someone is trying to tell me something and it is time for me to start listening...

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This is the icing on the cake really. With all that I have been through this year as far as 2 dui's, trying to get my life back together, going to jail and fighting through a few relapses. Someone is trying to tell me something and it is time for me to start listening...

Bravo!! You are definitely getting it!! No doubt about it!! I've several tons of people go through similar with no clue of the bigger picture in life and you have seen it!! So few do. Personally, I've been sober for just over sixteen years now and love seeing people "get it". It took me until I was 25 and hurting and disappointing several very dearly loved people in my life to see the truth. Really glad your looking past yourself and getting the gratitude that so many lack today. Your gonna do just fine. I'm sure of it. Just my 2 cents :)

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Bravo!! You are definitely getting it!! No doubt about it!! I've several tons of people go through similar with no clue of the bigger picture in life and you have seen it!! So few do. Personally, I've been sober for just over sixteen years now and love seeing people "get it". It took me until I was 25 and hurting and disappointing several very dearly loved people in my life to see the truth. Really glad your looking past yourself and getting the gratitude that so many lack today. Your gonna do just fine. I'm sure of it. Just my 2 cents :)


Thank you. I have gone to AA but for some reason it just didnt seem to work for me. Maybe it was because I was not ready to listen or maybe it was something else idk. Im being shipped to outpatient care here soon partly because I have to for probation and because part of me wants to go. I will be getting checked in to a shrink here soon as well to help me get past these inner demons that keep holding me back. I would love to pick your brain at some point of time and see how you have done it and what worked for you. I know what worked for you may not work for me but I am tired of the way I feel when I lose control which is not all the time anymore but when I do it always seems to end the same way, which is me feeling like shit emotionally and physically and my parents being very hurt by my actions.

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Just embrace it! My life sucks... but I'm happy I'm not the hooker getting $25 to lick my hairy ass after an intense workout every Thursday behind an Arby's.


In life you will have those that get their ass licked, and those that do the ass licking. Its just the way it is.

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You drive us all home after?
That is usually how it always went down. At the end of the night everyone would look at each other like shit were all wasted who can get us home and I would end up always getting the keys because sadly I was a very good driver messed up. I didnt get pulled over on either occasion because of bad driving. The first they just wanted to search my car and made up some silly bullshit and the second I was on expired tags and suspended lisence. I was charged but not convicted of both of them though so neither is on my record.




This cracks me up really because his life and mine have been very simular over the past few years. Only difference is I am not an angry drunk/ partier so I do not attack the girls that I am hooking up with, or destroy shit when I am all messed up. That and my life and mess ups dont end up on the evening news every few evenings.

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I can understand how negative thoughts about your situation (not yours, but anybody's) can lead to a spiral of negative thoughts that seems very hard to get out of. When somebody has been in a situation that goes on and on, and the mistakes that they made have to be faced on a daily basis for a long period of time it can be very hard. The good thing is that you can learn some valuable life lessons from all of this that most people don't at your young age. I can tell you from personal experience that even though it is hard for you right now because you are still facing all of the negative consequences, it will end, and it will get better. You just have to take advantage of the time and lessons that you have right now, and make sure not to forget them when it's all over. I am Catholic, so I believe that God will always give you opportunities for happiness. If you don't believe, it's ok, just understand that eventually the universe will give you opportunities to do what you want to do and you can be happy and have the life you want as long as you work for it. Also, I know this is a long post, but trying times like the ones you are going through, or the one you saw on the road today really can put things into perspective, for me it helped me really appreciate my family and my true friends.
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God making people disabled to give other people life changing epiphanies is why I don't believe in god.



However, seeing as how this has obviously affected you in a positive way (having someone else's situation bring yours into perspective), I am glad that you are re-energized. I also hope you stay positive about your goings-on, and good luck with everything.

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