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New sportbike rider in Columbus


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:welcome: where you from in new england? i lived up near manchester, NH for a while last year.

were you on NESR? also, i have a 600 for sale currently here.

I was not on NESR, just FZRarchives (started on a 92 FZR600). I was up in Hanover, NH for a while finishing up school and that was where I started riding (mostly in the white mountains). Before that I spent some time at school in Maine, and grew up in Connecticut.

I wish I had enough to give you a decent offer, but all I've got is $3000 right now :( (fresh out of school and all that). If you feel like giving away your bike for that much let me know! :D I'll let you know if things change come tax return time.

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what are you doing here in columbus then?

Wife is doing a grad degree at OSU, and I found a good job out here. New England was growing a little old (pace out there is a little too fast) and the people out here are wonderful.

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Wife is doing a grad degree at OSU, and I found a good job out here. New England was growing a little old (pace out there is a little too fast) and the people out here are wonderful.

Welcome Tim.

What part of C-Bus are you in?

My wifes in Grad school @ OSU too.

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Yeah, I can't wait to see how the soccer mom neighbors react to a bike being around (especially a inline four screamer :D).


Wait till you get a few of us meating up at your place. Youre gonna get kicked out.

And yes thats how we spell meet (Meat) around here.:metal:

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Yeah, I can't wait to see how the soccer mom neighbors react to a bike being around (especially a inline four screamer :D).

they complain to the police. i ride to my parents house in worthington occasionally, and the cops finally stopped by (i had parked in my driveway and he just pulled up to my house) one day to hassle me and my friend who werent doing anything stupid in the neighborhood. said he had recieved complaints around the subdivision. :nono:

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they complain to the police. i ride to my parents house in worthington occasionally, and the cops finally stopped by (i had parked in my driveway and he just pulled up to my house) one day to hassle me and my friend who werent doing anything stupid in the neighborhood. said he had recieved complaints around the subdivision. :nono:

it's too bad that sportbike=hooligan over here... I definitely got a few odd looks in NH, but in general most people were pretty understanding. Of course UA does seem to be a bit more conservative than the town I lived in in the "live free or die" state.

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