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How many kids?


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From about 15 - 25, I was famous for the "No Babies" quote whenever asked about if I wanted kids.


Then, planned kid #1 came.


Then, I said, "maybe 2".


Then, planned kid #2 came.


Then, since both were boys, I said, "meh, 2 is good." Wife wants a girl. Ok, maybe a 3rd.


Then, planned kid #3 is in the oven now.


Now, I am saying, "girl, or not, 3 is it". :)


Have your ideas on kids changed as your family has grown? Each one just makes me happier to come home from work and see them. How times change.

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So true. Up until I met my wife I was happy kid free. Met her, and it was a package deal. Nathan was just a year old, Married after 2 1/2 years, another 2 years goes by we had Evan, then things really changed. Then we had Norah almost exactly a year later. Now that I have them, I'd never give them up for anything. But priorities get so rearranged it's not even funny. You start looking at your career (I made a huge change), how you spend your money, my attitude towards the world has grow seriously cynical. And I find myself looking at younger people shaking my head. Only because I've figured out that 99% of them are dumb asses.
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But priorities get so rearranged it's not even funny. You start looking at your career (I made a huge change), how you spend your money, my attitude towards the world has grow seriously cynical. And I find myself looking at younger people shaking my head. Only because I've figured out that 99% of them are dumb asses.


I hate to burst your bubble, but most (if not all of these things) happen to most people regardless of kids or not. It's just part of growing up. I've had most of that basically happen to me and I have no, nor am planing to have any kids.


I'm happy with my career, but that wouldn't change regardless of kids or not.


When I first got out of college I was spending 4-5 nights a week out getting drunk and spending most of my money that way. Now our biggest 'bill' is saving up for a house.


I've always known that most people were idiots, but I don't look at people and shake my head anymore. I've come to any almost Zen like peace with it.

Edited by Trouble Maker
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I hate to burst your bubble, but most (if not all of these things) happen to most people regardless of kids or not. It's just part of growing up. I've had most of that basically happen to me and I have no, nor am planing to have any kids.


I'm happy with my career, but that wouldn't change regardless of kids or not.


When I first got out of college I was spending 4-5 nights a week out getting drunk and spending most of my money that way. Now our biggest 'bill' is saving up for a house.


I've always know that most people were idiots, but I don't look at people and shake my head anymore. I've come to any almost Zen like peace with it.


Very true it is a part of growing up. I used to not pay attention to all the dumbassedness. I can't help but notice it anymore. We're on house #3 now, and I just want this place paid the hell off.

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Kids are great, I have 1 and 1 that came in the "package deal" Patterson speaks of.. I am happy where I am, but wouldn't be opposed to more..I have noticed a lot of dumbassness in the youth of today, but I don't attribute that to getting older, kids these days really are dumber these days. I had a girl walk out in front of my car today while I was driving because she was texting.. Damn kids. I hope to raise my children with a hell of a lot more sense than that.
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I have never said I didn't want kids, I love kids (not babies) kids! But I have more than matured as a person, was always a pretty mature kid in most aspects of life. But I have a good feel on the world. I just need to graduate and decide if this relationship is going to the next step. And move onto that.


That being said I'm in no hurry.

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car parts > diapers


$20 bucks a month spent on my son for diapers...its not as expensive as people make it out to be. Atleast during the baby stage lol, now I am sure it will get more expensive the older he gets.


I was "never having kids", now that I have my son I am like "I wouldn't mind another one someday". Nothing is better then being in a shitty mood and your kid saying "daddy" and smiling up at ya. Kinda takes away the shitty feeling

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Never wanted them, got clipped in the early 20's, never looked back.

Just turned 30, and couldn't be happier.


Garage full of cars > crying shit generator.


Funny how men feel that way until they have kids.


But, I completely understand. I was that guy for a long time.

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Never wanted them, got clipped in the early 20's, never looked back.

Just turned 30, and couldn't be happier.


Garage full of cars > crying shit generator.


But then you miss out on ridiculousness like this:




But agreed I was of the same opinion for a long time as well.

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Funny how men feel that way until they have kids.


But, I completely understand. I was that guy for a long time.


Kids and family > being alone or with just friends


I couldn't imagine life without them. Is it tough? Yes, but worth the effort. Just like anything you appreciate things when they cost some effort. Every stain has a story as I like to say. Good times.


We have a few friends that don't have kids and honestly they are lonely as he'll and no one will convince me otherwise. Blood is thicker than anything else.


Pic Whore:


Good times that can only really be appreciated with your own. I live through my kids. I can play in the very same fountain with them at the park and have fun just like a fellow 8 year old. Teaching them to ride a bike is like going back in time with my own dad. Priceless memories that will be theirs now too. At least I know when I'm long gone and dead many years from now these times will be here to and enjoyed by them still.






In our case we got married young made great money, saved up, traveled had good times before we had kids. Sometimes I wish we would have had them very early on and done the rest now but in reality I think what we did was better for the kids.




We're done at two.

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Since were posting pics of children, here is mine. Getting him started at a young age





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