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How many kids?


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my little man.




the oldest helping me change a tire about 2 years ago.




ice skating at the chiller.



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got 3 kids (twin 3 year old girls, and a boy who's almost 2). i'm done. they are a handful, but i wouldn't trade it for anything. of course kids cost money, priorities get rearranged---that's part of growing up. still have a separate garage filled with cars/tools/tv's/kegerator/etc.--kids aren't allowed in there. everything else can get destroyed.
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I hate to sound like a hippie but I am maxing out at 2. Maybe its not such a problem here in the US, but in general I think that the world in 30-50 years will be overpopulated. It will be hard to support that number of human flesh. Food, trash, sewage. So I'd like to do my part at not making it any worse. 2 kids will replace myself and whomever the mother turns out to be once we are dead.
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I still can't believe people that say "no kids, never!" I've always wanted kids and looked forward to the day I could afford them and have them. Now we've got one and hope to have a second (or maybe third) someday. It's all how you raise them and bring them up (ya there are a few bad apples but that's with everything). :D


The greatest part of my day is getting my daughter up or coming home from work to her... :cool:


No matter how bad your day is, they always make you laugh...

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Kids were never really a priority for us or our marriage. We said we'd have a serious talk about kids at 30 and at that point kids were still not on the radar. Really the only time we ever thought that it might be a mistake was when Yasmin had to get chemo and was told she more than likely will never be fertile again. Things get put into a different perspective when you are told you no longer have a good chance at that option.


Right now we've still got 3.5 yrs until she's done with the meds and we'd even be allowed to try to have children, but even then I think our decision would still remain the same. We've come to terms it'll likely just be us and the dogs and are both happy with life and grateful for what we have now.

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Step outside of your own box a little. Happiness is different for everyone.


No thanks I like my little box. Especially will like it when I'm in my final years. Family and blood then will most definitely be rewarding. In terms of happiness, your mileage may very, that's true.

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No thanks I like my little box. Especially will like it when I'm in my final years. Family and blood then will most definitely be rewarding. In terms of happiness, your mileage may very, that's true.


I wasn't saying to literally step outside of your own box. More figuratively, to consider that last line. I'm glad you've found what works for you. But to judge what should work for others based on what works for you is as foolish as others judging what should work for you based on what works for them. So someone else could as easily say that you are fooled into thinking you are happy by fitting into societal norms and believing what you were told should make you happy growing up. They could say true happiness is not having kids or a family and being free, only because that's what works for them. That's obviously not true for everyone, nor is the opposite. :) If everyone were the same, how boring would this world be?


Stepping outside of your box figuratively, even if unoften, to try to understand others is what makes people human because it's the only way you can empathize with others. Otherwise we are no better than bonobos.

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From about 15 - 25, I was famous for the "No Babies" quote whenever asked about if I wanted kids.


Then, planned kid #1 came.


Then, I said, "maybe 2".


Then, planned kid #2 came.


Then, since both were boys, I said, "meh, 2 is good." Wife wants a girl. Ok, maybe a 3rd.


Then, planned kid #3 is in the oven now.


Now, I am saying, "girl, or not, 3 is it". :)


Have your ideas on kids changed as your family has grown? Each one just makes me happier to come home from work and see them. How times change.


I said the same thing. Had 2 boys and she wanted a girl. I got lucky and the third was a girl. Tubes snipped, clipped, and burned and anything else they can do. 3 is enough. Especially when they get up in age!

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Kids were never really a priority for us or our marriage. We said we'd have a serious talk about kids at 30 and at that point kids were still not on the radar. Really the only time we ever thought that it might be a mistake was when Yasmin had to get chemo and was told she more than likely will never be fertile again. Things get put into a different perspective when you are told you no longer have a good chance at that option.


Right now we've still got 3.5 yrs until she's done with the meds and we'd even be allowed to try to have children, but even then I think our decision would still remain the same. We've come to terms it'll likely just be us and the dogs and are both happy with life and grateful for what we have now.


Could always adopt..

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Kids = awesome. My wife, 2.5yr old daughter, 1mo old daughter, and I just finished watching The Little Mermaid for the first time as a family. There are no words for what its like to see them so excited.


The best part about kids is getting to experience everything through their eyes again.

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The best part about kids is getting to experience everything through their eyes again.


^^ this.


wait until you're watching their favorite movie for the 23rd time and they still laugh like it's new to them :bangbang:


I just watched Ice Age and Ice Age II. Lost count how many times now. Over the Hedge was my pick and is a still funny to me. Open Season too.


Here is my crew. Each one has changed my life. I am at stroke level now :)


Five including a newborn? :eek: My God man, give the lady a break. :D

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I always figured I'd have a couple kids. My life got a big jump start when I got married at 19 and she immediately got pregnant, I'm just greatfull to have a wonderfull wife who was patient while I got my shit together. She had a few complications while pregnant, and we didn't want to risk it. Now my daughter is almost 10 and we never a wanted a big age gap so we're done at 1. Things just didn't really go like we thought, we both talked of 2 kids and having some fun before hand, hell we were 19 and 21, but it just didn't go that way. We're content where we are.
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3 years ago I woulda said "no kids" however after being around my niece, I decided we had to have one of our own. so I chained the woman upside down to a picnic table and inserted my semen into her for 3 weeks straight until she became pregnant.. I suggest this for anyone trying to make cute babies. She just turned one and I dont regret a thing.. no more though





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3 years ago I woulda said "no kids" however after being around my niece, I decided we had to have one of our own. so I chained the woman upside down to a picnic table and inserted my semen into her for 3 weeks straight until she became pregnant.. I suggest this for anyone trying to make cute babies. She just turned one and I dont regret a thing.. no more though



You did this to the wife right? Little girl is cute though.


We had a bit of a hard time when we had or first. It went on for what seemed like forever, and just about gave up. Given that Norah is a year and three weeks younger so I'd say the seal was definitely broken.

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