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Japan Tsunami Videos - LETTUCE COMPILE THEM


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I keep seeing these, and I can't get over some of the footage. A lot of it is just unreal.


I just saw this one, and it is completely nuts:




Apparently that land is reclaimed, it used to be tokyo bay, and the sea is effectively taking it back....

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Geeez I could not even imagine watching that huge amount of water coming toward me! Amazing how strong mother nature can be, pushing cars, homes and boats around like nothing.


Mother Nature doesn't give a fuck about your home or property.

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I'm at work, can't see anything...


Can someone post vids of the Fukishima Nuclear Plant popping reactors? I saw the distant surveilllance footage over the weekend, but a couple of news sites I just saw have vids of new explosions.


This is an incredible tragedy and I truly feel sorry for all the Japanese people affected. I'm also surprised we haven't heard much from S. Korea...no damage up there??? We'll be hearing about this for many years to come...

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I saw some high quality vids of the Fukishima Reactor 3 explosion on the news this morning, can't find those same vids on YouTube tho.



Also, the Japanese are saying ethere was an explosion at reactor 2 and it's now in a partial melt-down state and leaking radiation.

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