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Best iPad case


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Wife got me a 64GB iPad 1 for my birthday. It came with a cheapy aftermarket case that I hate and won't use.


What I need:

- Something for mostly home use. It will be used at home 95% of the time


- Something that stays with it. I don't want just a sleeve to put it in


- A case that turns into a stand would be ideal. Makes it easier if trying to keep it up for something, such as a instructions for doing something like in the garage, cooking, etc.


- If there happens to be a little Bluetooth keyboard attached, I wouldn't be mad about it. I don't mind typing a little on it, but not for making big posts or anything like that.


- Fairly modern looking. I don't want something vintage looking at all.


- Price is a factor.

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Honestly, the Apple iPad case was great for me, and it did a great job protecting my iPad before I sold it. It's one of the cheaper cases, it's thin, and it can act as a stand for typing or for watching movies. I never dropped it, so I don't know how much it would protect it.


The only problem with it was that it was a dust magnet.



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I don't like any cases for the iPad, I think it defeats the idea of the iPad.

I'm not loving the caseless feel of it. If I'm wearing shorts around the house, the metal back is very cold on my legs. The curved edges aren't the best to hold. I know I'll like it better with a case.


Have you ever used an iPad? My biggest complaint about Apple products is their price (and OSX being total shit). iPad is less expensive than other comparable tablets, and I've really enjoyed it so far.


And we have the winner. :) But instead of $59.99 + shipping (Amazon also sells it under another name for about the same price), I just ordered it for $35.99 shipped. I wasn't willing to pay $60+ for a case, but under $40 with a keyboard was hard to beat. :)

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I had the one with the keyboard built into it and several others that I tried over time and the one with the built in keyboard was a bit larger and took away from the slimness of the ipad but i still liked it considerably better due to the keyboard being nice for long posts and messages. I think you'll really be happy with your choice. I did find that also having a hard case for times when I used it in the garage or other potentially harsh areas was helpful. The hard cases are usually pretty cheap and offer alot of protection.
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I had the one with the keyboard built into it and several others that I tried over time and the one with the built in keyboard was a bit larger and took away from the slimness of the ipad but i still liked it considerably better due to the keyboard being nice for long posts and messages. I think you'll really be happy with your choice. I did find that also having a hard case for times when I used it in the garage or other potentially harsh areas was helpful. The hard cases are usually pretty cheap and offer alot of protection.


and im sure the new owner of your ipad that straight forest gumped your ass is enjoying the case :bangbang:

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