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Need to get rid of a cat...


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Sounds like a Vet I would want helping MY animals.....




If you ask your vet to euthanize your cat for urination problems after a treatment or two has failed they would do it. Thata the ethical thing to do. They can lose their license for doing what hal said


I will call that bet. Cash in hand.






Well seeing as how I have a vet laying here next to me saying what I posted in the post above this one, that would be a supid call

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If you ask your vet to euthanize your cat for urination problems after a treatment or two has failed they would do it. Thata the ethical thing to do. They can lose their license for doing what hal said



When asked of our Vet to do this for an OLD CAT, they refused. They wanted medication, and even paid for it. GOOD Vets do not want to put down a pet if they do not need to. Good Vets are good for BOTH you AND your pet. People are too fast to blame the animal for an external stress placed by the owner. Cats, especially, do not like change, and like structure and order. We have 3 very healthy and happy cats. I cannot image one of them "acting out" and the Vet putting them down because we "asked".




Well seeing as how I have a vet laying here next to me saying what I posted in the post above this one, that would be a supid call



MY Vet is a "Good" Vet. Sorry to hear about yours....





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When asked of our Vet to do this for an OLD CAT, they refused. They wanted medication, and even paid for it. GOOD Vets do not want to put down a pet if they do not need to. Good Vets are good for BOTH you AND your pet. People are too fast to blame the animal for an external stress placed by the owner. Cats, especially, do not like change, and like structure and order. We have 3 very healthy and happy cats. I cannot image one of them "acting out" and the Vet putting them down because we "asked".




I nevef said that they woulsnt try treatment first. Did I or did or did I not say "after treatmenf"?


MY Vet is a "Good" Vet. Sorry to hear about yours....






It would serve you best to watch your step when speaking about my fiancee

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I nevef said that they woulsnt try treatment first. Did I or did or did I not say "after treatmenf"?



PS - Where does your Wife work? I am wondering so folks know of where to (that want an animal put down) or where NOT to (they do NOT want their pet put down) taken to?



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PS - Where does your Wife work? I am wondering so folks know of where to (that want an animal put down) or where NOT to (they do NOT want their pet put down) taken to?




A vet clinic where little old ladiea give her hugs for saving their animals.


Ps I promise you their protocol is no diff than your vets

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So why is it someone wants to get rid of a cat, and doesn't seem to care what happens to it makes a thread and it goes 4 pages? If he'd have said free cat I bet it wouldn't have made one page. This kind of shit disgusts me, "I value animals over humans", fucking really? Kill the goddamned cat, want me to come over and do it? I grab the fucker up stick it in a box and take it out and leave it alongside some country road like I did with the fleabag that tried to suffocate my daughter when she was a newborn. Looking back I should've killed it. Anyone who values animals to humans is a worthless person.
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....and... and am out. I am done with this Thread. There is no reason to have a pet put down because you no longer want it. Anyone who does is a very weak little person.


That is all.




Eh at least I'm smart enough not to have pets, I regret getting the cat in the first place, but when it kept fucking with my daughter it had to go and being the overprotective parent I wanted to kill it.


Still don't get why people get all in a tizzy about some animals. I think there'd be a lot more vegetarians if people had to kill their own food.

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So why is it someone wants to get rid of a cat, and doesn't seem to care what happens to it makes a thread and it goes 4 pages? If he'd have said free cat I bet it wouldn't have made one page. This kind of shit disgusts me, "I value animals over humans", fucking really? Kill the goddamned cat, want me to come over and do it? I grab the fucker up stick it in a box and take it out and leave it alongside some country road like I did with the fleabag that tried to suffocate my daughter when she was a newborn. Looking back I should've killed it. Anyone who values animals to humans is a worthless person.


I'd put you in a wooden coat before my dog. Just sayin

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Any cat that pisses in my house is a dead cat. Thus I won't own a cat.


Besides, I've yet to ever walk in a house where there's a cat that you don't smell cat piss. Even the cleanest "oh my cat has never pissed in the house" home has a hint of cat piss forever baked into the walls. No thanks.


I'd put you in a wooden coat before my dog. Just sayin




My dogs > than most people

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If you ask your vet to euthanize your cat for urination problems after a treatment or two has failed they would do it. Thata the ethical thing to do. They can lose their license for doing what hal said


All of the vets I know that did this would rather have followed their ethics than follow what some redneck or retard says. Personally I would do the same thing, and damn the license.


I nevef said that they woulsnt try treatment first. Did I or did or did I not say "after treatmenf"?


You know we're talking about different things though. I won't keep an animal alive for my own pleasure/happiness if it is past the point it is able to live a comfortable and happy life. We're talking about euthanization for no real reason apart from annoyance.


Scott, you sound like a moron. Why would you toss a living thing out of a car, in a box, when there are people that would give it a good home? Oh, it tried to suffocate your daughter? That's interesting, there aren't any domesticated animals, that I am aware of, that honestly know they are trying to suffocate something by (I'm taking a guess here) laying on its face. Read a book or something before you ever get another pet.


Actually, don't get another pet. There's a difference between being a protective parent and being an idiot that jumps to extremes because they have no clue what is really going on.


Edit: If your daughter ever tries to "suffocate" another kid, she should probably be euthanized. I mean, that's the right thing to do in your mind. I'm really surprised my wife didn't have to carry pentobarbital, when she worked at a daycare, so she could destroy all the kids that committed a violent act (often multiple times) against another kid. Jesus, your whole way of thinking (I use this term loosely like usual) is backwards.

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Farkas will take care of your cat problem. I see where he is coming from and maybe he's still heated and pissed at the cat. I had a dog that I felt the same way about. Brand new living room outfit and he torn it all to piece's and I was super pissed.
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and shelters euthanize because they run out of room.


I know, and I don't like that it comes to that. Each of my dogs are from shelters, and that's the way it will stay. There are way to many issues at hand to really discuss the current state of animal "rights" and adoptions in this thread.


To put my view in perspective, I give you a short story.

When we adopted our Rottweiler (she was a former puppy mill bitch that escaped), it was the same day she got fixed. When I got her home from Dayton, I noticed a slow blood drip from the incision. Being 9:30pm I had to take her to MedVet to have everything checked. By the end of the night we found out a ligature had slipped off one of the ovarian stumps causing her to come close to bleeding out. Not even having a name for her (until we decided on Scarlett on the way to MedVet), we still ended up spending just under $3k to save her life. Animals are very important to me. This was a horribly, physically and mentally, damaged animal that many people would have let die. That being said, her dog smile makes me happy every single time I see it.


I have no doubt that had I not adopted my dogs 3 of them would have ended up being euthanized. My Boxer was returned to the shelter 3 times, the Rott is obvious, and my mutt has some extreme aggression and anxiety problems. Out of all of them, I believe only my Lab would have been adopted.


And with that, I'm out of this thread.

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You idiots bickering over a forum isn't going to solve anything. Which none of your so called smart guys have even mentioned the root cause of our over population of domesticated animals since the beginning of the 20th century. But I want to see some ethuggin so I'll keep my mouth shut. Go ahead!
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So why is it someone wants to get rid of a cat, and doesn't seem to care what happens to it makes a thread and it goes 4 pages? If he'd have said free cat I bet it wouldn't have made one page. This kind of shit disgusts me, "I value animals over humans", fucking really? Kill the goddamned cat, want me to come over and do it? I grab the fucker up stick it in a box and take it out and leave it alongside some country road like I did with the fleabag that tried to suffocate my daughter when she was a newborn. Looking back I should've killed it. Anyone who values animals to humans is a worthless person.


if an animal causes harm to humans, i agree with you, it should be killed. anyone who disagrees obviously either doesnt have kids, or loves their pets more..


now as for why i feel that way.


if a child gets mangled and chewed by a pitbull, are they going to put that pitbull in prison for a said sentance for its crime then parole it?


fuck no. thats why dangerous animals should die..

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All that shows is youre a bad dog owner and worse parent! Why did the dog act that way in the first place? Did you allow him to make his own decisions? Was the child mishandling the dog? Where you there when it happened to say no and correct the dog? No one asks those questions! It's always the dogs fault, never the owners. The dog doesn't know any better unless you make the strict guidelines set in place for the animal. Dogs are smart. Once they know that you don't care, they will do what they pleases!!
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all kinds of dogs get aggressive, and its usually the dog owners fault. i never said that the dog owners were the parents of children getting mauled by dogs. your dog probably wouldnt eat your kids face, but it may take a bite out of another kid that lives down the street. it happens quite often. a kid playing in their yard, up comes dog, takes a chunk out of an innocent kid's face. why do you think rules are strict for pit bull ownership? they are aggressive dogs by nature. its not to say every pitbull will bite a child's face off, but if an animal is proven to be dangerous, it should be put down. /thread.
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if an animal causes harm to humans, i agree with you, it should be killed.


Why? Dogs can bite and not be dangerous. Happens all the time. Dogs growl to warn and if the threat or irritation continues they may bite. I'm not condoning it, nor saying they shouldn't be trained to not bit, but in the end it doesn't mean they need put down. It means their environment needs changed and they need trained.


if a child gets mangled and chewed by a pitbull......thats why dangerous animals should die..


9/10 times, it's the owner who is likely the cause, not the pitbull.

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all kinds of dogs get aggressive, and its usually the dog owners fault. i never said that the dog owners were the parents of children getting mauled by dogs. your dog probably wouldnt eat your kids face, but it may take a bite out of another kid that lives down the street. it happens quite often. a kid playing in their yard, up comes dog, takes a chunk out of an innocent kid's face. why do you think rules are strict for pit bull ownership? they are aggressive dogs by nature. its not to say every pitbull will bite a child's face off, but if an animal is proven to be dangerous, it should be put down. /thread.


Have you ever owned or worked with a bully breed? Pits are not aggressive by nature.


Where are you getting your information?


You cannot breed aggression into a dog. Aggression is, by definition, a behavior, and behavior can be influenced by both genetics but not bread into a dog. The aggression you reference above is influenced by the the dogs environment and doesn't stem from the breed type.


It's such a mis-nomer today that pit bulls are fighting dogs. The mutts you'll find anywhere are so far removed from their history as fighting dogs it's not funny. It’s like saying Dachshunds are bred to burrow into tunnels.


Dogs today are bred to a physical standard. Backyard breeders have little regard for appearance, health, and usually fuck up a breed by inbreeding which creates temperament issues. Those issues people often confuse with breeding of aggression. You can breed poorly and cause temperament issues in ANY dog that would result in that dog biting the face off a kid for simply walking by them. However, it's not possible to consistently breed even for temperament. That's why when selecting a dog, it's best to meet BOTH Parents. It is not the same as breeding for coat color (which is controlled by only one or two genes). Puppies may have fairly uniform appearances, but their temperament is theirs and theirs alone, and it’s anyone’s guess how they’ll turn out. No different than you and a twin brother.


Any dog can be dangerous if the factors in their environment allow for it.

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