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My new bike

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Chris, site your sources or get new material




AWW$HEEET, Gape (2011). patter$on i hope your bottle is full p.5, post #119, Columbus:Gape and Sons publishers.


Sorry gabe I thought every one would no where that came from


Can I haz cheese burger now

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Youre calling this guy a pussy while talking shit to him over the internet... youre real tough bro. If you were worth the air you breath, you would deal with it like a man and in person and not over an internet message board. Ill bet $20 you never do anything to try to correct how youve apparently been taken advantage of. Pussy.
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Youre calling this guy a pussy while talking shit to him over the internet... youre real tough bro. If you were worth the air you breath, you would deal with it like a man and in person and not over an internet message board. Ill bet $20 you never do anything to try to correct how youve apparently been taken advantage of. Pussy.


I hope your not talking to me

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Im talking to whoever threatens a guy over the internet. Shits weak.


Kinda of topic there no one has threatened anyone the closest thing to a threat is me telling him that I will throw a crank through his window if he doesn't stop posting


And you can see where that went

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Kinda of topic there no one has threatened anyone the closest thing to a threat is me telling him that I will throw a crank through his window if he doesn't stop posting


And you can see where that went


Look bro, if you ask me a question, ill tell you no lies, michelle sissy tyson is a homo, in disguise.



Ill bet $20 you couldnt even throw a crank 10ft.

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This mother fuck face piece o shit lurked his own thread for an hour after my last post


He is a scared pussy little bitch



Note to op. Man up get back in here and take it like the man you are trying to be or better yet go hang out in your security guard shack calling your self a cop because you think it makes you sound cool. Come at me bruh




Im sorry i have a life and dont sit cr all day.. and i happened to leave my comp on..


Ill say it one ore time..


i was honest about the cars.. both of the..


i told EVERYTHING i knew..


if things happened after i sold it i cant help that..


A person buying a car should know check everything out and be happy with the transaction..


with the eclipse i asked a few times if he was sure he wanted to trade a running car for a non running project.. im sorry things were worse than i expected.. but thats part of buying a non running car.. but there was quite a few things he did not tell me about with the gti also... but im not bitching about it.. its a part of the used car game.. sometimes you win sometimes things dont work out exactly they way you want them to...

he said a few times that he ended up making money on the deal.. so get the fuck.. if he had any other problems he should have contacted me.. im done listing to you bitch about it..


as for the Talon.. that was the cleanest 1g i have seen or owened.. I had it in the middle of winter and only drove it when the weather was bad..


again i told him everything i knew or found wrong about it..

it needed a valve cover gasket the power steering leaked and 2nd gear grind..

other than that i didnt know about any other problems it had..


and AGAIN.. if he wasnt happy with it all he had to do was tell me and i would have taken it back.. and given him his money back (before he hit the pot hole and mess stuff up.)




As for you lame ass threats come down and throw a crank in my window.. i will personally take you to jail and file the charges.


make another threat and ill go file the charges myself.

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