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Watching the news and...

Otis Nice

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...this nice young lady they were interviewing said, and I quote, "We wuz watchin' tv an' we heard da 'pop pop pop' an' mah husban' say 'let's go to bed'."


Really? 3 gunshots and your brain tells you, "Ah. Now all is right in the world and I can rest easy."


What would your reaction be? I know what I'd do...


I'd 'pop pop pop' back at 'em.

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I understand living in an Iraqi suburb, yes. Gunfire is normal for weddings, funerals, new house purchase, newborn baby, etc... Maybe it's celebratory gunfire? Maybe they're communicating. "Too broke to buy phone, bring over some malt liquor." Or pop,pop,pop *pause* pop,pop,pop,pop,pop,BANG!
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LOL at most replies here. :)


if they're not flying my way or hitting me/my house, id mind my own business and call the police like a citizen should...im not gonna get in the middle of something that i have no clue what the fuck is going on.


This was my thought. Didn't make a call or anything. Just, "Eh. Someone is probably bleeding out. Night sweetie."

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...this nice young lady they were interviewing said, and I quote, "We wuz watchin' tv an' we heard da 'pop pop pop' an' mah husban' say 'let's go to bed'."


Really? 3 gunshots and your brain tells you, "Ah. Now all is right in the world and I can rest easy."


What would your reaction be? I know what I'd do...


I'd 'pop pop pop' back at 'em.


lol I watched that too last night on the news!

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Lmao at all the people who said they would shoot back.. But in their neighborhood if that happened they would just call the pd cuz someone was on their lawn or flipped them off.. Such badasses


I live in the country. Far enough out where nobody thinks about gun shots for a different reason.


Step on my property and shoot at or threaten me or my fam. 2 12 gauges, a .22 rifle, a Walther P22, Ruger SR9c, S&W 38 Special, and FNP-9 are readily available, and in a couple instances some have been pulled and brought outside. Cop sided with us. ;)


Not that I would in a rural area, but I would, as you said, at least call the cops. Not just hop into bed.


Also, lol @ desk pop. :D

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living on the ass end of Chittenden by 4th i hear alot of gun shots but soon after i hear police sirens, so i feel pretty safe. but if i heard one close you best believe that i would be calling the police, that is why i keep my shotgun on campus just in case you, you never know. now i hope to never use it on another person but if it came down to me or another person i would not think for a second.
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.....ass end of Chittenden by 4th....i keep my shotgun on campus just in case you......


Please, please keep it in a safe, out of view spot. I got robbed back in january and thank god they didn't get my shotty, but it convinced me to get something smaller/more concealable. I would've felt horrible knowing that my weapon was out there getting used to rob/hurt people.

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Please, please keep it in a safe, out of view spot. I got robbed back in january and thank god they didn't get my shotty, but it convinced me to get something smaller/more concealable. I would've felt horrible knowing that my weapon was out there getting used to rob/hurt people.


believe me i do, i have it in a case hidden behind suit cases and blankets in my closet, also i wish i could have something smaller, come this October im going to buy my self a handgun.

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