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Anyone here "grow their own"? I need advice...


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Not what you were thinking. I have a Ghost Chili plant, and a LOT of little seedlings that I am raising inside.


What is a good light cycle for them? Where they are, it is IMPOSSIBLE to block all outside light. So, I cannot do a 24 on, 24 off cycle. Would 18 / 6 be good? Or 16 / 8? Or ???





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Not what you were thinking. I have a Ghost Chili plant, and a LOT of little seedlings that I am raising inside.


What is a good light cycle for them? Where they are, it is IMPOSSIBLE to block all outside light. So, I cannot do a 24 on, 24 off cycle. Would 18 / 6 be good? Or 16 / 8? Or ???






Is a 24 on/off cycle the way they are supposed to be raised? I didn't know that if so. I bought a ghost plant off of Jay a couple months ago and currently have them under a grow light from about 8 am until 10 PM. Before I had them in the window but the leaves started drooping so I put them under the grow light. They look a lot better than they did when they were in the window just getting sunlight.

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Is a 24 on/off cycle the way they are supposed to be raised? I didn't know that if so. I bought a ghost plant off of Jay a couple months ago and currently have them under a grow light from about 8 am until 10 PM. Before I had them in the window but the leaves started drooping so I put them under the grow light. They look a lot better than they did when they were in the window just getting sunlight.


Yeah... I got the big one from him as well. It has gained about 6" under a bobo light socket grow light, and being outside when it is sunny and over 60*.


I just picked up a Sun Blaze 22 w/ a Blue and a Red Bulb. Now I just need the "optimal" cycle.





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A guy at work who's growing some plants he bought from Jay has them under 2 sets of double bulb 4' shop lights with foil tucked around the plants reflecting the light back at them and is using the "bloom buster" or something like that Miracle Grow and the plants are exploding.
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A guy at work who's growing some plants he bought from Jay has them under 2 sets of double bulb 4' shop lights with foil tucked around the plants reflecting the light back at them and is using the "bloom buster" or something like that Miracle Grow and the plants are exploding.





Thanks Vince. Know how long he has the lights on?




PS - Miracle Gro-Bloom Buster

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I have a metal halide setup that I could sell someone. Would just need some fresh bulbs to grow all the "peppers" you want.



Do you have any reflective film?







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Do you have any reflective film?








goto the dollar store and grab some of the metal wrapping paper and use it backwards.

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Do you have any reflective film?








Honestly it is a saltwater aquarium light. It has decent reflectors if you polish the metal a lil bit. If you are serious I will take some pictures for you. Roughly 350 watts of metal halide power.

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If at all possible you do a grow with your own light you'll get better results with white walls/ outer area than you will using foil. You'll get hot spots on your plant leaves using foil. Something to look out for.



The light I have is a Sun Blaze 22 (2 x 2' T5 Bulbs). One is at 6000k, and the other is at 3800k. I am looking at something to put UNDER the plant that is DESIGNED for this. I know a mirror would work.... but... meh.


I am also working on ideas to help increase the humidity these guys get. There is just not enough in the basement. Although, there was enough outside today!!!



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Do you plan on isolating the plants in a room/ box type of thing or just leaving them in an open environment somewhere in your basement.


Spraying will help to create some sort of humidity.


Do a little research with your reflection, you don't want the hot spots. I'd suggest white all around.


I'm not familiar with ghost chili but 18/6 for your light cycle like stated above is what I would think.


Are you measuring your humidity in the room with a hygrometer?

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