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Meat Video


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I know there was that thing about cruelty to animals in ohio or whatever before. But this is some fucked up shit. I searched, and didn't find anything, so I hope it's not a repost. This is even more graphic than the last video I saw.


Obv the beating isn't normal, but is some of the shit they do "Standard Procedure"





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It's a one sided video about animals who are bred for food and etc... of course they're only going to show the violent and abusive stuff they do to the animals. :rolleyes:


I didn't watch the video - but don't really have to in order to tell you that you're a moron.


It's like someone posts a video of pedophilia and you say, "Well, duh, it's a video about people who don't like pedophiles - of course they aren't going to show all the nice things pedophiles do for children."


I'm okay with people being anti-vegetarian. I'm not okay with people being anti-intelligent.

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I didn't watch the video - but don't really have to in order to tell you that you're a moron.


It's like someone posts a video of pedophilia and you say, "Well, duh, it's a video about people who don't like pedophiles - of course they aren't going to show all the nice things pedophiles do for children."


I'm okay with people being anti-vegetarian. I'm not okay with people being anti-intelligent.


Little bit different scenario. This was a propagandist video trying to shock people into becoming vegetarians. Funny to listen to the vocabulary, word/syllable-emphasis, and music they used in the video.

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I didn't watch the video - but don't really have to in order to tell you that you're a moron.


It's like someone posts a video of pedophilia and you say, "Well, duh, it's a video about people who don't like pedophiles - of course they aren't going to show all the nice things pedophiles do for children."


I'm okay with people being anti-vegetarian. I'm not okay with people being anti-intelligent.


Using Pedophilia is a terrible comparison as to what I'm trying to point out... I'm sorry.


I couldn't care less if a person is vegan or vegetarian. I actually enjoy a lot of vegetarian dishes myself, so being anti-anything is out of the question. Fuck, I love Taco Bell and everybody know's that's not even food at all :lol:


What I have a problem with is the fact that they make videos like this as if people are completely stupid as to how their hamburger or steak ended up on their plate. No shit they have to kill the animal at some point... how the fuck can you KILL an innocent animal without it being considered, "inhumane?" We've been hunting and killing animals for thousands of years and those animals are born and raised for food, DEAL. WITH. IT.

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I'm not pleased with the content of the video as I do believe it happens a lot. People everywhere are fucked up. However, it is what it is, food production. I love food and it won't keep me from eating meat.
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Watched the first few mins. Honestly, they're animals. I may just be f-ed up, but I'll value and defend a human life. I can't say the same for animals. They were no one's kid, no one's prom queen or king, no one's fifth grade spelling bee winner, no one's star football player, no one's top band soloist. They were bred so that all of those could eat, survive, and go on to be what they were though.
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I love meat, eat it everyday. There is a huge difference b/w killing animals to eat and willfully and unnecessarily torturing them their entire lives. Circle of life been going on for millions of years, one animal eats another to survive. But one animal does not need to torture another to survive.
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Using Pedophilia is a terrible comparison as to what I'm trying to point out... I'm sorry.


I couldn't care less if a person is vegan or vegetarian. I actually enjoy a lot of vegetarian dishes myself, so being anti-anything is out of the question. Fuck, I love Taco Bell and everybody know's that's not even food at all :lol:


What I have a problem with is the fact that they make videos like this as if people are completely stupid as to how their hamburger or steak ended up on their plate. No shit they have to kill the animal at some point... how the fuck can you KILL an innocent animal without it being considered, "inhumane?" We've been hunting and killing animals for thousands of years and those animals are born and raised for food, DEAL. WITH. IT.


First, let's get something clear: I eat meat and I don't care that things made out of meat are killed so I can eat them.


So, you implied the video is skewed because they're only showing animals being mistreated. (I'm assuming here the video shows animals being mistreated. I'm sure someone will let me know if that assumption is incorrect.) If, however, the video showed animals being treated humanely, how would that in any way minimize the instances of the animals being mistreated? Just because there are instances of something "good" happening doesn't change the fact of something "bad" happening. Again, I get that apparently it's a propagandist video - but still it's showing something undesirable occurring.


By now you should realize that pedophilia - while certainly fairly far removed from animal abuse - is still a fine example of pointing out your error in reasoning. In fact, let's do this - we'll take what you said and just exchange "kids" for animals:


"It's a one sided video about kids who are pampered and groomed for pedophiles...of course they're only going to show the violent and abusive stuff they do to the kids."


See how it doesn't matter what it is that we're talking about? Saying it the way you did sounds a little silly - as though it's irrelevant that the video is showing undesirable things because it's made to make things look undesirable. Undesirability is undesirable, regardless, right?

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First, let's get something clear: I eat meat and I don't care that things made out of meat are killed so I can eat them.


So, you implied the video is skewed because they're only showing animals being mistreated. (I'm assuming here the video shows animals being mistreated. I'm sure someone will let me know if that assumption is incorrect.) If, however, the video showed animals being treated humanely, how would that in any way minimize the instances of the animals being mistreated? Just because there are instances of something "good" happening doesn't change the fact of something "bad" happening. Again, I get that apparently it's a propagandist video - but still it's showing something undesirable occurring.


By now you should realize that pedophilia - while certainly fairly far removed from animal abuse - is still a fine example of pointing out your error in reasoning. In fact, let's do this - we'll take what you said and just exchange "kids" for animals:


"It's a one sided video about kids who are pampered and groomed for pedophiles...of course they're only going to show the violent and abusive stuff they do to the kids."


See how it doesn't matter what it is that we're talking about? Saying it the way you did sounds a little silly - as though it's irrelevant that the video is showing undesirable things because it's made to make things look undesirable. Undesirability is undesirable, regardless, right?


It shows some idiot $8/hr workers throwing chickens around, kicking pigs and cows, etc. Then it also shows just normal slaughter and it's very bloody and quick, yet they make it seems like there is some other way to get food rather than killing animals. It's a propoganda video that hits some pretty major fallicies that the anti-meat industry uses.

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