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total fucking bullshit...


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Does anyone know how i can find a Columbus City Code that prohibits people from having gas/charcoal grills on their apt balcony or deck?


No joke, as im grilling out and opening mail and i get this bullshit letter from my apt complex saying gas/charcoal grills are not permitted on decks or patios b/c of some Columbus City code. I think this is total bullshit. Who the fuck are they to tell me i cant grill out on my own deck, yes i may not legally own the property but i have a leasehold interest by paying my rent every month and i dont see any problem grilling a few burgers once every other week.

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Is it in your lease? Cause city code or not I know most the time these things are in your lease agreement...


I sublett'ed (sp?) this place from my brother when he bought his house. They wouldnt let him out of his lease so i took over. He cooked out every weekend during the summer for 2 years and no one ever said anything to him. i sent him a txt asking if he read the lease and if it said anything about not having a gas grill. Supposably there is a stipulation in the lease that says you cant have one but there was no such stipulation in anything i ever signed.

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it actually is Fire Code that they are not allowed. Ill see if i can find it. Apartment buildings are not allowed (some dont care) that you cant have them.


We learned this wehen we moved into our apartment in dayton.




Here is the whole ORC on it..



PDF has the codes.. I think they are valid state wide, still reading..


" Ohio has enacted a new fire code in 2005 and it will affect your outdoor cooking policy. This

code affects everything but one or two family dwellings.

308.3.1 - Open-flame cooking devices: Charcoal burners and other open-flame devices shall

not be operated on combustible balconies or within ten feet (3048 MM) of combustible

constructions. Exceptions:

1. One- and two-family dwellings.

2. Where buildings, balconies and decks are protected by an automatic sprinkler system.

308.3.1.1 - Liquefied-petroleum-gas-fueled cooking devices: (Described as) LP-gas burners

having a water capacity greater than 2.5 pounds [nominal 1 pound (0.454 kg) LP-gas capacity]

shall not be located on combustible balconies or within 10 feet (3048 mm) of combustible

construction. Exceptions: One-two-family dwellings.

LPG tanks for gas grills are 20 lb tanks with 5 gallons of LP Gas.

Basically you cannot have a grill on a wooden balcony, unless the balcony has sprinkler

protection. The same code disallows turkey fryers, outdoor fireplaces and chimneys also.

The Ohio Fire Code was adopted from the International Fire Code, which is used across the

country, on military bases and various countries. It will be enforced throughout Ohio. We have

had fires in complexes caused by propane grills, etc."

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it actually is Fire Code that they are not allowed. Ill see if i can find it. Apartment buildings are not allowed (some dont care) that you cant have them.


We learned this wehen we moved into our apartment in dayton.




Here is the whole ORC on it..



PDF has the codes.. I think they are valid state wide, still reading..


Was this a statewide code or citywide?


By the wordage they used in the letter they make it sound like its something new that was recently passed. But from what you posted it seems like an older law.


Looking out of my deck i can see 2 other buildings, about 2 dozen patios and balconies and count maybe 6 or 7 grills so im guessing this is a rule they dont enforce alot?


Either way it just pisses me off, im a normal guy. I pay my bills on time, i dont break the law or sell drugs or anything crazy, hell i dont even play loud music b/c i think its inconsidereate to the neighbors, I donate money to a good cause but it never fucking fails there's always someone or somthing (govt) that wants to piss in my cheerios as soon as i sit down for breakfast.

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Statewide, IIRC. and its been in effect AT LEAST since 2005, cuz thats when we lived in Dayton..


its a HUGE fire hazard to be that close, considering how many peole could be affected by a fire from one.


Some complexes have made a public grill available because of this near pool areas.

From what i recall about apartment living, they send out a letter at the beginnign of the season, and tahts all you may h ear about it.


however, the complex i lived in, the fire department would come by and notify the complex who had them and then you could recieve a fine.

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Was this a statewide code or citywide?


By the wordage they used in the letter they make it sound like its something new that was recently passed. But from what you posted it seems like an older law.


Looking out of my deck i can see 2 other buildings, about 2 dozen patios and balconies and count maybe 6 or 7 grills so im guessing this is a rule they dont enforce alot?


Either way it just pisses me off, im a normal guy. I pay my bills on time, i dont break the law or sell drugs or anything crazy, hell i dont even play loud music b/c i think its inconsidereate to the neighbors, I donate money to a good cause but it never fucking fails there's always someone or somthing (govt) that wants to piss in my cheerios as soon as i sit down for breakfast.


I read something in the dispatch a few years ago about them going on enforcement drive in the spring every year

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I'm pretty sure 6 out of the 8 apartments around me have grills on patios or balconies. My neighbors above me do. I can see it being a fire hazard for sure, and if your complex wants to bust you for it, I don't think there is much you can do about it.
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I'm pretty sure 6 out of the 8 apartments around me have grills on patios or balconies. My neighbors above me do. I can see it being a fire hazard for sure, and if your complex wants to bust you for it, I don't think there is much you can do about it.


I think code enforcement or the fire marshal drives around in the spring and sends notices to complexes and then they send notices to the tenants

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yeah, i was told no grills and i lived on a 2nd floor with a maybe 6x12 balcony...they said we could store a grill on the balcony, but couldn't keep propane tanks with the grill, and it had to be 10' from building to cook...yeah right, like im gonna carry my grill down a flight of steps to cook, then back up


i just took my propane tank, kept it in my spare/storage bedroom, hooked it up, cooked, took it back in. never caught me

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I had fights with my old apartment complex about it too. It was stated in my lease that I could store my grill outside my door. Never had a problem until shortly after I renewed my lease and I got the notice. I faught them on it for a while because I thought it was just a change to the lease policy. After about 6 months of this, they finally produced the state law change. I had no problem with it then, but they couldn't give me a reason why there was a change until then.
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I sublett'ed (sp?) this place from my brother when he bought his house. They wouldnt let him out of his lease so i took over. He cooked out every weekend during the summer for 2 years and no one ever said anything to him. i sent him a txt asking if he read the lease and if it said anything about not having a gas grill. Supposably there is a stipulation in the lease that says you cant have one but there was no such stipulation in anything i ever signed.



Just because you did sign a agreement doesn't mean you can still do it. You are subletting which mean you still have to follow the rule the original renter agreed to.

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