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Alex L.

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While we're all giving you CR life lessons, you should also follow through with what you say you're going to do. In retrospect, what follows doesn't really seem surprising, given that you apparently like to come across as an irresponsible know-it-all.




You're the first to respond:




Great, here you act like a used-car salesman ("What you looking to spend...?"), and then you proceed to tell me how a clubhouse pass isn't special, like I need your unsolicited advice. Looking past that, I decided to send you a PM.




Aaaaaaand....about three weeks go by, and no response from you whatsoever.




And, in fact, I still haven't heard back from you.


So, thanks for being a jackass: you jump into my thread, tell me you can help out, ask me to message you, and when I do you don't have the fucking decency to reply.


Pro Tip: Try to stop being you for a while and see how that works.


Funny you say that cause I am just waiting to hear back from the guy with the tickets, and how many my family has. We for sure have 2 but waiting on 2 others. I wouldnt charge you anyways. The guy with the hospitality house would.


Im sorry guys i am trying my hardest "not to defend myself" but when someone makes a thread about you, talks shit, people make shit up, random people believe and start talking shit, are you going to defend yourself? Hell ya you are.


So I will say this, pontiacfreak123 Why do you think you deserve an apology? Stop going with the crowd!

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Funny you say that cause I am just waiting to hear back from the guy with the tickets, and how many my family has. We for sure have 2 but waiting on 2 others. I wouldnt charge you anyways. The guy with the hospitality house would.


Im sorry guys i am trying my hardest "not to defend myself" but when someone makes a thread about you, talks shit, people make shit up, random people believe and start talking shit, are you going to defend yourself? Hell ya you are.


So I will say this, pontiacfreak123 Why do you think you deserve an apology? Stop going with the crowd!


He dont want your excuses. He wanted your tickets. How hard would it have been to send him that message.


Again you just dont get it.


I personally know both Josh and Alex and would believe them especially knowing what type of guys they are.


Fuck Howard no apologies for him.

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Pro Tip: Try to stop being you for a while and see how that works.


lol, how many times have you wanted to say that to a person/family through out your work day


I have yet to meet this kid yet, but why is anyone paying attention? He sounds like a fat chick looking for people to care. DISREGARD until he touches your shit then put him in line.

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you missed the point of my statement. I dont want an apology, but there deffinatley are people you owe one to. In my family, saying shit like ''yea i agree with his apology'' just means you dont give a shit bc you cant man up and actually say it yourself. Get lost, grow up and trry again when your mature enough to even be able admit you made mistakes
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Im sorry guys i am trying my hardest "not to defend myself" but when someone makes a thread about you, talks shit, people make shit up, random people believe and start talking shit, are you going to defend yourself? Hell ya you are.


You're really, really dumb. You're not trying your hardest, or anywhere close. If you were, you would stop posting and everyone would get bored. If my dog can stop barking on command, why can't you?

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You're really, really dumb. You're not trying your hardest, or anywhere close. If you were, you would stop posting and everyone would get bored. If my dog can stop barking on command, why can't you?



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Well these 8 pages sure gave me a fun way to waste 20 mins at work. :lol:



But seriously, just because you're 17, doesn't mean you have to act it. I'm 17 as well, but anyone here who knows me will admit that I'm not some little ignorant fuck. Nobody would even guess it, if I didn't tell them........ Well, looks like that little secret's up. Hopefully it was for a good cause though.




Know your limits and when to back off. (hint: page 8 is a little late)

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I clearly remember alex saying " stay the fuck out of my car cody ". I also remember you smoking next to mr auto x after I told you he doesn't want smoke around him " it doesn't matter we are out side" does not work for an excuse on that one


I asked him to move when he was talking to some guy in a civic. They were both smoking. The other guy moved no problem, cody just stood there. Didn't move, being a fucking ass hole.


You are a fucking dumbass. You are STILL missing the point and just digging deeper and not admiting when you are wrong.


Instead of just saying "well I guess I did not have permission to be in Alex's car, I was wrong and I am sorry". You come back with the typical answer of kids these days...


I am going to give you the advice that EVERYBODY else is in a straight forward way that even an slackjawed, sister fucking redneck would get.


1. Stop trying to defend yourself, you brought this on now deal with it.

2. Stop posting and just lurk.

3. Take a break from coming to meets, unless you want things to get worse.

4. Drop the you know everything, have an answer for everything, have a comeback for everything way of posting.


If you do not follow this advice from myself and others, things will get much worse for you. The heavy hitters have not even started in on you yet, and trust me that is not what you want...




be prepared to be amazed. All im sayin


its ridiculous






99.5% sure we made him cry.


I hope so.

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I havent met this guy yet but, I cant wait. After reading this thread, you are now potentially my favorite person. You just got an entire forum full of cranky ass shit talkers to make an 8 page thread about you and youve only been here for like 2 months. I will offer you protection at meets but, in return you must call me papi.... and not touch my car. <3
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I havent met this guy yet but, I cant wait. After reading this thread, you are now potentially my favorite person. You just got an entire forum full of cranky ass shit talkers to make an 8 page thread about you and youve only been here for like 2 months. I will offer you protection at meets but, in return you must call me papi.... and not touch my car. <3


I 2nd this as long as he follows you around while holding onto your pants pocket. His new name will be Bridget.


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