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Help / advice needed for contracted work!


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Hey guys im in need of some help and or advice as to what to do ASAP!


Here's the deal: my wife is opening a cupcake shop, and is using a family friend as the contractor. We are in the final stages but he is costing us more every time he steps in the door. By doing things that she specifically told him not to do or mess with, by doing things that weren't agreed upon, etc.


An example; there is a small room with a wash sink and 3 shelves above it. He was told not to mess with that room because it had already been inspected by the health inspector and there were no problems. Come in the next day and the sink had been moved walls replaced and a backsplash put up. The shelves are now gone and the main uVerse unit was unplugged and set on a table in the other room, this was on the top shelf out of the way. Now I've got the unit back together but the phone lines no longer work :mad: now he is saying that we owe him 500$ in materials. And he is now giving Leah this whole "well I'm doing you a favor" bullshit. Leah specifically told him not to do anything in there and that there was literally no money to buy anything.


He also recommended a friend of his to do our menu signage and so the 3 of us met with the guy talked about ideas. We sent files and such to get a quote, and just heard today he printed it and it's costing us another 500$. We never agreed to anything and never received a quote.


Her biggest concern is that he is the one that has to sign off at the final inspection since his sig is on there now and if we tell him he's done and to go fuck him self then we have to hire someone to come in and pull all the permits and we don't have the funds for that:(


So what do we do?


Push through and hurry to finish everything FAST, get the final inspection, and the second he signs off punch him in the face and ram a huge spike up his ass. Or tell him to get lost and maybe there is a fellow CR member that would be able to help us out with finishing everything.

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Yeah original contract is what you should go by. If he did work that wasn't authorized and was specifically told not to do, you should have made it a huge deal right then and there. Hopefully by doing that you get what you deserve.


The part about the menu signage is simple, you owe nothing because there is no agreement and he can stick it.

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Fortunately and unfortunately there is no written contract. He was doing this as a favor for her (he's leahs best friends brother in law) there are plans and a list of what is to be done and when, but nothing else.


I plan on having a long talk with him cuz the more I hear from Leah about what he's telling her, the more it sounds like he's blackmailing her cuz he's doing her a favor and if he doesn't sign off on it we are unable to do the final inspection and she cant open.


I do plan on telling him to suck it on all the work and materials he's used for things that were not authorized. He's got this it's his way mentality and I'm gonna put am end to that.


Leah is the only one that can authorize any expeditures and on alot of the work, she hasn't!

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Fortunately and unfortunately there is no written contract. He was doing this as a favor for her (he's leahs best friends brother in law) there are plans and a list of what is to be done and when, but nothing else.


I plan on having a long talk with him cuz the more I hear from Leah about what he's telling her, the more it sounds like he's blackmailing her cuz he's doing her a favor and if he doesn't sign off on it we are unable to do the final inspection and she cant open.


I do plan on telling him to suck it on all the work and materials he's used for things that were not authorized. He's got this it's his way mentality and I'm gonna put am end to that.


Leah is the only one that can authorize any expeditures and on alot of the work, she hasn't!


Good for you. I would approach it with a series of questions in a business style vs statements with emotions. Not that you were, but just saying....


In term of expendetures, I would make it clear that you would be happy to cover what Leah approved. However, just approach him with the old "I'm confused :confused:" in terms of items that he took the liberty of purchasing and have him "help you understand" how you are liable for his decisions that had no prior authorization or approval. Put it back on him through a series of questions. In situations like this, the one that talks most loses.


In terms of changes orders such as with the sink, the same applies. "doing a favor?" Have him define what that means and how his actions are considered favors? Did you hire him to do you a favor or hire him to perform work as instructed? Again, let him answer. Does he think it's common practice for a contractor to make changes without authorization or approval? That's where I'm really confused and take issue.


You get my drift. I'd love to have that conversation with him.

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The kid didn't come to the shop today, he was too busy screwing up the menu board by cutting everything the wrong size. My wife doesn't want me to do/say anything yet because she just wants this done and him gone. At that point it's free game. Final inspection is (fingers crossed) hopefully going to be Wednesday. and then he will hear what I've got to say.


Thanks guys for the support he knows already not to mess with me. I'm good at mean muggin when he's around and the second he opens his mouth with him opinions and what not I shut them down and he doesn't say anything else.

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Guest GMoney
he keeps mentioning that he's doing favors because he's fucking up, trying to get money out of you, and knows he has no legal recourse. burn the bridge and start over.



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