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Bad Ant Problem (HELP)


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I have relatives from not so far back that were nimibian tribesman. they happen to have fought lions just to become warriors. I dont know what you know about lions but they aren't like your average cat. I bet you would absolutely **** yourself if you ever saw a real life lion.. especially if you were only holding a sharpened stick and you were naked. come talk to me when some of your family members have gone on the zambutu bibjano; aka the trial of life. until you have done half the **** that they have maybe you shouldnt even talk to me like this. I know you think you're hard and **** but guess what pal.. u arent'. now go grow some namibian genes and we'll talk about this **** for real
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the best stuff for ants is hands down Amdro. pick it up, sprinkle it around the house, and your ant problem is solved. it will ultimately kill the queen and the whole colony. it works fast and lasts.
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I had good luck with this. http://www.terro.com/

Around perimeter of house. Then placed a few traps as well. One of them (cant remember which product) they take the stuff back to there ant house and it destroys the nest. Have not had a ant problem since I started using it.


^^ this. Have used it with success.


8yr old kid and a magnifying glass /thread


^^ CR PETA crew will surely continue their attack on you.

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^^ this. Have used it with success.




^^ CR PETA crew will surely continue their attack on you.


lmao :p


How bad are the ants? Where are they getting in? Are they going after anything in particular? What do they look like, ie; tiny or big - red or brown - two toned - pointy abdomen or no, etc?


Every spring, I get into a battle with the ants around here. I win every year and I do this with minumum to zero poison. We have two species who like to invade the home and at least 6 species of ant living around the house - outside, of course.

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We had an ant problem years ago in our house. I put baited traps (the little round black things) under all of the appliances and in the bathrooms and laundry. I sprayed that Ortho Home Defense stuff around the outside of the house. I then put the Orth granuale all around outside.


After a week or so, no more ants!





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lmao :p


How bad are the ants? Where are they getting in? Are they going after anything in particular? What do they look like, ie; tiny or big - red or brown - two toned - pointy abdomen or no, etc?


Every spring, I get into a battle with the ants around here. I win every year and I do this with minumum to zero poison. We have two species who like to invade the home and at least 6 species of ant living around the house - outside, of course.


The ants are somewhat bad. They are at verious place around the house. They are small brown ants and yesterday notices a couple with wings (not good). I'm going to try a couple of products that you all state to use and hopefully this will go away. Thanks to those who actually gave advice.

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If you have a problem with the owner of this site, I'm not sure the above will work.....





The ants are somewhat bad. They are at verious place around the house. They are small brown ants and yesterday notices a couple with wings (not good). I'm going to try a couple of products that you all state to use and hopefully this will go away. Thanks to those who actually gave advice.

Winged ones are fucking ants. Literally. They just want to find a place to fly into the air and screw. If they're releasing potential queens and drones to breed, they're going to be very active, very spread out, and very protective.


Many ants start a breeding cycle around this time after some rains. If you just started seeing them, this maybe the case and they may leave once the breeders are gone. In any case, the numbers should back off. There's also always a chance, though, that the rains drove them in. In which case, given a bit of time, they may return to the outside but you may not want to take a chance of them getting comfortable. Hard for me to really say without being you and being there. ;)


Good luck.

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I second wd40 or brake clean is great also. just spill something sweet like kool-aid let them come out and bam kill them all as they are eating there last meal.


This same method can be applied to people on death row also

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