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who trys to ride every month??


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i rode into december. there was one or two 45 degree days in january that i rode. same in feb...

basically if its above 30 or so and not snowing or icy, then i will ride.

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I used to. But found out that road salt is not my friend. I skip January and February. Not missing much. Get a second bike, a used off road or dual sport that doesn't mind falling down. Ride that all Winter long.

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I ride 12 months a year, any time it is above 10ºF and there is not ice or snow on the roads. I avoid cars whenever possible, refusing to ride with cagers unless weather or circumstance makes it necessary. I only bought a car last year when it snowed, 300 bucks for a beater and I only drove it when it was slippery.

I rode to my parents house for Thanksgiving this year (50mi one way). I laid my Suzi down on Christmas Eve because the ground froze under me. (it was 50ºF and raining all day, but when the sun went down the ground was still cold enough to refreeze the pavement at only 40º or so... and I was on my way home in the dark when that happened...)

Several times this winter I got to work and walked in the building only to have my gear frost up from being so cold when it hit the warm humid air. This, by the way, really freaks out your coworkers... like they didn't already think I was half psycho anyway.

I'm riding out to Morrow tonight, probably after dark, so it will be around freezing I expect by the time I jump off of 71 out at 61... All I can say is LAYERS. If it dips below 40º I wear a layer under my pants (thermal underwear) and multiple layers up top. Under 20º I find my fingers get numb under my Isotoners, so I use multiple layers on gloves too, and must limit rides to about 15-20 miles before I stop to warm up a bit.

Need a better suit, full pants and jacket, I will go lower..... farther...

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i did 260 miles the weekend before thanksgiving. and it was 12 degrees when me and moose left. and i don't think it ever got above 20 degrees. and i did 50 miles on new years day.

My shit is still frozen from that one....:grin:

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I ride all year... I just bought this bike in January, and I've got at least 1500 miles on it since purchase. I've found my personal low for temps is 19*F. If it gets colder than that, I'll take the cage.

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I ride all year... I just bought this bike in January, and I've got at least 1500 miles on it since purchase. I've found my personal low for temps is 19*F. If it gets colder than that, I'll take the cage.

dude you are about as crazy about bikes as vrod dave and me... this winter you'll have to go on the endurance rides with us...

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dude you are about as crazy about bikes as vrod dave and me... this winter you'll have to go on the endurance rides with us...

There's nothing better than riding in to work and having your co-workers look at you in all you riding gear and say "Dude... You're retarded, it's 22* out there!" LOL!:D

Tell me more about these endurance rides... My interest is piqued.

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i ride year round and been known to sleep on my bike.

Now THAT's crazy... not the first time I heard it, but fucking crazy.

There's nothing better than riding in to work and having your co-workers look at you in all you riding gear and say "Dude... You're retarded, it's 22* out there!" LOL!:D

Tell me more about these endurance rides... My interest is piqued.

I got that a lot at work, but the best was a cashier this winter... She looks at my helmet and remarks how it is a "really good one" (it's not) and that means I must "be a real motorcycle rider" or something to that effect... I replied that, "no, it's 20 fucking degrees out, and THAT means I really ride...." I think I scared her. This is why I don't have a girlfriend....


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I have a xr 250 , before my son blew the cylender head, I rode off road all the time in the winter I love riding the woods in the winter time. need a new cylender head for a 91 xr250L honda dealer $450.00 that hurts

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