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are head phones illegal in ohio?


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my buddy is in the academy and one of the cadets told me that they are illegal so thats why the question popped up. his reasoning is that you cant really tell the cop whats legal or not and even if i would be right i dont wanna waste my time fighting the ticket in court. you may have had a cop that wasnt worried about the minor stuff. obviously its not the brightest idea to listen to music while riding because you cant hear anything but besides all that i still enjoy a good tune while riding

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We answered this one a couple of months back. I can't find the thread yet.

Yes, it is illegal, with certain exceptions.

One earphone is ok.

If they are built-in to the helmet it's ok. (who knows, don't ask)

Duty equipment. (police, EMT, firemen, fighter jock using the road as a runway)

Hearing aids.

Earplugs to protect hearing suffer the same rules, only one at a time.

I'll try to add the previous thread link. Or the Ohio revised code that covers it.


4511.84 Earphones or earplugs on operator prohibited.

(A) No person shall operate a motor vehicle while wearing earphones over, or earplugs in, both ears. As used in this section, “earphones” means any headset, radio, tape player, or other similar device that provides the listener with radio programs, music, or other recorded information through a device attached to the head and that covers all or a portion of both ears. “Earphones” does not include speakers or other listening devices that are built into protective headgear.

(B) This section does not apply to:

(1) Any person wearing a hearing aid;

(2) Law enforcement personnel while on duty;

(3) Fire department personnel and emergency medical service personnel while on duty;

(4) Any person engaged in the operation of equipment for use in the maintenance or repair of any highway;

(5) Any person engaged in the operation of refuse collection equipment.

© Except as otherwise provided in this division, whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. If, within one year of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to one predicate motor vehicle or traffic offense, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. If, within one year of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of two or more predicate motor vehicle or traffic offenses, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.

Effective Date: 10-30-1989

Edited by ReconRat
added ohio revised code
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i wear earplugs when out for my aggressive ride, it helps me concentrate

wear my earphones when highway riding, it helps me not fall asleep.

sure it could be illegal, but of all the cops i've talked to and asked its not something most would pull you over for. if they've already got you for speeding, they could tack that on.

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What I did was take my ear buds and wedged them into the hole for the straps that is under the padding in my helmet. I put the pads back in and just have the cord coming out of the helmet. They are technically not in my ears so not sure if that is okay, Im sure a cop could be a prick if he wanted.

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Thats stupid u can only wear one earplug at a time. I can understand headphones, but earplugs? How do u decide which ear u want to be able to hear out of when ur older?

Switch ears each ride, then you'll be evenly partially def in both ears. Or just the side your muffler is on, if you have a single sided muffler.

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I like how the rationale is headphones keep you from hearing well and yet we all advocate wearing ear plugs while we ride... if you can hear anything that helps you know where another car is (other than a horn, which usually means "too late") with the wind noise and earplugs in you're special.

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I would think it's illegal because you can't hear emergency vehicles and it can distract you from being 100% alert. I know while I'm listening to music I daydream and I'm not fully alert. I've never done it on my bike though. Earplugs though? If I'm on a loooong ride I will wear them because the wind gets loud and annoying.

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I guess it just depends on your point of view, I listen to one headphone on my bike at a reasonable level. Most cars are more soundproof now, and individuals listen to their music way louder then I listen to mine on the bike. The level I listen at allows me to still hear every thing over it.

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Thats stupid u can only wear one earplug at a time. I can understand headphones, but earplugs? How do u decide which ear u want to be able to hear out of when ur older?

its ok, you will be deaf in both ears. wind noise is a bitch.

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on a side note, you can put ONE ear phone in and its totally legal., its when both ears have headphones in them that its not legal anymore. at least thats what a cop told me.

this is what i do when i actually take something. but normally im riding with out any tunes

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Yes, it's illegal to have them in both ears. lol. Here is the law copied directly from the Ohio Revised Code.

4511.84 Earphones or earplugs on operator prohibited.

(A) No person shall operate a motor vehicle while wearing earphones over, or earplugs in, both ears. As used in this section, “earphones” means any headset, radio, tape player, or other similar device that provides the listener with radio programs, music, or other recorded information through a device attached to the head and that covers all or a portion of both ears. “Earphones” does not include speakers or other listening devices that are built into protective headgear.

(B) This section does not apply to:

(1) Any person wearing a hearing aid;

(2) Law enforcement personnel while on duty;

(3) Fire department personnel and emergency medical service personnel while on duty;

(4) Any person engaged in the operation of equipment for use in the maintenance or repair of any highway;

(5) Any person engaged in the operation of refuse collection equipment.

© Except as otherwise provided in this division, whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. If, within one year of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to one predicate motor vehicle or traffic offense, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. If, within one year of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of two or more predicate motor vehicle or traffic offenses, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.

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