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Since Blue98Ls1 made a thread magically lock for no reason-


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You know, I think the thing that pisses me off most about this thread is the fact people state things like they know whats going on and they really don't. Like this Browning guy. He admits to not coming out, doesn't know Anthony or me......... but yet he posts BS like this.


Do any of you guys realize I am the one that sets up most all of the official CR events, cleans up all the big messes on the board, does most of the behind the scenes stuff on this board, and drags Anthony out of the house on weekends. (even though he is getting old and demands to leave early, except for the 1 time 2 weekends ago because a friend was in town......... and it happened to be the one weekend I didn't want to be out as I was sick all week prior.)


I quite frankly don't have to waste all of my time on here, but I do because I happen to love cars and spend several hours every week working on my cars. I drag race the fuck out of my Firebird and would more often if I could get some more people to go to the track. And in general I like most of you fucking assholes whether the trolling get on my nerves or not.


You people have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. I was given full Admin power because I have been doing this stuff for a long time anyways. I can honestly see why he doesn't enjoy this anymore, as it only takes 1 stupid ass troll to give a sideways :gabe: to the others and cause a multi-page unnecessary worthless fucking thread like this.


I am now starting to get pissed. :fuuuu:

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Funny Steve quoting Linn when he blew up my phone to whine about his dick pics being posted all over CR. He seemed to give a fuck then.


True Story:


People who bitch hardest about CR cry the hardest when banned.


BRB, Begging to come back to CR!!!



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Funny Steve quoting Linn when he blew up my phone to whine about his dick pics being posted all over CR. He seemed to give a fuck then.



Exactly what I am talking about, that and "coming back" a few times.

If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't be on here, we banned his new accounts a few times.


IF this place sucks so bad, why fight so hard to stay on here, I mean, other than to sell shit.




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Anthony, why not put CR in a company or something and not have your personal name on it? I can completely see your side and the stuff you had to go thru, i just don't see how legally anyone can come after you. I mean ls1tech and svt there are races setup all the time as well as other sites in ohio. I enjoy CR, yes it is not what it used to be but I still check it every day. i don't know if there is a way to get your personal info out of it and let the folks post as their own risk....
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Anthony, why not put CR in a company or something and not have your personal name on it? I can completely see your side and the stuff you had to go thru, i just don't see how legally anyone can come after you. I mean ls1tech and svt there are races setup all the time as well as other sites in ohio. I enjoy CR, yes it is not what it used to be but I still check it every day. i don't know if there is a way to get your personal info out of it and let the folks post as their own risk....




Don't use logic! That shit is not welcome around here!!!

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I know most of you can't stand him but rob isn't that bad. He has gotten tons better since getting away from his shop, he looks better since he and Dana split. Just saying it cause no one else will stick up for him.

True story, but I feel i should as well.


we should bring him back to CR, less dana, and see what happens.

I KNOW that wont happen. Rob has already said, he will never be a member of this forum again.


Rob knows how to reach me. He probably doesn't wanna admit I told him so.

LOL Honestly..he throws that in her face. From what I gather, She proved alot of people right about her. Even some of the "mean" things he said to her. But see, I was there when she really started to destroy him. It was sad watching it.


It's no wonder that Rob wouldn't want to come back here if that's your attitude. It sounds like he's had a shit storm happen in his life lately. I could care less about Rob or him being on here. I don't know anything of him firsthand, except for how he carried himself on here, which was not very well. But if what he's going to get when he came back here, if he even wants to, is you telling him "I told you so", like a child, then why would he want to come back here?

Ok, all im going to say to this, ask Dyno Brian , or some of the other none posting members on this forum (some post), On what they feel about Rob now.... Brian mainly. He only knew of Rob from here, But now knows Rob as he is right now. I can say Rob is in a much better place in life. But he is still being beat down by Dana. She has litterally beat him down harder then his fathers trial did. She put him threw hell, and lost just about every thing but his tools, one cat and his clothes.(currently she is trying to fuck him hard core, just like she did with linn)


Rob is rather direct. I worked for him for several months. Dont talk much now, But while around that man, I learned ALOT. He let that women destroy him, but from the sounds of it. Seems like it was the best thing for him. But she still making his life hell. Im sure you know how to get ahold of him. If people really want to know, Add him on facebook and read his notes.


You know, I think the thing that pisses me off most about this thread is the fact people state things like they know whats going on and they really don't. Like this Browning guy. He admits to not coming out, doesn't know Anthony or me......... but yet he posts BS like this.


Do any of you guys realize I am the one that sets up most all of the official CR events, cleans up all the big messes on the board, does most of the behind the scenes stuff on this board, and drags Anthony out of the house on weekends. (even though he is getting old and demands to leave early, except for the 1 time 2 weekends ago because a friend was in town......... and it happened to be the one weekend I didn't want to be out as I was sick all week prior.)


I quite frankly don't have to waste all of my time on here, but I do because I happen to love cars and spend several hours every week working on my cars. I drag race the fuck out of my Firebird and would more often if I could get some more people to go to the track. And in general I like most of you fucking assholes whether the trolling get on my nerves or not.


You people have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. I was given full Admin power because I have been doing this stuff for a long time anyways. I can honestly see why he doesn't enjoy this anymore, as it only takes 1 stupid ass troll to give a sideways :gabe: to the others and cause a multi-page unnecessary worthless fucking thread like this.


I am now starting to get pissed. :fuuuu:

Well as a great but now removed member once told me..."welcome to CR" :fuuuu:


Linn jumps in here and pretty much did the same stuff he pulled with Dana on Tina. Just saying...

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