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Since Blue98Ls1 made a thread magically lock for no reason-


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I've had legal papers served to me personally in the past with threats. I didn't wanna ride on them being BS.


As for CR as an LLC, that only limits the liability from what I know. They still have the ability to come after me as owner, right?


Ant your not even liable RIGHT NOW! Read the cases I posted up.

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Ant your not even liable RIGHT NOW! Read the cases I posted up.


your missing his point. even he is not liab he still has to deal with it and prove he is not liable. which cost unwanted time, money, and stress.

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your missing his point. even he is not liab he still has to deal with it and prove he is not liable. which cost unwanted time, money, and stress.


Exactly! I had my name removed from the charter documents of a not for profit club for this reason. I did not want any type of liability laid at my feet in any way.

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havent read all 8 pages as i dont sit here all day but whats so fucking hard to comprehend?


do not set up races on here, as it leaves the owner in deep shit when things go wrong (family threats, court, etc...)


for gods sakes, put your childish behavior to the side and put yourself in the owners shoes.


i for one, wouldnt wanna be the guy who is responsible for having the owners family put in any sort of harms way just because i wanted to nutswing and bench race some dudes lambo...

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Da fuck happened here!?!



Say what you want but all of you should at least be happy the powers that be are a lot more patient with the ban hammer than other sites I've been on. Hell, if the mods here got to ban all the people they asked us to this thread would be 1 page.


Have fun complaining, and posting wierd shit... toodles :gabe:




You would all miss us.

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So tired of them using "the powers that be".. No power, none, but live the nerd dream and rule over the simple minded tools that live and breath cr.


This is more about the tools than the others....




Cock pic on Internet is forever. What a douche

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So tired of them using "the powers that be".. No power, none, but live the nerd dream and rule over the simple minded tools that live and breath cr.


Most of these people with "no power" living the dream are a success in real life. This website in no way shape or form defines them. They honestly dont enjoy babysitting some of the losers here that cant follow simple elementary directions. If given the choice most would just be normal members and be able to enjoy their time here more.


The mods and admins volunteer their tiime for free and it pisses me off when people look down their nose at them because they are doing what they are asked. If this place is lame, stupid, full of a bunch of nerds, is a waste of a site, etc.. etc.. etc.. then why keep coming back? I just dont get it... The internet is huge, go explore it and leave this shitty site to those that like it.

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That is a horrible argument . For starters I didn't say the site sucked, I have in the past but now I know not to expect anything from it. And I know they do it for free and all that bs but I can flip the same argument around on you Brian if you're so sick of babysitting why are you here the Internet.... Blah blah blah


The problem is the people that are assholes on here keep coming back cuz they live for whatever drama they can stir up and love that they can't be called on it. Just try to call them out in person and you'll be banned. Which is bs I think but ehh..


The people who donate time in my opinion have no right to bitch or complain about the job they excepted and most of the time wanted, if it sucks don't do it! But they won't cuz it's another facet in life where they have the smallest bit of control. And what does it matter what they do for a living? Why would I care or anyone for that matter that a mod or admin is a success in life? I mean is that a requirement to be a mod? Do you have something to prove to the Internet? Or is that a dig on others who may not be as well off or have as much debt? See it's the fact that you take the time to send up the "I'm successful" flag and I don't care/0 fucks given Comments that it's the exact opposite. The amount of money you make or spend in the grand scheme of the world is no ones business unless you are supporting them and to flaunt it is tacky. Not that you have done this as far as I know so don't take it that way.


I guess my original comment was just in annoyance as "the powers that be" do act like cr is a hierarchy but now that I think about it for twelve seconds I don't think it's y'alls fault as it's the douche bags and the trolls who give them/you the "power" over them and I guess when I look at it like that I'm cool with it cuz those kids need a daddy in their life and mommy cuz their parents failed to raise them right.


In closing I don't feel sorry for you guys At all cuz you have the choice to do what you want I.e quit or ban people. But I get where you're coming from.

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That is a horrible argument . For starters I didn't say the site sucked, I have in the past but now I know not to expect anything from it. And I know they do it for free and all that bs but I can flip the same argument around on you Brian if you're so sick of babysitting why are you here the Internet.... Blah blah blah


The problem is the people that are assholes on here keep coming back cuz they live for whatever drama they can stir up and love that they can't be called on it. Just try to call them out in person and you'll be banned. Which is bs I think but ehh..


The people who donate time in my opinion have no right to bitch or complain about the job they excepted and most of the time wanted, if it sucks don't do it! But they won't cuz it's another facet in life where they have the smallest bit of control. And what does it matter what they do for a living? Why would I care or anyone for that matter that a mod or admin is a success in life? I mean is that a requirement to be a mod? Do you have something to prove to the Internet? Or is that a dig on others who may not be as well off or have as much debt? See it's the fact that you take the time to send up the "I'm successful" flag and I don't care/0 fucks given Comments that it's the exact opposite. The amount of money you make or spend in the grand scheme of the world is no ones business unless you are supporting them and to flaunt it is tacky. Not that you have done this as far as I know so don't take it that way.


I guess my original comment was just in annoyance as "the powers that be" do act like cr is a hierarchy but now that I think about it for twelve seconds I don't think it's y'alls fault as it's the douche bags and the trolls who give them/you the "power" over them and I guess when I look at it like that I'm cool with it cuz those kids need a daddy in their life and mommy cuz their parents failed to raise them right.


In closing I don't feel sorry for you guys At all cuz you have the choice to do what you want I.e quit or ban people. But I get where you're coming from.


I only have one retort for this and it uses the phrase tongue punch fart box :)

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You know, people have been claiming that CR has been going downhill since year two, which is long before any of you were on here. Kinda late to that bandwagon, it's been beat to death and then some.


It was cool maybe 5-6 years ago. I honestly think the problem with CR can be handled by deleting every account made 2007 and newer. Just a bunch of annoying kids and trolls. I rarely see anything of value from anyone 07 or newer. Kind of funny to look back through this thread with it in mind.

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It was cool maybe 5-6 years ago. I honestly think the only problem with CR can be handled by deleting every account made 2007 and newer. Just a bunch of annoying kids and trolls.


Lol, for what reason, so you can come here and talk about hockey, politics, and everything OTHER than racing?

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It was cool maybe 5-6 years ago. I honestly think the problem with CR can be handled by deleting every account made 2007 and newer. Just a bunch of annoying kids and trolls. I rarely see anything of value from anyone 07 or newer. Kind of funny to look back through this thread with it in mind.


Just checking to see what year I joined, thanks

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It was cool maybe 5-6 years ago. I honestly think the problem with CR can be handled by deleting every account made 2007 and newer. Just a bunch of annoying kids and trolls. I rarely see anything of value from anyone 07 or newer. Kind of funny to look back through this thread with it in mind.


I made the cut... sweet! :fuckyeah:

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It was cool maybe 5-6 years ago. I honestly think the problem with CR can be handled by deleting every account made 2007 and newer. Just a bunch of annoying kids and trolls. I rarely see anything of value from anyone 07 or newer. Kind of funny to look back through this thread with it in mind.


There has been shit talking and ribbing on here forever. I've been off and back on since '03, and it hasn't changed a bit. Simply people getting older and grumpier (or is it butt hurt?). It's the running joke on every single forum. The internets is serious business. In 6 or 8 years the current crop will complain about the newbs and the cycle will start over again. Go look at some of the oldest threads in the kitchen. It's a great history lesson for those that complain that the "Trolls" have/are ruining CR.

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