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Since Blue98Ls1 made a thread magically lock for no reason-


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It was cool maybe 5-6 years ago. I honestly think the problem with CR can be handled by deleting every account made 2007 and newer. Just a bunch of annoying kids and trolls. I rarely see anything of value from anyone 07 or newer. Kind of funny to look back through this thread with it in mind.




I havent been here since pre 2007 and i've been to more shit than you've posted about. You cant say that everyone 07 and newer need to be deleted, hell most of the newer people actually show up to the events and most of the time give the coordinator's the ideas for some of the events. So im going to need you to rephrase that cause IMO it just sounds like bullshit and a waste of a post # on page 8



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That is a horrible argument . For starters I didn't say the site sucked, I have in the past but now I know not to expect anything from it. And I know they do it for free and all that bs but I can flip the same argument around on you Brian if you're so sick of babysitting why are you here the Internet.... Blah blah blah


The problem is the people that are assholes on here keep coming back cuz they live for whatever drama they can stir up and love that they can't be called on it. Just try to call them out in person and you'll be banned. Which is bs I think but ehh..


The people who donate time in my opinion have no right to bitch or complain about the job they excepted and most of the time wanted, if it sucks don't do it! But they won't cuz it's another facet in life where they have the smallest bit of control. And what does it matter what they do for a living? Why would I care or anyone for that matter that a mod or admin is a success in life? I mean is that a requirement to be a mod? Do you have something to prove to the Internet? Or is that a dig on others who may not be as well off or have as much debt? See it's the fact that you take the time to send up the "I'm successful" flag and I don't care/0 fucks given Comments that it's the exact opposite. The amount of money you make or spend in the grand scheme of the world is no ones business unless you are supporting them and to flaunt it is tacky. Not that you have done this as far as I know so don't take it that way.


I guess my original comment was just in annoyance as "the powers that be" do act like cr is a hierarchy but now that I think about it for twelve seconds I don't think it's y'alls fault as it's the douche bags and the trolls who give them/you the "power" over them and I guess when I look at it like that I'm cool with it cuz those kids need a daddy in their life and mommy cuz their parents failed to raise them right.


In closing I don't feel sorry for you guys At all cuz you have the choice to do what you want I.e quit or ban people. But I get where you're coming from.


My comment was directed at multiple people not just you. The nerd piece was for you, the rest was to the people in this thread that say this site is a waste of time. The successful piece and not enjoying babysitting are both relevant as you stated they live the nerd dream and enjoy their power trips. I was informing you that they dont need this site to feel like real men, and infracting people isn't a dream for anyone. I can see where you are coming from but as an admin if you say a single word about any one here that volunteers their time to help out Im not going to turn the other cheek. I will stick up for those helping out until the cows come home.


If you say they are power tripping nerds then I'm going to point out why they dont need to be power tripping nerds. Just as if you said they were idiots I would tell you how smart they are etc etc etc. You are right they can quit when ever they want.. the fact that they dont in an effort to help us out makes me respect them that much more.


Overall we are on the same page.. just needed to explain the success part.

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I havent been here since pre 2007 and i've been to more shit than you've posted about. You cant say that everyone 07 and newer need to be deleted, hell most of the newer people actually show up to the events and most of the time give the coordinator's the ideas for some of the events. So im going to need you to rephrase that cause IMO it just sounds like bullshit and a waste of a post # on page 8




I was out every weekend for years, don't stroke your CR ego. I'm sorry I don't have time to hang out in parking lots anymore.

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I was out every weekend for years, don't stroke your CR ego. I'm sorry I don't have time to hang out in parking lots anymore.


yes lets delete everyone post 07.... there would be maybe 100 posts a week. what have you contribued to this site? you dont show up to any car shows, no track days, you dont sponsor the site, your pretty much useless. id take the trolls over you.

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yes lets delete everyone post 07.... there would be maybe 100 posts a week. what have you contribued to this site? you dont show up to any car shows, no track days, you dont sponsor the site, your pretty much useless. id take the trolls over you.




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I was out every weekend for years, don't stroke your CR ego. I'm sorry I don't have time to hang out in parking lots anymore.


Stroke my ego? Really? haha, i do alot more than "sit in a parking lot" Ive been on flag football teams, been to numerous cookouts, get togethers at the head jew's house, track days, dinners, supporting numerous' members bands or other hobbies.


So please dont try and tell me about stroking my ego when you do shit besides type about how you hate everyone newer than 07. Kindly EAD



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your missing his point. even he is not liab he still has to deal with it and prove he is not liable. which cost unwanted time, money, and stress.


I understand that 100%, but it didn't need to be that way. If he would just firm up and play the "I dont give a fuck" card, he'd be fine. He could PM guys on larger forums that set up even MORE racing, and see what they do.



But its his forum, his life. his call

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Overall anyone that doesnt like the way CR is run, there's a simple solution to fix it. Go somewhere else, or just don't get involved in things you don't like. Oh here's a noval idea, start your own site if you know how to make things so great, show us.
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This has been a very interesting read. I do have to agree that CR is not what it used to be, however, in life we know that everything does evolve. Because of this CR is what it is now. Do I miss the days that you could speak compleatly openly with no worries? Yes. But it is not that way now. After a major bust and some highly publicized arrests, and a death, it can not be that way. We had another forum for this and that was RC which I was an active user for years but for some reason can not find the forum now... Will people get out of hand and call each other out from time to time? Absoutly and it seems that stuff is let to slide but when people go out of their way to start a call out topic then ya shit is going to hit the fan. Athoney has said time and time again you can not set up races but vids of the aftermath and talk of what happened is ok not what is going to happen. When you go into what is going to happen then you are setting it up and he does not what that over his head. These are simple rules to go by so just do it. Do I even from time to time forget these rules and think this is the CR of old? Of course that is just how it goes. And yes the new people are going to get out of hand but give them time and they will learn the rules. No reason to ban newbs. Oh and to add I do see your point JP but this is the mans show and he can run it any way he wants to so we must follow his rules. That is just how it is.
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