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Doesnt look good for HTC and Android...Discuss


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you had to be a genius to operate it, and who wanted to carry around a brick?. apple made it simple.


No, you just need a pulse to operate it, if you were a genius you could just do so much more. Brick? My phone is smaller than your phone, and probably ways a good amount less and it's much older.

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Apple rarely innovates, but in fairness, neither do other large companies. Most follow the ideology of *see good idea, steal or buy if we have to*.


Apple didn't invent the mp3 player, the touchscreen smartphone(the OG iphone wasn't even an actual smartphone), nor the tablet PC. However they did sell their sleek image, user-friendly superiority, and robust operating systems(which they didn't really invent either) to great success. Also their image was enhanced by the inherent sexiness of being the t-shirted underdog to MS's megacorporate suits. Guess their lawyers wear suits though.

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They made it main stream. Sure other devices MAY have had that shit, but you had to be a genius to operate it, and who wanted to carry around a brick?. apple made it simple.


People don't buy what, they buy why. Both Androids and iPhones are great products. I'm not bashing any of the HTC's or whatever Android devices are out there. However, I will say, there are already so many different versions and brands and models and what not of Android Devices that I'm turned off that I have to think and research that so much before I even know which one I'm interested in and why? Then I have to figure out the techy stuff behind it that is touted as the reason to buy one?


Fuck that, I just want a smart phone that I can plug into my computer at work, home and have it sync music, data, other stuff both personal and business related and just plain work. I have what 1-2 choices now? Oh, and it's interface is relatively the same as other devices I use like my MP3 player and tablet? It works on Macs and PC's off all types and brands?


Pretty simple and all that said, yes, I'll pay more for such a device even if it's on a network that I really don't care for. Hmmm......sounds like Apple was Most innovative and by innovative, I don't limit that descriptor of them to just techy stuff. On top of it, they haven't had to discount or give away devices or try and slam the competition to do it either. Sounds like they understand their target market; and not they are targeting everyone.

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I'll watch it when I get a chance.


But like I've said, there is room for both...Apple on the other hand wants to do shit like ban sales of HTC devices in the US because they are a threat. Apple reminds me of a dictatorship. We give you what we think you want and need, ban everything else and send them to jail if they oppose.


Do watch it. The whole thing too. Even after the Apple example stops. Then you'll understand where I'm coming from. Plug in your own examples and experiences afterwards to test the theory. Even CR or the Vortex Forum.....there are tons of other sites I can surf that talk about cars, etc...but those two are my favorite. Why?


I disagree in that Apple builds something then looks for a market or then tries to cram it down peoples throats. They CLEARLY know WHY they are building towards and don't worry about the rest. That rest of market is what you're referencing where there's not a good alignment. That's okay. No one ever get's 100% market alignment. Apple knows that, many don't and what makes them successful is they target that market. I work for a very large company that does the same thing. The rest of market tries to bash us because we are a market leader and cater to a very specific crowd. Others base their examples off us and tout their offerings as better, but they too clearly lack a center point of customer loyalty that taps into why we do what we do. That loyalty is profitable and for us in our market, allows us to be very strong.

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Tim, I think you need to borrow my phone for a while :) It will do all those things you want. It even syncs music, data and contacts without having to plug it in, so even easier. It still has the same interface as an iphone, but with that customization to even better fit your needs.


Stock Android is great, it's Motorola that's ruining it with their blur skin, HTC isn't helping with their sense skin, and Samsung's skin is just trying to mimic the look of iOS.

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A system and method causes a computer to detect and perform actions on structures identified in computer data. The system provides an analyzer server, an application program interface, a user interface and an action processor. The analyzer server receives from an application running concurrently data having recognizable structures, uses a pattern analysis unit, such as a parser or fast string search function, to detect structures in the data, and links relevant actions to the detected structures. The application program interface communicates with the application running concurrently, and transmits relevant information to the user interface. Thus, the user interface can present and enable selection of the detected structures, and upon selection of a detected structure, present the linked candidate actions. Upon selection of an action, the action processor performs the action on the detected structure.



Real-time signal processing system for serially transmitted data



A data transmission system having a real-time data engine for processing isochronous streams of data includes an interface device that provides a physical and logical connection of a computer to any one or more of a variety of different types of data networks. Data received at this device is presented to a serial driver, which disassembles different streams of data for presentation to appropriate data managers. A device handler associated with the interface device sets up data flow paths, and also presents data and commands from the data managers to a real-time data processing engine. Flexibility to handle any type of data, such as voice, facsimile, video and the like, that is transmitted over any type of communication network with any type of real-time engine is made possible by abstracting the functions of each of the elements of the system from one another. This abstraction is provided through suitable interfaces that isolate the transmission medium, the data manager and the real-time engine from one another.



Oh so you mean a FUCKING COMPUTER and the OSI MODEL? :dumb: This shit got serious I am calling a press conference with Al Gore the creator of the internetz. FYI Apple did not create the first computer, or mass produced microcomputer, or the first cell phone. You mad? :gabe:

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Tim, I think you need to borrow my phone for a while :) It will do all those things you want. It even syncs music, data and contacts without having to plug it in, so even easier. It still has the same interface as an iphone, but with that customization to even better fit your needs.


Stock Android is great, it's Motorola that's ruining it with their blur skin, HTC isn't helping with their sense skin, and Samsung's skin is just trying to mimic the look of iOS.


I agree and spent time with a buddy last week and really enjoyed the design and look. It likely is a great device and could be better. However, when it comes time for me to buy a phone, Apple has really made that process easy and has a strong loyal following. I'm not a fan-boy, but I am sold on a 4G capable iPhone that is seamless for me to transition over to. They have even made upgrading easy.


Like you said, and where we agree, they have great stuff. However, they are ruining it and one way is by making it complicated. In some cases, yes they are trying to mimic and that too sends a bad message as to why I don't buy one.

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This shit got serious I am calling a press conference with Al Gore the creator of the internetz.




Al Gore begins with an 'A' ends with an 'E'.


Apple begins with an 'A' ends with an 'E'.


OMMFG ... I discovered the truth.

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Al Gore begins with an 'A' ends with an 'E'.


Apple begins with an 'A' ends with an 'E'.


OMMFG ... I discovered the truth.



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No, you just need a pulse to operate it, if you were a genius you could just do so much more. Brick? My phone is smaller than your phone, and probably ways a good amount less and it's much older.


i was referring to an older windows phone i had. xv6700.


Tim, I think you need to borrow my phone for a while :) It will do all those things you want. It even syncs music, data and contacts without having to plug it in, so even easier. It still has the same interface as an iphone, but with that customization to even better fit your needs.


Stock Android is great, it's Motorola that's ruining it with their blur skin, HTC isn't helping with their sense skin, and Samsung's skin is just trying to mimic the look of iOS.


My Entire dislike for android devices is summed up at the end this post.

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My Entire dislike for android devices is summed up at the end this post.

The point being, unlike other devices, you can easily and legally* remove what you don't like and put on what you do. Customizing it exactly to YOUR tastes. That is the WHY of Android.


There's WHY's everywhere. People just don't often understand the WHY of the guy on the other side of the fence.



* maybe not illegal but corporate lawyer jizzering


Apple makes good products. But so do other makers. Apple's products are good stuff. Apple's *corporate legal strategy* is stupid.


PS: TED for the win. When I get rich I'll be constantly attending these. My favorite TED talk remains Mike Rowe and the sheep balls.

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The point being, unlike other devices, you can easily and legally* remove what you don't like and put on what you do. Customizing it exactly to YOUR tastes. That is the WHY of Android.


There's WHY's everywhere. People just don't often understand the WHY of the guy on the other side of the fence.



* maybe not illegal but corporate lawyer jizzering


Apple makes good products. But so do other makers. Apple's products are good stuff. Apple's *corporate legal strategy* is stupid.


PS: TED for the win. When I get rich I'll be constantly attending these.


enjoy your freezing, and other bugs after rooting and adding your own rom.

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My Entire dislike for android devices is summed up at the end this post.


Your G1 was vanilla android...


You have the option to buy whatever flavor of Android you like. Like plain android? Buy a nexus phone or a G2.



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You just contradicted yourself.


Think about it.


Nope when I root my androids I add and remove things to go faster. Same thing happened when I jailbroke my iPad, add and remove :lolguy:

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The point being, unlike other devices, you can easily and legally* remove what you don't like and put on what you do. Customizing it exactly to YOUR tastes. That is the WHY of Android.


There's WHY's everywhere. People just don't often understand the WHY of the guy on the other side of the fence.


I get the why on the side of Android and it's customization ability, but it's not present in much if any of their marketing. When they do it's usually in some slam on Apple. ie., HP's recent ads for their tablet.


They also don't separate the Android platform enough. They market it as if it's the better version of Apple's stuff. Not effective. They need to stand completely on their own without slamming or even inferring anything about the competition. That's contrary to good marketing sense. Unfortunately it's done a lot.


PS: TED for the win. When I get rich I'll be constantly attending these. My favorite TED talk remains Mike Rowe and the sheep balls.


I've been fortunate in going to the past few.


Link for those that haven't seen it. :lolguy:


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Great video. If you have a chance to attend the TED conference, do it. It's a great time.




So I got some time to watch a little over half way.


Yes, he explains it well and it's true. People don't always buy something because it's better, but because they've been told by someone else to buy it. He calls it a "feeling"...He also mentions that the techy part of the brain where facts and figures are comprehended is also the more evolved part ("homo sapien" he calls it, so it's the part of the brain that separates us from animals) of the brain, and the part of the brain that deals with "feelings" is the more primitive brain.


So what I got from it:

Buy Apple, be a sheep, have a primitive brain, ignore facts.

Be Apple, take advantage of sheep with primitive brains who ignore facts, make money

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