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Doesnt look good for HTC and Android...Discuss


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So what I got from it:

Buy Apple, be a sheep, have a primitive brain, ignore facts.

Be Apple, take advantage of sheep with primitive brains who ignore facts, make money


I get that consumers have wants and needs and are buying from Apple because they market products (wheather you like them or not) in a way that aligns with what people are asking for and doing it in a way that leverages simplicity with effectiveness in products that have a clean style.


I also get that Apple knows how to target a specific market by listening to their needs and communicating how their products match up with their needs. Apple drives loyalty by keeping things simple and insuring the adoption of their products use is easy and not just with one or two things but rather consumers are able to really integrate the products into their lives. Integration is key and you see that in how they are marketing things. Androids have some cool techy stuff, but I'm not going to buy it if it's difficult or unclear on how to get a full boat of value from it. Apple is easy as hell and I feel I can get my full value from their tools.

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I get that consumers have wants and needs and are buying from Apple because they market products (wheather you like them or not) in a way that aligns with what people are asking for and doing it in a way that leverages simplicity with effectiveness in products that have a clean style.


Clean style, yes. Simplicity, yes. People's needs, no. People don't need tablets, but as soon as apple announced a tablet, everyone needed one. If someone needs a device to surf the web, and to fully surf the web you need to be able to see ALL the web, but Apple told you that you don't need flash. They tell people what their wants and needs are.


BTW, Are you able to watch that video on your iphone?


I also get that Apple knows how to target a specific market by listening to their needs and communicating how their products match up with their needs. Apple drives loyalty by keeping things simple and insuring the adoption of their products use is easy and not just with one or two things but rather consumers are able to really integrate the products into their lives. Integration is key and you see that in how they are marketing things.


Which is why I don't understand why anyone would use any Apple product. Apple stuff integrates well...with other Apple stuff...mostly. When ipods first came out, my girlfriend asked me to load her music on there. No problem I said...wtf I can't just drag and drop? Wtf I have to download itunes? wtf when i hook up her ipod on my computer to add more songs on there it erased everything else? Nightmare to use. Special cables...the world standard for mobile phones are micro usb, but heres apple with their big ass stupid apple cable. PITA


Androids have some cool techy stuff, but I'm not going to buy it if it's difficult or unclear on how to get a full boat of value from it. Apple is easy as hell and I feel I can get my full value from their tools.
Android goes as deep as you want it to go. If you only want to go down Apple level of difficulty, no problem. The dial isn't fixed at 11, but it sure as hell can go all the way 11.
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Yeah and F bodies are so cool still :dumb:


It appears you are taking others opinions personally. You protect the honor of your phone like you gave birth to it... for that kind sir I laugh at you.

Edited by V8 Beast
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Clean style, yes. Simplicity, yes. People's needs, no. People don't need tablets, but as soon as apple announced a tablet, everyone needed one.


People don't need tablets? Who's telling who what they do and don't need here, Apple or you?


Really....so the masses are buying tablets and spending upwards of $1k on iPads but don't need them? Are they in turn returning or selling them back in masses? You must hang out with a rich crowd with expensive technology that just sits around. I see folks everywhere using them in business and personal settings all the time.


Netbooks preceded the iPad by nearly 3 years so I think consumers saw the iPad as an about time kinda thing. Especially those looking to use it mainly for information consumption.



If someone needs a device to surf the web, and to fully surf the web you need to be able to see ALL the web, but Apple told you that you don't need flash. They tell people what their wants and needs are.

BTW, Are you able to watch that video on your iphone?

Really...flash is that much of an issue? I think I have run into an issue with it one time in my life where I couldn't play a vid on my phone or iPad and wanted to. Ironically it was a Street Racing vid that honestly, wasn't critical in my life to view at that time. I've been using my iPhone for 2 years and my iPad since last summer and yet to have issues. Again, most sites that I visit don't require flash and I surf a shit load.


So is Adobe Flash considered an open standard product or is it limiting and proprietary? Is Apple the one responsible for me not being able to view a site or is it instead the site developer who hasn't properly laid out his content to play on my platform? Considering the industry buzz going around, if Apple was such a bad company that was so greatly interfering with peoples web content consumption, why is it they are selling so well and being used all over for web use? Obviously iPads aren't lacking what people truly need to use them. Sounds to me like Apple knew that and knows that quite well. If not they either wouldn't be selling or Apple would have caved. Last time I checked, Apple was selling a shit ton of them at list price. Contrast that with just yesterday, someone here posted a $100 off tablet coupon for Staples. Another Android discount play on price point to try and drive sales.


Video wise, yes, TED Vids play crystal clear for me. However, I wouldn't waste my time using my phone to do it. Why, when I have a desktop, a laptop and hell, my iPad is usually always in my bag when I'm on the go. Plays on my iPad just fine, so I'm assuming my phone would play it too.


Which is why I don't understand why anyone would use any Apple product. Apple stuff integrates well...with other Apple stuff...mostly. When ipods first came out, my girlfriend asked me to load her music on there. No problem I said...wtf I can't just drag and drop?
I have no problem integrating my iDevices with non Apple stuff? I use my iPad with my DSLR's on photo shoots even. In terms of drag and drop of songs, I don't see the issue. D&D is nice, but iTunes does a lot more than serve as a simple way to drag and drop music to your device. I suppose if all your looking for is a D&D device one could just go buy a cheap MP3 player from Rio. I have one of those too, but see no need for it anymore.


Wtf I have to download itunes? wtf when i hook up her ipod on my computer to add more songs on there it erased everything else?
User error? IDK, I've never had a problem nor has my wife who is a techno zero. Plugs her phone into my PC and syncs whatever she wants. Same with her laptop. In fact today, I put about a dozen songs on a thumb drive so she could just drop them in her library on her work PC and play them there. Drag and drop, then plug and play simple.


Nightmare to use. Special cables...the world standard for mobile phones are micro usb, but heres apple with their big ass stupid apple cable. PITA
STFU, you did not seriously say an iPod is a nightmare. Come one, you're techno 10 and if an iPod is a nightmare than I'd question your desire to actually just take 1 minute to figure it out.


Cable wise, ALL cell Phones have fucked up different cables. I've had countless phones and if it wasn't for those universal cables with all the tips with them, I'd be broke. There's nothing special about my iPhone cable. The charger in my car is the same cord as I used with my Blackberry, I just swapped tips. My wife's 3G Phone, my 3Gs and Even the new 4G all use the same cable. I can sync my iPad with it too, however, it won't charge from a USB Port. No surprise given the power limitation there, but that's not Apple's fault.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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People don't need tablets? Who's telling who what they do and don't need here, Apple or you?


Really....so the masses are buying tablets and spending upwards of $1k on iPads but don't need them? Are they in turn returning or selling them back in masses? You must hang out with a rich crowd with expensive technology that just sits around. I see folks everywhere using them in business and personal settings all the time.



no, he lives at home :dumb:

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Netbooks preceded the iPad by nearly 3 years so I think consumers saw the iPad as an about time kinda thing. Especially those looking to use it mainly for information consumption.


Tablet PCs have been around since 1989. They are nothing new and no it isn't about time kinda thing. The only thing an iPad will be is an old idea with newer hardware that is still way out of date. Some cell phones have dual core CPUs but not an iPad. The excuse where you want something easy is --> :dumb: Stop being lazy and learn how to use a piece of hardware to its full advantage. If that involves rooting or jailbreaking dealwithit.gif

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People don't need tablets? Who's telling who what they do and don't need here, Apple or you?


Come on you know people don't NEED tablets. People need phones, and people need computers, so smart phones roll that into one bundle for when you are on the go. Tablets can't make phone calls, and they do everything that their phone counterparts can do, but with a bigger screen. Most people didn't even know tablets existed until the iPad came along. Is it a cool thing to have? Damn right it is but it fills a hole that we don't have.


Really....so the masses are buying tablets and spending upwards of $1k on iPads but don't need them? Are they in turn returning or selling them back in masses? You must hang out with a rich crowd with expensive technology that just sits around. I see folks everywhere using them in business and personal settings all the time.
No of course people will use them and go around telling everyone how awesome it is, they just dropped a grand on one.


Netbooks preceded the iPad by nearly 3 years so I think consumers saw the iPad as an about time kinda thing. Especially those looking to use it mainly for information consumption.
Well there were already tablets around...nobody wanted them.


Really...flash is that much of an issue? I think I have run into an issue with it one time in my life where I couldn't play a vid on my phone or iPad and wanted to. Ironically it was a Street Racing vid that honestly, wasn't critical in my life to view at that time. I've been using my iPhone for 2 years and my iPad since last summer and yet to have issues. Again, most sites that I visit don't require flash and I surf a shit load.
No it's not that big of a deal, but if I'm about to drop a grand on a device, I want the one that won't have any issues visiting any site.


So is Adobe Flash considered an open standard product or is it limiting and proprietary?
I'd say it's a pretty open standard product, will that change eventually? Probably, but not yet.


Is Apple the one responsible for me not being able to view a site or is it instead the site developer who hasn't properly laid out his content to play on my platform?
That is something to think about...but Flash came first, why must everyone conform to one company's refusal to comply? If Apple was in Adobe's shoes, they'd probably be suing them for deliberately plotting against them or some crap. :dumb:


I'm tired of this argument so I'm hanging it up here :lol:

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Tablet PCs have been around since 1989. They are nothing new and no it isn't about time kinda thing. The only thing an iPad will be is an old idea with newer hardware that is still way out of date. Some cell phones have dual core CPUs but not an iPad. The excuse where you want something easy is --> :dumb: Stop being lazy and learn how to use a piece of hardware to its full advantage. If that involves rooting or jailbreaking dealwithit.gif


I know, I sold thousands of ruggedized tablets into the medical market for years. Certainly not out dated and more and more being replaced with the newer smaller yet still ruggedized tablets.

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Come on you know people don't NEED tablets. People need phones, and people need computers, so smart phones roll that into one bundle for when you are on the go. Tablets can't make phone calls, and they do everything that their phone counterparts can do, but with a bigger screen. Most people didn't even know tablets existed until the iPad came along. Is it a cool thing to have? Damn right it is but it fills a hole that we don't have.


We can agree to disagree. I sold tablet PC's with medical and document mgt. based solutions in all kinds of markets with my leading space being Healthcare. In order to compete in today's market, business and business people do need them. Laptops are no longer the carry around choice for professionals in many spaces. Laptops today are what we sold them all last decade, desktop replacements. I hardly ever take my laptop with me. I can do just about everything I need on my iPad. Work related I really only use my desktop to create large spreadsheets or word docs. Mainly because I have a 30" monitor at home and a 24" one at work. I suppose I could pair my iPad to it at work, but then again, no need. I can use it as a separate screen though. Lots of times I will have it on for email and shut down outlook on my desktop to help me stay focused.


Well there were already tablets around...nobody wanted them.
Rewatch the TED Video. That's because the manufacturers sold their widget without selling the why or marketing it properly. They had no sense of an application behind the hardware. They sold no sense of integrating them into peoples lives. Apple has done that quite well. So much so that even you admit not understanding why people are buying them.


No it's not that big of a deal, but if I'm about to drop a grand on a device, I want the one that won't have any issues visiting any site.
and you can say the same thing about owning an AWD Car vs mine that's FWD. those two days per year in Cbus where you need it, you have me beat, although I have never been stranded in 2WD mode. I think they call that Your Mileage Will Vary.


That is something to think about...but Flash came first, why must everyone conform to one company's refusal to comply? If Apple was in Adobe's shoes, they'd probably be suing them for deliberately plotting against them or some crap. :dumb:
Flash came first and has dominated installations on the desktop market but mobile device wise, they found that not everyone needs or wants them. But then, they knew that as many browsers can prevent the use of flash on sites too. I for one don't need the related spam that is associated with it on various web sites.


I'm tired of this argument so I'm hanging it up here :lol:
:fuuuu: You're no fun
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I know, I sold thousands of ruggedized tablets into the medical market for years. Certainly not out dated and more and more being replaced with the newer smaller yet still ruggedized tablets.


So then you understand anyone that buys into apple tablets as an, "about time kind of thing" is an idiot? :gabe:

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So then you understand anyone that buys into apple tablets as an, "about time kind of thing" is an idiot? :gabe:


No, as the consumer market wasn't looking for a tablet that was the same size or larger than a laptop. The ergonomics and function was desired but the size wasn't. Smaller tablets like what my wife has, especially rugged ones weren't cheap like they are today. iPads and such are also a lot smaller still. So really, it is about time that we can have a device this small, this handy, allowing me to be this productive and last 1-3 days with heavy use before charging.


I use my iPad for a number of things:




VPN for accessing our company specific programs

WebEx Presenations

Trainings at Doctor Offices/seminars

Web Surfing

Watching Movies on the road


Photo Proofing on shoots

Display my portfolio to clients


Reading books

Slideshow creation

Instant access to my files via wireless sync.

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No, as the consumer market wasn't looking for a tablet that was the same size or larger than a laptop. The ergonomics and function was desired but the size wasn't. Smaller tablets like what my wife has, especially rugged ones weren't cheap like they are today. iPads and such are also a lot smaller still. So really, it is about time that we can have a device this small, this handy, allowing me to be this productive and last 1-3 days with heavy use before charging.


I use my iPad for a number of things:




VPN for accessing our company specific programs

WebEx Presenations

Trainings at Doctor Offices/seminars

Web Surfing

Watching Movies on the road


Photo Proofing on shoots

Display my portfolio to clients


Reading books

Slideshow creation

Instant access to my files via wireless sync.



I guess but there is some things that apple won't let you do with the device. My iPad should be able to do more things then my cell phone can but I guess that is just wanting too much huh? It is not like the iPad is a computer or anything close to one. :fuuuu:


My cell phone sure isn't a computer :lolguy:

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Android is gaining market share faster than Apple. Apple isn't taking Android market share in any serious manner, nor is Android stealing it from Apple. They're both stealing it from the feature phone and Blackberry segments.


Clearly both have products people want. Both have return customers.


Android is gaining more of both faster.

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I guess but there is some things that apple won't let you do with the device.


It's not that Apple won't let you, it's that they didn't design the iPad to do everything. It has nothing to do with Apple controlling you or what you can do. They simply designed the device to do certain things not everything; no different than my car or any product.


My iPad should be able to do more things then my cell phone can but I guess that is just wanting too much huh?


The above is an opinion and the question a desire that I think can be said about any product. I'm not sure what you're looking for you iPad to do vs your phone so I can't speak to specifics. I do see my iPad as being more functional than my phone and being used for more things than my phone.


At first it was great and perfect to have a smart phone that can do email and view videos and surf on. However, all of that is so much better suited to my iPad so now I look at it and say I'm actually disappointed that cell phones don't do more than they currently do. However, that too is changing which is good for everyone. Tools are evolving.


It is not like the iPad is a computer or anything close to one. :fuuuu:


I don't think it was ever meant to be. If apple wanted a fully functional computer in an iPad, I'm sure they could have done it. They have really, it's call the Airbook...or whatever the official name is. IMO, the iPad fits perfectly between a Phone and a laptop.

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It's not that Apple won't let you, it's that they didn't design the iPad to do everything. It has nothing to do with Apple controlling you or what you can do.


Android didn't design their phones to run ubuntu either but it can be done. I can't figure out a way to get a terminal emulator app to run on my jailbroken iPad. Not sure if it would even work on an iPhone since I've never owned one. I understand iOS is different then Mac OS X but still it is a unix-like operating system. If this was done then I wouldn't have to use itunes to access the internal memory. Plus a shit load more of things could be done. Furthermore if I could enter command lines then apple as you said would not be controlling what I "could" do.

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Any specific examples?


+2 on this because now I am really interested in your examples. I have always said I love my android phone because it does almost everything I want. The only thing I wished I could do with it is grab both ends of the screen and make it physically big and small at will.


I only bought an iPad at the time because no phone had the same size or close of screen. Reason 2 was the hardware in the iPad at the time was the best with the exception of the Tegra 2 android tablets which was equal but $500 more. I just say okay.jpg and bought an iPad. I still like it and use it weekly but it will be sold really soon with an android equivalent @ $500 ticket price.

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Android didn't design their phones to run ubuntu either but it can be done. I can't figure out a way to get a terminal emulator app to run on my jailbroken iPad. Not sure if it would even work on an iPhone since I've never owned one. I understand iOS is different then Mac OS X but still it is a unix-like operating system. If this was done then I wouldn't have to use itunes to access the internal memory. Plus a shit load more of things could be done.


I don't know anything about ubuntu so I can't comment.


Furthermore if I could enter command lines then apple as you said would not be controlling what I "could" do.
I stand by the fact that it's not Apple's fault or their control over the situation that is the center of this problem. IMO it sounds like there were some qualifying questions you could have asked as related the needs you are expressing prior to buying an iPad. Again, not Apples fault. Consumers need to investigate products thoroughly prior to buying them to do what they need.


I'm not mad that my MS3 doesn't have all the modification ability and ECU tuning capability that say a WRX does. Perhaps it does, just not as easily or reliably, but in the end, that's not Mazda's issue, it was my responsibility to insure I got out of my purchase what I was looking to own and use the car to do. Although in both cases I can understand why things do get "locked down" and it is 100% related to support and reliability in the marketplace. Any company will tell you that in terms of their help desk.

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Any specific examples?


No, just a comment that in general I'm looking forward to what the future may bring in terms of cell phones. The newer iP4 does a couple things my Gs doesn't but nothing deal-breaking or causing me to go upgrade.

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I stand by the fact that it's not Apple's fault or their control over the situation that is the center of this problem. IMO it sounds like there were some qualifying questions you could have asked as related the needs you are expressing prior to buying an iPad. Again, not Apples fault. Consumers need to investigate products thoroughly prior to buying them to do what they need.


I knew exactly what apple could do and not do before I bought the product. This is the reason why I still have an android phone. But I still feel it is apple's fault for not being a little bit open sourced. They could change that if they really wanted to but they don't. I will say iOS 5 will have "features" that you had to jailbreak in previous versions to get. But still this is just apple being way behind on the times. These features should have been "stock" a long time ago.

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