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Official Football 2011 Thread


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I don't think ND, Michigan or Nebraska belong anywhere near the top 5.


Then where are they? Bottom 20? And who is ahead of them?


BTW, I like your analysis, but thought that I'd add that I consider a lot of things in ranking a school's job. For instance, USC gets bonus points for being in LA and having great weather, ND gets points for prestige, Michigan gets points for history, etc.

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LSU BAMA will be nuts. Work poll i have LSU to win, total combined score of bama/LSU will be 58 points.




I always find it weird that SEC defenses play so good against non-SEC teams and then seem to be nonexistent when they play other SEC teams.


For instance, you can count on Arkansas and LSU scoring 890 points against each other when they play in any given year, regardless of how highly ranked LSU's defense is.

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18B. I hate B deck, but whatever, we got 4 tix for free


Yup, free is free, I'd be on that too.


I'm taking Ashley. Oddly, she prefers to go to games in which it's expected that Ohio State will win handily as opposed to games that should be more competitive. I figured this Indiana game should be perfect for her.

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OSU should have 400 yards rushing on Indiana, Indiana is horrible!!!


Finally got the pics uploaded from the Wisky game







Me on left in 45 jersey, my buddy Nates first OSU game




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Then where are they? Bottom 20? And who is ahead of them?


BTW, I like your analysis, but thought that I'd add that I consider a lot of things in ranking a school's job. For instance, USC gets bonus points for being in LA and having great weather, ND gets points for prestige, Michigan gets points for history, etc.


I consider a lot of other things too which is why my post was so long (and now reviewing this one, it's lengthy too...lol). I think Michigan is much closer to the top 5 than ND or Nebraska. ND's academic standards, unless they ever loosen up on them, prevent them from truly competing at the elite levels of college football without having the absolute best coach in the country. They'd need a guy like Peterson from Boise State who has shown he can match his team up against superior talent and beat them. The problem is the best coaches in the country (Saban, Meyer, etc.) don't want to go there because they know the restrictions. Once you've been able to recruit with the freedom they experienced in the SEC you don't want to go be shackled by your own administration at ND. Take away ND's academic garbage and give them a truly elite coach and they're a top 5 job immediately. I just think Urban and others turning them down over the years because of those academic restrictions is very telling in just how harmful they can be.


Then Nebraska just doesn't have the recruiting base to be considered a top 5 job. All of the Florida schools despite having to compete with each other are ahead of ND and Nebraska IMO. Oklahoma State is a very interesting job now with the T. Boone Pickens money and the ability to recruit Texas and maybe with a few more seasons like this one they can go national a bit more. Penn State is a biggie that hasn't been mentioned that would be ahead of Nebraska and ND. Great HS football in PA and their surrounding states and plenty of money. Program is a true sleeping giant. We OSU fans just have to hope JoePa keeps ticking...lol.


So ranking a bit further I'd have...


1. Texas

2a. OSU

2b. Alabama

4. USC

5. Oklahoma


Rest unranked...





Georgia - didn't mention in my post but just came to mind


Penn State


So that's a solid 11 there definitely ahead of Michigan IMO. Then there would be some more like Auburn and Oklahoma State before I'd get to ND or Nebraska.

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As for the Bama-LSU game I like Bama. Much better coach IMO, better offense and just slightly better defense. Plus they're at home. I kinda don't even want to watch the game thought. They've been talking about it for 2 straight weeks now and the way everyone talks about it like there's absolutely no question these are the 2 best teams in the country is sickening. They don't remember doing the exact same thing 5 years ago with OSU-Michigan? Would be hilarious if no matter who wins this week both teams go out and lose a game or two down the stretch. Was going to say lose next week but just looked at their schedules and both teams have virtual bye weeks coming up... LSU has some FCS school next week and Bama has one the week after. Scheduling geniuses in the SEC to be honest.
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right around 150 yards, he still needs a ton of work. Its funny how he is suddenly being compared to Mike Vick, Donovan McNabb and others over on scout. The kids arm is nowhere near Vick or McNabbs and he isn't as fast as Vick either. Buckeye fans have the shortest memory in the history of fans, every year its some great player that is the best ever haha. He improved vs Wisconsin I will give him that, but I am still not sold on him. He needs to toss the rock more then 12 times for me to even consider him a qb, OSU fans make fun of Michigans quarterback because he is known more for his running then his passing, well sadly its the same thing with Miller. The only thing helping Miller is he's 6'3 200+lbs vs Robinsons 5'5 150lb frame lol.
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getting ready to plant inflatable brutus buckeye in the front yard today. go buck's. its been a week of gloating for me. consoling these poor bastards here in wisconsin. "better luck next year", is a phrase i've used about 100 times so far.
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getting ready to plant inflatable brutus buckeye in the front yard today. go buck's. its been a week of gloating for me. consoling these poor bastards here in wisconsin. "better luck next year", is a phrase i've used about 100 times so far.


Hahaha thats awesome, hopefully next year isn't like last year and the Bucks get a butt whoopin in Maddison. I really wanna head up there one time just to jump around with everyone, that looks awesome on video lol. However I hear their fans are real assholes

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Hahaha thats awesome, hopefully next year isn't like last year and the Bucks get a butt whoopin in Maddison. I really wanna head up there one time just to jump around with everyone, that looks awesome on video lol. However I hear their fans are real assholes


it was a tough game to go to last year. i'm normally pretty laid back--it was everything i could do to prevent my brother in law from getting his ass kicked--he was being a douche though. even my wife got into it with some whale in front of us. it was priceless. my wife called this lady a 'fat pig', after she kept taunting us, in front of her husband (she was at least 240lbs and he was like 20 years older than her). her reply was fantastic: "i can lose the weight anytime i want, but you'll always be a trifling little ho". my reply: "come on now, we both know you'll never lose the weight".


the campus/gametime atmosphere is incredible though. i must say i was impressed with the university in that regard

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Lmfao people are ignorant. I have never found the need to pick a fight or taunt a fan of an opposing team. Thats the type of shit that is done at highschool basketball games. As long as the opposing fan is pretty cool I dont have an issue, even if their team beats the team I am cheering for.
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Just woke in and turned the channel in time to see the longest run from an O State QB in school history.... Why good morning to you too!


Great run, and I was astounded to hear that it was the longest run by a QB in school history.


Indiana - 10

Ohio State - 10

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