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Official Football 2011 Thread


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Does he? I never listen to 610. Does he want Luke to keep the job or does he just commend him for taking over knowing it was going to be a rough go?


He wants him to get the job. They all do on 610. They think he was given an unfair situation and they really think he could do it if he could pick his own staff.


The sports talk shows on 610 are >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 97.1 minus the fact that they get Herbie and Spielman on 97.1

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Yeah I don't like any of the 97.1 shows either really. Just listen to it for Cowherd then the rest of the day it's Pandora. Rothman/Stanley are OK but they know nothing outside of football. Ricordati/Torgerson know nothing about everything...lol.


but they are so funny

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Yeah I don't like any of the 97.1 shows either really. Just listen to it for Cowherd then the rest of the day it's Pandora. Rothman/Stanley are OK but they know nothing outside of football. Ricordati/Torgerson know nothing about everything...lol.


Yeah that is hte best thing about 610. Basically Maetzold runs the shows, and then they have a crew of football guys, and a crew of basketball guys. Having Earle on there really shuts up idiots that call in too. On common man and turd, they agree with the idiots, then call the guys who know what they are talking about, idiots!

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Yeah that is hte best thing about 610. Basically Maetzold runs the shows, and then they have a crew of football guys, and a crew of basketball guys. Having Earle on there really shuts up idiots that call in too. On common man and turd, they agree with the idiots, then call the guys who know what they are talking about, idiots!


Why did Maetzold get kicked off TV a few years back? I was pretty good friends with his son in high school, so I always felt bad asking.

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My laptop shit out on me so i.m resorting to my phone and out of the loop apparemtly. Fwiw herbies fav place to eat in cbus is hyde par. Secondly u don't think espn would be all over this story by now? Again I'm calling bs on urban to osu until the deal is inked and at that point I cry a little inside knowing that well be looking for a new coach yet agin in a few years and will have to liosten to fans crying cause urban didn't deliver a nc
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I got to think OSU hires a new coach before a bowl game, they are not gonna make the same mistake Michigan did this year are they?


Either way they would like Fickell coach a bowl game. Having a guy coach a season to the best of his ability without control over MANY parts (suspensions, turmoil, not being able to change much in the way of the coaching staff) then getting rid of him before the bowl game he earned is a HUGE kick in the nuts. I don't think they do that to one of their own.

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I understand that but it seriously hurts recruiting does it not? Michigan did it to save $$. I am thinking an announcement should come soon. You can still announce the new coach in November and say he will start Jan 15th. That way LF gets his bowl game, and the recruits know who they are playing for.
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I understand that but it seriously hurts recruiting does it not? Michigan did it to save $$. I am thinking an announcement should come soon. You can still announce the new coach in November and say he will start Jan 15th. That way LF gets his bowl game, and the recruits know who they are playing for.


Makes sense. Urban is looking for head coaching jobs. Ohio State has a opening coaching position and was on Urbans list of Jobs that Urban's wife can not veto. He just turned down the head coaching job for Arizona.



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nevada made his official call of Meyer to OSU about 2 hours ago. Basically said he finally got enough texts, e-mails and phone calls from all his sources around Buckeye nation to feel confident enough to make the call. Now, the timing is still up in the air. The Duke game announcement was just one of his sources' predictions and a lot has changed since then (new NOA from the NCAA with FTM for example). Urban is not going to accept any job without knowing exactly what the NCAA is going to do to OSU so hopefully that comes down sometime within the next 2-3 weeks and they can announce it and give Urban as much time as possible to 1) assemble a staff and 2) finish this recruiting class (which funnily enough is only .08 stars behind Michigan's "monster" class as far as average star rating is concerned on Scout lol).


Looks like alittlelessordinary might have to give up being an OSU fan with "awful" Braxton Miller at the helm for the next 3 years and "job-hopper" Urban "2 MNC's" Meyer running the show. :dumb: Just going to be so awful to be an OSU fan during these dark ages. :lolguy:

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nevada made his official call of Meyer to OSU about 2 hours ago. Basically said he finally got enough texts, e-mails and phone calls from all his sources around Buckeye nation to feel confident enough to make the call. Now, the timing is still up in the air. The Duke game announcement was just one of his sources' predictions and a lot has changed since then (new NOA from the NCAA with FTM for example). Urban is not going to accept any job without knowing exactly what the NCAA is going to do to OSU so hopefully that comes down sometime within the next 2-3 weeks and they can announce it and give Urban as much time as possible to 1) assemble a staff and 2) finish this recruiting class (which funnily enough is only .08 stars behind Michigan's "monster" class as far as average star rating is concerned on Scout lol).


Looks like alittlelessordinary might have to give up being an OSU fan with "awful" Braxton Miller at the helm for the next 3 years and "job-hopper" Urban "2 MNC's" Meyer running the show. :dumb: Just going to be so awful to be an OSU fan during these dark ages. :lolguy:




Yep, Thread (pay site):


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Take any little weak ass jab u want. I'm prob the biggest fan in this whole thread, but we can measure dicks later. Sorry I realize braxton can't throw to save his life and that ur for some reason into swallowing urbans unborns, its cool man we get it u think urban is godto me ur a fair weather fan that onlyh believes unless its.a nc its a bust and that urban would've done better this year. Best part is fickell has the chance to finish 9-3 which is much better then heart attack meyers 7_5 with better taqlent. Bring him in, ill still root for the bucks even when we fail to win a nc again even with urban god at the helm lol. U think urban is suddenly gonna make a qb throw the ball or wrSs suddenly get open on routes? I think coaches are given far too much credit. Without tebow meyer has 0 national championships, and if u think braxton is close to sniffing tebows jock ur a fucking moron. Braxton better learn to complete more then 6-8 passes a game if fans of osu want anything more then 9- maybe 10-2.
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Ps ranting via a phone sucks major dick haha. Bircranium I actually enjoy talking football with u along with lj and bravo. I just think ur attempting to take a cheap shot for whatever reason and that's lame as fuck. I've been through dark ages with osu see 2000, 2001 ish. I just don't like urban meyer I think he's a weasle to be honest. Btw fickell is the best recruiter on the staff and has been the main reason several key recruits have commited to osu over the years
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Take any little weak ass jab u want. I'm prob the biggest fan in this whole thread, but we can measure dicks later. Sorry I realize braxton can't throw to save his life and that ur for some reason into swallowing urbans unborns, its cool man we get it u think urban is godto me ur a fair weather fan that onlyh believes unless its.a nc its a bust and that urban would've done better this year. Best part is fickell has the chance to finish 9-3 which is much better then heart attack meyers 7_5 with better taqlent. Bring him in, ill still root for the bucks even when we fail to win a nc again even with urban god at the helm lol. U think urban is suddenly gonna make a qb throw the ball or wrSs suddenly get open on routes? I think coaches are given far too much credit. Without tebow meyer has 0 national championships, and if u think braxton is close to sniffing tebows jock ur a fucking moron. Braxton better learn to complete more then 6-8 passes a game if fans of osu want anything more then 9- maybe 10-2.


Hes a freshman and shows promise, he can for sure throw the ball. That has been shown multiple times this season. The pass plays called are fucking Bollman bombs on the wrong reads. (too many dropped passes from young recievers) JB says they don't throw simple routes because it takes precision....well wtf are they coaching him on? how to hand it off to Herron up the gut twice and play action on 3rd and long.....? The coaching staff needs to go. We have so much young talent it's fucking insane. No one should be expecting a bowl game this year, or even if Urban comes here. This year is a cluster fuck.

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alittlelessordinary, it's more of a playful jab. I know you'll root like crazy for OSU even if your antichrists Braxton Miller and Urban Meyer are front and center. :gabe:


Honestly, I really didn't like Urban Meyer even before he Sandusky'd OSU in the title game in 2007. His arrogance when responding to a question after UF had a miracle win against USCe that year just rubbed me the wrong way. Now that smug arrogance will be ours and I love it...lol.


I mean, this is seriously a dream scenario. Lose a potentially once in a lifetime coach in Tressel and lose a potential title run this year due to something as stupid as players unloading their own shit for cash/tattoos and you just reload with a coach who might be even better? That's just unbelievable. The rest of the B1G is in tears right now. 6 months ago... "Haha, OSU is getting raped by the NCAA and Tressel is out! Their reign of terror is over." Within the next few weeks... "What the fuck? Are you serious? Urban Meyer? URBAN MEYER?! WHY GOD WHY?"

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What the hell - Josh, were you drunk last night? :)


I thought bicranium was just giving you some good-natured razzing, considering that we know how you feel about Urban. And then you just went fucking tomahawk on him... :lol:


Id like Urban to coach here. I don't want Fickell to be fired, but I dont want him being my head coach either. Let him stay defensive coordinator. However, the reality is that when you get a new head coach they often want to bring in their own peeps.

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Take any little weak ass jab u want. I'm prob the biggest fan in this whole thread, but we can measure dicks later. Sorry I realize braxton can't throw to save his life and that ur for some reason into swallowing urbans unborns, its cool man we get it u think urban is godto me ur a fair weather fan that onlyh believes unless its.a nc its a bust and that urban would've done better this year. Best part is fickell has the chance to finish 9-3 which is much better then heart attack meyers 7_5 with better taqlent. Bring him in, ill still root for the bucks even when we fail to win a nc again even with urban god at the helm lol. U think urban is suddenly gonna make a qb throw the ball or wrSs suddenly get open on routes? I think coaches are given far too much credit. Without tebow meyer has 0 national championships, and if u think braxton is close to sniffing tebows jock ur a fucking moron. Braxton better learn to complete more then 6-8 passes a game if fans of osu want anything more then 9- maybe 10-2.








saving this qoute on my hard drive so in 3 years when miller and meyer are standing at the podium holding the NC title, josh will say " I fucking told you guys meyer was the rite choice, miller is a 1st rounder, " while wearing his i fucking love urban shirt.

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Haha I was in a bad mood when that was tyhped..appologies. phil, save it please cause ill mever say I told u he was the man haha. I actually liked urban til he pulled his shit on florida twice..told a recruit that he had a dream and god said they should be together (read the sherrif floyd recruiting stuff). Another issue is all the arrested players he had..24! Osu doesn't need that happening here after the shit storm that took place. Like I said I will root for them regardless of the coach, doesn't mean I gotta like the coach though. Ps id bet money that miller won't win the heisman, how many did pryor win when he was supposed to win atleast . Btw I've seen a few dropped passes from stoneburner, that's about it. That still doesn't excuse miller for throwing lame ducks
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Haha I was in a bad mood when that was tyhped..appologies. phil, save it please cause ill mever say I told u he was the man haha. I actually liked urban til he pulled his shit on florida twice..told a recruit that he had a dream and god said they should be together (read the sherrif floyd recruiting stuff). Another issue is all the arrested players he had..24! Osu doesn't need that happening here after the shit storm that took place. Like I said I will root for them regardless of the coach, doesn't mean I gotta like the coach though. Ps id bet money that miller won't win the heisman, how many did pryor win when he was supposed to win atleast . Btw I've seen a few dropped passes from stoneburner, that's about it. That still doesn't excuse miller for throwing lame ducks









what do you expect? he is a freshman. name true freshman that come in just straight killing it? adrian peterson? he is the only one. beckman could throw spirals..... you will find something to bitch about no matter what happens, you are an emo fan. lets look at it like this, hes not beating osu, and he isnt a complete retard. urban meyer will get the rite kids, and they will win a ton of games. dont let his recruiting techniques turn you out, his job is to get the best players, and if you thought tressel was going into every home telling kids anything other than what he had to do to get them to come here, then you are dumber than i ever wouldve thought.

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