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Official Football 2011 Thread


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Hall is terrible, I wasn't a fan of him being recruited I along with many others felt it was just a ploy in order to get Pryor here (same highschool). He is not very fast in the open field and like Hyde gets caught from behind. Atleast Hyde has 230lbs behind him, Hall tries dancing around way too much. I remember while at the Wisconsin game, OSU was on the goal line and they kept handing it to Hall, my whole section was pissed that neither Boom or Hyde was in there. Luckily Hall scored but damn it drove me nuts.


Boom gets hated on a ton over on Scout, thats where that comment was aimed at, not at anyone in this thread.

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I remember while at the Wisconsin game, OSU was on the goal line and they kept handing it to Hall, my whole section was pissed that neither Boom or Hyde was in there. Luckily Hall scored but damn it drove me nuts.


Was there too, and our section was just as pissed. We were all in agreement: why the fuck are you using Hall if you're trying to run it up the middle?

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I meant November, forgive me it was late. I know the game was said a month ago, but it has been confirmed. There was a meeting yesterday with all the coaches, plan was laid out and told not to tell anyone. That didn't happen.


Well I hope some of the information is wrong. Don't really want Durkin (Florida people are giddy over the idea that he'd leave them - never a good sign) and don't really want Gene Smith sticking around in any capacity.

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No boom has the best vision and cut back ability on this team right now, Bircranium was saying that early in his career boom didn't have this. Hyde is getting by simply because he is 230lbs, I have yet to see him cut it back and make something out of nothing.


Yeah, Boom is clearly the best pure runner on the team right now. Hyde's long run against Nebraska was a nice cutback. He just hasn't consistently shown that ability yet.


And Hall had a pretty nice game against Miami. It was night and day from the running we had seen out of Hyde and Smith the first 2 games to see Hall out there making nice runs that weren't just results of the push the OL got. But Hall fell off pretty quick for whatever reason.

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I am listening to a live broadcast on scout right now, Adolphus Washington (#1 player in Ohio and midwest according to scout) and his buddy Dwayne Stanford (Army All-American WR) are about to announce where they are going to college. Both are down to OSU as 1 of their top teams, Washington is a 5*, Stanford a 4*. Most believe Washington is a Buckeye while Stanford could be a Oregon Duck...this would be a great pick up for a class that most feel is less then great.


BTW they are talking about Brionte Dunn right now. Said he was at Michigan last weekend, going again this weekend and then taking an official in December...i'd say he's gonna be a skunkbear in the end.

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Yeah, Boom is clearly the best pure runner on the team right now. Hyde's long run against Nebraska was a nice cutback. He just hasn't consistently shown that ability yet.


And Hall had a pretty nice game against Miami. It was night and day from the running we had seen out of Hyde and Smith the first 2 games to see Hall out there making nice runs that weren't just results of the push the OL got. But Hall fell off pretty quick for whatever reason.


I think Hyde was a victim of his own nerves the first few games. The first 2 games he would just get the ball and basically http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_bJhdkF31-XA/Sr8RT8NzdEI/AAAAAAAAABQ/t-XEuSh4he0/S1600-R/THIS+IS+SPARTA.jpg straight ahead


You can tell the more reps he gets, the better he is able to use his own abilities.

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Not too upset about Stanford going elsewhere. He's somewhat underwhelming given his size. Adolphus is going to be a monster for OSU.


Also, Adolphus alone brings OSU's star average for this class up to 3.6. That's now just 0.01 lower than Michigan's "incredible, amazing, awesome, God-like" class...lol.

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Some good info from Adolphus in one of his Scout interviews...


“Urban Meyer’s best friend came to (a scrimmage) because he heard we were scrimmaging and he came and talked to my dad,” Washington said. “My dad told me that he said that Urban Meyer is really looking to take the job (at Ohio State). So that was a good thing for me."


So Urban's already had his people out and about basically recruiting for OSU probably for months if this guy was just at a scrimmage. Dude is just awesome. One of the Scout guys gave Urban the nickname a couple weeks ago "The Prince of Freakin' Darkness" because of how ruthless he was as a recruiter at Florida. Certainly going to be an interesting change of pace from Tressel's "Take your time, take your visits, etc." kinda laid back approach. It worked and Tressel did put together some nice classes but it'll just be interesting to see what Urban can do.

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Could that be considered a recruiting violation if true? Michigans class looks impressive only because they have so many freaking recruits. They are at 23 with only one 5* (Kyle Kalis) vs Ohio States 15 two 58 (Washington and Dunn)


OSU's current class is

5*= 2

4*= 5

3*= 8



5*= 1

4*= 12

3*= 10



OSU still isn't done recruiting either, I think they still land 1-2 more players to finish out with a pretty solid class considering the shit storm that has been around this entire year.


BTW Gene Smith came out today and said no bowl ban this season, so we will be playing in the Little Ceaser Bowl lmfao (not sure what bowl we end up in)

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OSU and Tennesee announced today that they won't be playing each other in 2017 due to the big10 going to a 9 game conference schedule. They did add UNC and Florida A&M to upcomig schedules. 2013 looks to be the best chance for the Bucks to win it all as the out of conference schedule is cake



Aug. 31 – Vanderbilt

Sept. 7 – Florida A&M

Sept. 14 – at California



Aug. 30 – at Navy

Sept. 13 – Kent State

Sept. 20 – Virginia Tech

Sept. 27 – Cincinnati



Sept. 5 – North Carolina

Sept. 12 – Northern Illinois

Sept. 19 – at Virginia Tech



Sept. 3 – Bowling Green

Sept. 17 – at Oklahoma



Sept. 16 – Oklahoma

Sept. 23 – at North Carolina



Sept. 8 – Cincinnati

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A friend of his visited Washington and talked about Meyer becoming the coach at Ohio State...not so sure that you're allowed to do that. I would have to look into it but it might fall under some sort of booster violation, you never know out of the NCAA


so some guy, not affiliated with OSU, says something unfounded about OSU, and OSU gets in trouble?


i dont see the connection.

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I found a thread over on scout talking about the same thing and this is what someone on there posted


"I get mailings from Ohio State telling me what I can and cannot do. Among many other requirements, boosters are not allowed to contact recruits to encourage them to come to a school. The definition of booster is very broad, and includes people that have purchased tickets to a game."


I didnt say it was a violation, I was simply questioning if or if not it was. Its kind of like insider trading lol, I just don't want to see any more NCAA violations is my main concern and the reason behind my question

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so some guy, not affiliated with OSU, says something unfounded about OSU, and OSU gets in trouble?


i dont see the connection.


Kids receive awards, same kids then trade/sell the items they were given, players are then suspended for most of the year and a shit storm comes down over the univeristy that gave them the items to begin with....crazy things have happened lol

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I found a thread over on scout talking about the same thing and this is what someone on there posted


"I get mailings from Ohio State telling me what I can and cannot do. Among many other requirements, boosters are not allowed to contact recruits to encourage them to come to a school. The definition of booster is very broad, and includes people that have purchased tickets to a game."


I didnt say it was a violation, I was simply questioning if or if not it was. Its kind of like insider trading lol, I just don't want to see any more NCAA violations is my main concern and the reason behind my question


brb buying tickets to LSU and Alabama games, going to random HS and trying to illegally recruit kids to LSU and Bama.


see where im going w this?

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Kids receive awards, same kids then trade/sell the items they were given, players are then suspended for most of the year and a shit storm comes down over the univeristy that gave them the items to begin with....crazy things have happened lol


Random guy telling kids where they should go vs potential new head coach's buddy....see where I am going....


The NCAA has some dumbass rules and already have a hard on for busting OSU's ass Jerry Sandusky style.


I think if Urban became coach, and was recruiting via a friend beforehand, I think the NCAA would have to prove there was some sort of collusion between this guy, urban, and OSU.


This would be way more far fetched than the Scam Newton thing, and they weren't able to even prove that case.

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OSU and Tennesee announced today that they won't be playing each other in 2017 due to the big10 going to a 9 game conference schedule. They did add UNC and Florida A&M to upcomig schedules. 2013 looks to be the best chance for the Bucks to win it all as the out of conference schedule is cake



Aug. 31 – Vanderbilt

Sept. 7 – Florida A&M

Sept. 14 – at California



Aug. 30 – at Navy

Sept. 13 – Kent State

Sept. 20 – Virginia Tech

Sept. 27 – Cincinnati



Sept. 5 – North Carolina

Sept. 12 – Northern Illinois

Sept. 19 – at Virginia Tech



Sept. 3 – Bowling Green

Sept. 17 – at Oklahoma



Sept. 16 – Oklahoma

Sept. 23 – at North Carolina



Sept. 8 – Cincinnati


Shit's weak. Should have dropped some cupcake rather than UT.

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North Carolina and Oklahoma arent exactly cupcakes, Tennessee would be probably the biggest cupcake of the 3, if we are going based on this years performances.


i hate when they put our schedules this early. but oklahoma would be a fun game

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I think if Urban became coach, and was recruiting via a friend beforehand, I think the NCAA would have to prove there was some sort of collusion between this guy, urban, and OSU.


This would be way more far fetched than the Scam Newton thing, and they weren't able to even prove that case.


Adolpheus Washington is the one who said Urbans friend was talking to him about Urban becoming the next OSU coach, thats from the players mouth. Idk how much clearer that would have to get lol. Its not like the sCam Newton case at all, there was no paper trail or if there was the NCAA and ESPN have such a hard on for the SEC that they just let it slide to secure another BCS title (conspiracy theory right there folks lol).


I would much rather see Ohio State play Tennesee as well. I dont like the UNC series either. Its hard to say how good Oklahoma or Va Tech will be by the time those series come around. They could end up being like Miami (they were dominating when that series was scheduled) or they could end up like Texas/USC (both of those games were scheduled 10 years prior).

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