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I posted last week Fickell was staying, the 3rd thing I posted has not come true yet as I was told by my OSU insider, that Gene Smith is taking a different position in the college. I did not read this stuff on the internet. This came from inside OSU, so far my source is 2 out of 3. I am betting they decided later to not announce at the Duke game.

Rumor mill:


December (meant November) 29th halftime of Duke Game, Urban is announced as Head Coach, Luke is the Defensive Coordinator, and Gene Smith is asked to take another position inside OSU. :) :)

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So I have another question, does this hiring keep the wolves coming in terms of media hatred for Ohio State (don't tell me there isn't any) or does it turn ESEC into hypocrits and have them slobbering over Meyers junk, thus having them love OSU in the process and trying to back pedal on all the negative shit they tossed at OSU this past year?


Well, the only thing I've read so far has been what you posted from Forde (who was at ESPN is now at Yahoo Sports) and he was keeping up the hatred for Ohio State.


Interesting question, though. I think it'll be like anything else: if you win, people will make you out to be greater than what you are, and if you lose then people will make you out to be worse than what you are.

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Well, OSU and Meyer may be a little annoyed with ESPN today. They went with the story before they were supposed to because they were mad that they got scooped hard by a bunch of "internet bloggers" by at least a week on one of their own employees. Some of the ESPN people are hating on Meyer for being "dishonest" about how he left Florida and stuff but I think you'll see all of the people on the college football side of the company are going to be pro-Urban.
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Well even when OSU was winning they hated us lol. OSU never got the love fest that USC/Texas/Florida/Bama and LSU got. Hell even Oklahoma who choke in every big game they play in got far more love then OSU. I used to love watching ESEC but now I can't stand any of the commentators on there outside of Lou Holtz (thats pretty said in its own self lol)
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A "confirmation" of sorts that Fickell is staying...lol...




Pretty awesome picture. Love how Fickell is just wearing jeans and an OSU shirt to a meeting with Urban, Archie and Rob Schottenstein...lol.


So maybe Archie will be the AD?

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Archie should've already been the AD! He was one of the main reasons behind the USC/OSU matchup from what i've read. I love that picture, Fickell seems like a real guy, not some dude that pretends to be one thing and then act another way behind closed doors. So if he stays on as D-Coordinator, does that put to rest the Stoops rumor? Or is Fickell being named Assistant Head Coach?
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That's what I heard - he was named Asst Head Coach.


BTW, this is playing out exactly as I hoped. I wanted Meyer, but I wanted Fickell to stay on board. I like Fickell, just not as my head coach.


Yep, I love Fickell and really respect what he did for the school and team this year but he's just not ready for primetime. If the rumors that he actually helped recruit Meyer to OSU are ever confirmed it will show that he knew it too which just raises that level of respect even more.


And the names that have been tossed around for AD to replace Gene that I've read are Paul Krebs (from Ohio, was AD at BGSU when Urban was there I believe, got his master's in Athletic Administration at OSU) and Jeff Kaplan, current senior VP for development at Ohio State. He's basically in charge of any fundraising that OSU does right now.

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is it true that Urban Meyer already got a U of Miami player to decommit and come to OSU?


Yessir, I posted that in here either this morning or last night. He is a 4* (on ESPN) WR, doesn't look like a burner, but appears to have good hands and some leaping ability. His name is Ricquan Southward


Highlight tape

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LOL just noticed that bicranium has 3 posts, yet is more active in this thread alone than 90% of CR.


I think all 3 of my posts that "count" are from my intro thread in "The Oven." I think posts in The Parking Lot don't count or something? And that's the only place I've ever posted outside of my intro thread. :lolguy:


I have had 1517 since may lol. I don't think the counter is working properly. Bicranium, what is your real name so I don't have to refer to you as Bicranium anymore lol


I'll put it back in my info on the left I guess.

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Yes, I posted that in here either this morning or last night. He is a 4* (on ESPN) WR, doesn't look like a burner, but appears to have good hands and some leaping ability. His name is Ricquan Southward


sorry I'm on my lunch break and don't have a lot of time to read back, so I thought I'd ask, watching that video link now, kid can find the end zone

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I have had 1517 since may lol. I don't think the counter is working properly. Bicranium, what is your real name so I don't have to refer to you as Bicranium anymore lol


Posts in The Parking Lot (and other places, like The Kitchen) don't count toward post count.

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I've also read that Noah Spence and 1 other guy committed to Florida currently are interested as well. My question is, how many schollies do we have left? This class is already at 16...


In terms of recruiting, they need to load up on o-line because OSU is scary thin in that area.

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So maybe Archie will be the AD?


Archie should've already been the AD! He was one of the main reasons behind the USC/OSU matchup from what i've read. I love that picture, Fickell seems like a real guy, not some dude that pretends to be one thing and then act another way behind closed doors. So if he stays on as D-Coordinator, does that put to rest the Stoops rumor? Or is Fickell being named Assistant Head Coach?


Archie has stated in the past he has NO intentions of ever becoming AD. His gig is fucking SWEET. He gets paid big bucks to do nothing but be Archie.

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