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Ohio University is located in Athens, apparently Hoke didn't pass geography class...Dude is a fat idiot and everyone thinks he is great right now. Wait til Houston smokes them in the bowl game and they go back to mediocracy next year. Have you looked at their schedule?


They start off with Alabama, have Nebraska and Ohio State away, Michigan State at home. They do get lucky by not having to face Wisconsin again, but I could easily see them losing 3+ games.

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Ohio University is located in Athens, apparently Hoke didn't pass geography class...Dude is a fat idiot and everyone thinks he is great right now. Wait til Houston smokes them in the bowl game and they go back to mediocracy next year. Have you looked at their schedule?


They start off with Alabama, have Nebraska and Ohio State away, Michigan State at home. They do get lucky by not having to face Wisconsin again, but I could easily see them losing 3+ games.




ummm idk what youve been watching. but i doubt houston beats um. its not like um is a top 10 defense. yeah houston can wing it around in their beat dick confrence, but they are going to get a real wake up call if they play michigan

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Its ignorant that he's trying to live off of something Woody did way back in the day. Its ignorant that the best thing he could come up with is Ohio...


no he would have stole woodys thing if he would have said that school down south. that would be stealing it. do you know what ignorant is? i bet not cause you are ignorant for using it in the wrong place.

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ummm idk what youve been watching. but i doubt houston beats um. its not like um is a top 10 defense. yeah houston can wing it around in their beat dick confrence, but they are going to get a real wake up call if they play michigan


Michigan's secondary is weaksauce

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Houston will put 500+ yards of passing offense up against Michigan, bank on that! They are weaksauce just like Utah, TCU, Boise, ect.... Go ahead and call Case Keenum a system qb like everyone else does, no shit sherlocks, ever qb is a system qb if you really think about it. The fact is, dude can chuck the rock and will have a field day against UM. If Braxton Miller can have the best passing game of his season against Michigan, imagine what Keenum will do lol.


BTW he would sound smarter if he was calling Ohio State "That team down there" or "That state south" ect...but Ohio? Really thats fucking lame!

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Houston will put 500+ yards of passing offense up against Michigan, bank on that! They are weaksauce just like Utah, TCU, Boise, ect.... Go ahead and call Case Keenum a system qb like everyone else does, no shit sherlocks, ever qb is a system qb if you really think about it. The fact is, dude can chuck the rock and will have a field day against UM. If Braxton Miller can have the best passing game of his season against Michigan, imagine what Keenum will do lol.


BTW he would sound smarter if he was calling Ohio State "That team down there" or "That state south" ect...but Ohio? Really thats fucking lame!




lets look at these high powered wing it around qb from the small confrence qbs. hawaii( sucks when they play real comp), texas tech ( never did well against a good dline) houston, hasant played anyone worth wild. and they have a tiny defense. they will get mobbed. control from the run will keep that " crazy offense" on the sideline and we will see how that small oline does when michigans bigger faster d comes at them

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Michigan's secondary is weaksauce


Houston will put 500+ yards of passing offense up against Michigan, bank on that! They are weaksauce just like Utah, TCU, Boise, ect.... Go ahead and call Case Keenum a system qb like everyone else does, no shit sherlocks, ever qb is a system qb if you really think about it. The fact is, dude can chuck the rock and will have a field day against UM. If Braxton Miller can have the best passing game of his season against Michigan, imagine what Keenum will do lol.


BTW he would sound smarter if he was calling Ohio State "That team down there" or "That state south" ect...but Ohio? Really thats fucking lame!


Agreed. Theyll get picked apart.


Shit, how many times did Braxton overthrow Posey in that game? It was ridiculous, he burnt their DBs left and right.


I will say for the sake of the big 10 that they can go out and win.

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true, maybe keep urban on the field as a mentor, not coaching, give him a feel in a real game what we are working with.


Yeah, Urban will use this period and the 15 bowl practices as an evaluation period for the players he'll have next season. Get a feel for what he's got to work with. Because he won't get to really work with the team against until spring practice starts up.

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and "Ohio"


Ohio state goes by "OSU" "Ohio State"


If anything, just calling us "State" would make more sense, and line up more with what he's trying to achieve in not referencing us directly. Although, maybe he does this for Michigan State? Idk, dude's a cock gobbler.

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