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What metro and dog parks do people take their K9 to?


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Are you just slow? How hard is my flow chart to understand? :no:


Yes, please enlighten me as to what your "flow chart" has to do with the rules posted by the city?


Posted rules by city>some "flow chart" by internet d-bag

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Yes, please enlighten me as to what your "flow chart" has to do with the rules posted by the city?


It has everything to do with common sense and respect for others who are using the park and their safety.


But since common sense and respect for others is failing you, here you go!


Thirteen Metro Parks have pet friendly trails for dogs and cats. Leashed pets are also allowed along park roadways

and in picnic areas. They must be on a leash at all times except in those parks with designated off-leash areas.




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I miss you but you always quiver when I hug you


Text us this weekend or Friday we will do something


That's because you are crushing my spinal cord.


Maybe Friday, but my sister is pushing out a kid right now and since it's the first niece/nephew we might shoot down to Nashville.... we'll figure something out soon.

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"They must be on a leash at all times except in those parks with designated off-leash areas."


You just proved my point. Goodale has area designated for dogs (or so they did last year) therefore the leash rule does not apply.


Article from 2008...not sure if still applies but now you know where I am coming from.



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I've taken mine to Antrim Park off of 315. Not really a dog park, but there are always tons of dogs there. My dogs run free, but I can control them... :)


used to take my dog to Antrim, tons of geese that swim/shit everywhere, making lots of nasties for doggies to catch, have vet bills to prove it.

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