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Pumped Up Kicks??? Sirius/XM observation


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I keep hearing this song on Sirius 002 and 003...it's the wierdest, dumbest song I can't stop listening to...



I appreciate that Sirius/XM has songs you don't hear "mainstream" until they've gotten out of your system. Local radio stations (except for NPR) FTL.

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Sirius is good, Pandora is a little better, but Spotify has taken over as my favorite music app. So much so that I pay the $9.99/month to stream on my phone, and I'm a pretty cheap bastard.


Also, the song is good, overplayed but good. A few other decent songs on that album, but overall not much else you're missing with that band.

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I made it about 45 seconds into that song before I had to turn it off. I'm seriously concerned with the direction music is going these days.


IIRC, they had these guys on the VMA's (along with a bunch of other fags I'd never heard of), and I just kept saying to myself, "This is the best shit out right now?"

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Like it or not, when I see vids like that I can't help but think they are having fun, getting laid and making money doing what they love to do. I love my job too, but if I had even one once of talent to live life over doing that vs my job, I'd jump on it.
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