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TKO with the 350z.. get in here

V8 Beast

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V8 Beast:

I've been out to Sawmill meet's and all I have ever seen is CR members talking shit, and street racing.

It's nice to see your so childish and butt hurt you had to start a thread about this instead of pm'ing me, but facts are facts. One of your members was street racing and crashed and I told the story you were all so embarrassed about. Sorry that upset you maybe you should look into those members, as all I did was told about an event that happened on a public road. I stated that I hate street racing and immature people who participate it. If this upsets you maybe you should look in a mirror and not sit high on your horse. Then call out the members who do it. Then ban them?

I apologize if you don't street race but it seems as if all the active members do that I have met. I'm sorry If I don't want to associate with those people and aviod CR events because of that.

Once again with the newb thing is it so bad I have other shit to do in life then make 5000 posts on a website?


I asked you to not play billy bad ass. You have a "sports car" so I can assume you have fun with it from time to time and go above the speed limit. This makes you no better then those you look down your nose at. If you do the speed limit everywhere you go then I commend you and have no room to talk.. but the chances of that are slim. Every time you speed because you are late to work you are racing the clock and in a way street racing. Every time you test out the down force of your awesome spoiler on a turn you are doing something illegal. If you do not choose to partake in CRs legal actions as a way to get people from doing illegal actions then you are a worthless piece of complaining shit with no room to talk. Now if you want to participate in cars and coffee, track events, or any other place that doesn't have the 30 people here that street race maybe you wouldn't be as worthless.


With that said you can go ahead and log out forever. I dont want to ban you, I want your lame ass to leave... Get the fuck off my lawn! Beyond that all I can say is I hope you climb back up your moms vagina and pray the world gives us a refund for your existence.

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Guest Z Fag Jr.

I don't own a Suzuki.

I Still find it hilarious that:

1) You don't deny street racing or do anything to stop it.

2) Attempt to cover up me posting info on a member who street raced and crashed by starting a bash TKO thread.

3) I am reminding you that street racing is against the law and is dangerous, and it makes member mad.


So its okay to make fun of somebody's Suzuki but not an Eclipse?

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If you are connecting this forum to what people due in their own time, you are an idiot. So if one of our memebers raped someone would that make us all rapist? seriously man.....


street racing is wrong everyone here knows that. if someone wants to do it thats up to them and has nothing to do with this site. go find all the drunks that wrecked this weekend and find what site they post on and tell them they are wrong for letting a drunk post on their site....

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I don't own a Suzuki.

I Still find it hilarious that:

1) You don't deny street racing or do anything to stop it.

2) Attempt to cover up me posting info on a member who street raced and crashed by starting a bash TKO thread.

3) I am reminding you that street racing is against the law and is dangerous, and it makes member mad.


So its okay to make fun of somebody's Suzuki but not an Eclipse?


1) Setting up races on this site is a bannable offense

2 )Thread was deleted for very good reason. If you were more than a waste of space I would probably even tell you why. If it was hidden then this thread wouldnt be here as everything would have been "swept under the rug".

3)If you need a reminder then search the countless threads made before you put those 3 letters together and hit register.



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I don't own a Suzuki.

I Still find it hilarious that:

1) You don't deny street racing or do anything to stop it.

2) Attempt to cover up me posting info on a member who street raced and crashed by starting a bash TKO thread.

3) I am reminding you that street racing is against the law and is dangerous, and it makes member mad.


I think it's been made very clear for quite some time CR Doesn't condone street racing. They ban/lock/shut down threads, etc...in efforts to stop it. Perhaps you've not been around long enough to know. Have you tried setting up a street race via the board? Let me know how that works out for you once you do.


In the end, Posters here are 100% liable for themselves and their actions and not CR so what is reported after something happens such as what you say you did....isn't really something CR needs to concern themselves with. I also don't know why the other post was closed/removed, but I don't see any 'cover up' Have you PM'd Brian to ask why?


No need to remind anyone of anything so your point#3 is pretty lame. Glad you're mad about it. Joint the club......oh wait, you did. Now show up at a racing me that is fully sanctioned and worry about what it is you can control and less about what you can't. It makes the world more fun.

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If you are connecting this forum to what people due in their own time, you are an idiot. So if one of our memebers raped someone would that make us all rapist? seriously man.....


street racing is wrong everyone here knows that. if someone wants to do it thats up to them and has nothing to do with this site. go find all the drunks that wrecked this weekend and find what site they post on and tell them they are wrong for letting a drunk post on their site....


Get your logic out of here.. He's typing an epic response and we should all be waiting for the greatness to grace our screens.

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Guest Z Fag Jr.

You have no room to talk I do drive the speed limit and keep it to the track. I think people who think that because they own a sports car they can speed gives them bad names. If I go to a track its not to drag race that's just boring and you wont find me at those events.


You must be in high school, because you talk like an upset teenager. I know you feel better typing about vagina's and your lawn, but it really shows how deficient your education is. I hope you feel better and like a big man telling your friends how you p0wned some newb. Your really a sad person and are defending those who street race on this board, so you have no room to speak.


I asked you to not play billy bad ass. You have a "sports car" so I can assume you have fun with it from time to time and go above the speed limit. This makes you no better then those you look down your nose at. If you do the speed limit everywhere you go then I commend you and have no room to talk.. but the chances of that are slim. Everytime you speed because you are late to work you are racing the clock and in a way steeet racing. Everytime you test out the down force of your awesome spoiler on a turn you are doing something illegal. If you do not choose to partake in CRs legal actions as a way to get people from doing illegal actions then you are a worthless piece of complaining shit with no room to talk. Now if you want to participate in cars and coffee, track events, or any other place that doesnt have the 30 people here that street race maybe you wouldnt be as worthless.


With that said you can go ahead and log out forever. I dont want to ban you, I want your lame ass to leave... Get the fuck off my lawn! Beyond that all I can say is I hope you climb back up your moms vagina and pray the world gives us a refund for your existence.

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Because it is unsafe I don't want to see innocent people hurt by morons.

Why is everybody so defensive about this?


Because you think it has something to do with CR. What people do outside of this website is their choice. This website is very clear on no setting up races, what more do you expect?

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You have no room to talk I do drive the speed limit and keep it to the track.


So do many here, so what provides you so much latitude to talk? I'm confused as to what makes you special in that regard?


I think people who think that because they own a sports car they can speed gives them bad names. If I go to a track its not to drag race that's just boring and you wont find me at those events.


We welcome the opinions and in some cases some will agree. Perhaps others here would notice you at the events you do participate in. Are you aware of all the other events outside drag racing that members here participate in?


You must be in high school, because you talk like an upset teenager. I know you feel better typing about vagina's and your lawn, but it really shows how deficient your education is. I hope you feel better and like a big man telling your friends how you p0wned some newb. Your really a sad person and are defending those who street race on this board, so you have no room to speak.


Again, I'm confused as to how you can state any of the above about someone you do not know? I'm also unclear as to where defending someone and what they do off-the-board have correlation to one another? Again, does CR Condone street racing?

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You have no room to talk I do drive the speed limit and keep it to the track. I think people who think that because they own a sports car they can speed gives them bad names. If I go to a track its not to drag race that's just boring and you wont find me at those events.


You must be in high school, because you talk like an upset teenager. I know you feel better typing about vagina's and your lawn, but it really shows how deficient your education is. I hope you feel better and like a big man telling your friends how you p0wned some newb. Your really a sad person and are defending those who street race on this board, so you have no room to speak.


That was pretty weak. I waited 5 minutes for a jab at my education and you to tell me (the most adamant person against street racing on this site) that I protect street racers. So you dont have any speeding tickets? You always drive 65mph? P.S. we have very active auto x and drifters here too. Maybe if you would have read into the site you would have know that too. Im not pwning a newb. If you had an education yourself I told you not to try and ebattle me because its not my style. Instead of reading and learning about this site you said you had better things to do... but haven't left. I would have to assume you dont have anything better to do. Am I right? If so read a couple of threads and stop making yourself look stupid. We have had a lot of people start off like this and become active loyal members. Drag racing is boring to a lot of us, that why we have so many other events that our members join in on.. Hell Cordell just got a fucking miata to replace his 600hp camaro.

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Because it is unsafe I don't want to see innocent people hurt by morons.

Why is everybody so defensive about this?


So you have an opinion that others agree with. You don't want innocent people hurt. I get that.

What's your posting here doing to fix that?

What actions are you taking to make a difference here on CR?

Do you feel your actions thus far are working? How about your communication style/interpersonal skills; are they helping your cause here?


I also don't see everyone being defensive. You use that term a lot. How about you provide some feedback. Why do you think you've spawned so much outpouring of keyboard clicks? Perhaps turn your monitor off and see if there's a reflection....could it possibly be anything you've done to spark it?


Me thinks you Pawned yourself. Seriously. Rethink your approach should you continue to fight for a cause.

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Tko, what the fuck is your deal? You came in here acting like a self rightous asshole and act surprised at our response, especially since you don't even have any experience with this site. Then you play billy badass hating on the site and its members but won't leave. Fuckers like you make no sense. I know almost every active member on this site, and participate in about every aspect of the local car scene from drag racing to autox, so in a sense you are attacking my friends and I hope that you either get a clue or log out, because people like you stereotyping this site are the only thing wrong with Columbus Racing.


So kindly FUCK OFF!

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Guest Z Fag Jr.

I was going to leave this all alone in the other thread after my last post in there. However some child called V8 beast and had to take it personal (and try to start an ebattle) . If you guys don't condone street racing then ban people who do it, your hypocrites. Furthermore an element of guilt by association exists here.

I have no speeding tickets and have been driving for well over a decade, its not that hard to obey the law.

What makes me special is I say street racing is bad.

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Dont get me wrong, he has a right to his opinion... its the blaming it on CR thats got my panties in a bunch.


Edit: All I can do is shake my head. You ignored countless posts to post more bullshit. What makes you normal is you say its bad, not special... not that you are going to read or comprehend anything anyone else posts. Since you have a problem with me go ahead and read Tims posts (pdqgp) in this thread up the page a little. Oh wait, you dont have time for that :dumb:

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Hey CR, how does V8 Beast feel about street racing?


Excuse me while I pull up all the threads where you've been the coordinator of sponsored events at the various tracks around central Ohio.


Does this Chris aka TKO have access to see all of our history? If so, perhaps his search button is broke?

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Excuse me while I pull up all the threads where you've been the coordinator of sponsored events at the various tracks around central Ohio.


Does this Chris aka TKO have access to see all of our history? If so, perhaps his search button is broke?


PBCAK error. IT is working on it as we speak.

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I was going to leave this all alone in the other thread after my last post in there. However some child called V8 beast and had to take it personal (and try to start an ebattle) . If you guys don't condone street racing then ban people who do it, your hypocrites. Furthermore an element of guilt by association exists here.


Who poked who? Is everything you comment about someone else' fault?


I don't see where Brian took it Personally. I'll tell you I take it from a factual stand point and have yet to see grounds from you to support your case. I've been around here long enough and everyone will tell you would gladly voice my opinion on the matter should I find cause to support you too.


CR has no responsibility to "ban" anyone for actions they do outside this board. What those people do here on this board is a different story. You really feel differently? Personal responsibility man.


Guilt by association? Really? I will be more than happy to argue that point. How do you fair then? You're here too. You joined why? You've been up at meets why? By your own words, none of that matters. You're guilty by association. Watch out for those those first three letters man.


I have no speeding tickets and have been driving for well over a decade, its not that hard to obey the law. What makes me special is I say street racing is bad.
So you're roughly in your late 20's and special because you obey the law and say street racing is bad. Tell us how you really feel about yourself. My wife is a fucking saint then by your standards. I wonder if she'll come join the board and share the glow of her holiness with everyone.
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If you guys don't condone street racing then ban people who do it, your hypocrites. Furthermore an element of guilt by association exists here.


So we should ban everyone who comitts a traffic crime?


Should facebook kickoff all the people that street race too?

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Normally I try to stay out of threads like this due to the whole sponsorship thing, and when I do post I try to keep it short, but there are times I have to throw all that out the window.


You've proven that you're incapable of anything more than jumping to conclusions and speaking from an uneducated third party perspective. From what I've read in here, you completely contradict yourself and, as anyone else guilty of accusing someone of having a "deficient education", you're deferring your own problems.


You've been a member for three months now. You posting a thread about an event that, again, you have no information about nor any business referring to has no benefit for any party. Are you that fucking insecure or stupid that you need to be a pretend internet enforcer? You have an admitted extreme lack of involvement with anything to do with this site or community, yet absolutely bash this event with no factual backing; that means that this statement:


You must be in high school, because you talk like an upset teenager.


Is actually better applied to you. In continuation with your plebeian, ineffective, childish arguing style, you haven't even answered my question. This:


Because it is unsafe I don't want to see innocent people hurt by morons.

Why is everybody so defensive about this?


Is not an acceptable response. Beating a dead horse, you were not involved with any of this, so shut the fuck up and learn your place.


Let's move on to this wonderful post:


I don't own a Suzuki.

I Still find it hilarious that:

1) You don't deny street racing or do anything to stop it.

2) Attempt to cover up me posting info on a member who street raced and crashed by starting a bash TKO thread.

3) I am reminding you that street racing is against the law and is dangerous, and it makes member mad.


So its okay to make fun of somebody's Suzuki but not an Eclipse?


As Brian stated, this site offers outlets to attempt to limit the amount of illegal racing that occurs around the city. This is not the duty of this site's administration's to do so, but they feel so inclined to plan these events to give people a legitimate alternative to racing on public roads. That being said, street racing will not be stopped by the actions of an entire community such as CR, let alone a faceless member like you out on a personal vendetta that's driven you to an apparent psychopathic disregard for human life.


The reason people come across as defensive is because you're playing the role of a whining mother or girlfriend. You have a general lack of understanding for anything going on with this community and can't even understand why nothing should be posted about the aforementioned event at this point. I'm not going to explain any more of this to you, but I will leave you with my final assessment of you as a person:


You've put yourself on such a high pedestal with your head so far up your own ass it's amazing you haven't lost your balance.





You don't even have to break the speed limit to break the law.


Have a nice night, faggot.

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