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TKO with the 350z.. get in here

V8 Beast

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Guest Z Fag Jr.

I like the way you guys all resort to name calling its very childish of you.


Ill leave you with this, I saw somebody make a post about how a person was street racing and crashed on sawmill. I figured Ill go by the cr page and see if they have a thread about this because it was most likely one of their members. Shockingly you did! Not my fault that your members give your site a bad name.

I doubt many of you saw the post so you don't know what I said. I just told the story of the member who crashed here. I reminded people that street racing was bad, and now you all are on the fuck tko bandwagon.

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The part in the other thread that caught my attention was saying this site is part of the reason it happened because we are pro street racing.. that and you wish the people involved would die. P.S. You have called me a child and uneducated so you fit in pretty well here with the name calling.


See why I dont ebattle, I dont have to as we are a community. As with every community you will have many types. When you try to put yourself above the community the community turns on you. This threads purpose was to assure that your ignorance was addressed. That has been done on a few levels. As I said before, you have a good point/opinion. Just avoid sticking made up facts to those opinions.


Im done here and will probably be up at Sawmill next week, if I can find a break in my busy schedule, to do a public service announcement. If you are there I would be more than happy to continue this conversation in person as I prefer to talk over typing. Yes this could have been done in pm, but Im a fan of tough love.

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I like the way you guys all resort to name calling its very childish of you.


Deal with it and don't make excuses like you continue to do. Answer the questions I've posted and those of others. Are you here to stand for a cause or bail when you're feelings get hurt on the playground? Show me you got a pair.


Ill leave you with this, I saw somebody make a post about how a person was street racing and crashed on sawmill. I figured Ill go by the cr page and see if they have a thread about this because it was most likely one of their members. Shockingly you did! Not my fault that your members give your site a bad name.


So you are bailing? Weak. Really weak. Making a post about it post-accident doesn't give us a bad name. Are you NOT reading my posts or are you that blind? PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY man. CR isn't liable for the actions of it's members on their own time. CR absolutely does not condone it. Prove me wrong.


I doubt many of you saw the post so you don't know what I said. I just told the story of the member who crashed here. I reminded people that street racing was bad, and now you all are on the fuck tko bandwagon.


I saw your post. Even posted in that thread. I am not on the fuck TKO bandwagon either. I'm giving you AMPLE opportunity to answer my questions, PM Me, post back, etc....what else do you want to engage?


Sounds like you're not really standing for a cause based on what you're SHOWING us.

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First off mr tko you have been out to sawmill three times. And there is only a hand full of us that go out there not the 2k + members off this board. While obviously ther are a few of us that like to drive fast side by side you do not evan know who they are but I can count those very few people on two hands. Enough about us though let's here some of your animal tourtre story's you told a few of us about I'm pretty sure that's illigel also
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Seeing as how he likes to tell storys I will as well

And Chris correct me if I'm wrong



I recall the location somewhere across seas but some thing to the fact of operating a check point, making people get off there transpiration then killing it and making them walk. Also something about throwing grandees at animals as well. But what do I know I stoped listening after realizing you were proud of your actions

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I'll add that as Chris stated above, there are only a small number of people from CR at Sawmill. Most of those people that hang out up there have gotten CR members kicked out of past spots by randomly showing up doing burn outs or ricer BS or whatever. And I have seen a lot of stupid shit being done up there as well, and its only a matter of time before it happens again.


CR does not condone street racing, it is not allowed to be set up here. But again, we cannot be held liable for what our members do in their free time. We are not their parents and cannot tell them they can't be here because they broke a law or two somewhere. I guantee you anything, there are just as many people on this board guilty of any number of other crimes out there that have nothing to do with street racing, or cars or anything of that nature. Some I guantee are 5 million times worse. Should we ban them too because we don't agree with whatever happens in their personal lives? No. We can't control anyone. Its a free country. And for the most part, a forum for anyone, anywhere can join and enjoy making new friends that enjoy similar hobbies, and enjoy ending the week spending time with like minded people.


It sounds like this is not the forum for you to be on. I can assist in removing your account. PM me.

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Seeing as how he likes to tell storys I will as well And Chris correct me if I'm wrong


I recall the location somewhere across seas but some thing to the fact of operating a check point, making people get off there transpiration then killing it and making them walk. Also something about throwing grandees at animals as well. But what do I know I stoped listening after realizing you were proud of your actions


Now you're guilty by association. :gabe:

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I like the way you guys all resort to name calling its very childish of you.


Ill leave you with this, I saw somebody make a post about how a person was street racing and crashed on sawmill. I figured Ill go by the cr page and see if they have a thread about this because it was most likely one of their members. Shockingly you did! Not my fault that your members give your site a bad name.

I doubt many of you saw the post so you don't know what I said. I just told the story of the member who crashed here. I reminded people that street racing was bad, and now you all are on the fuck tko bandwagon.




Your info is so far off I bet you hang out with mark duffy. Lack of info indicates he lack of knowledge you have. You have called a lot of us uneducated, and childish. Most of this site has very bright people, most with degrees and high profile jobs/ businesses. You haven't met anyone on this board really, so you judge an entire community for acts of a few? There isn't one car webite that doesn't have some street racing talk. Should we ban everyone that knows about street racing?

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you claim you do not speed, or do anything illegal, correct??


when was the last time you went to a track event?? you claim to NOT be a drag racer, why not get on this site and set up a road race day, or an auto-x event?? do something assertive instead of just sitting back and bitching like a little prick. don't let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out. should have bought a g35--i heard the emergency kit comes with a feminine napkin.

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Your info is so far off I bet you hang out with mark duffy. Lack of info indicates he lack of knowledge you have. You have called a lot of us uneducated, and childish. Most of this site has very bright people, most with degrees and high profile jobs/ businesses. You haven't met anyone on this board really, so you judge an entire community for acts of a few? There isn't one car webite that doesn't have some street racing talk. Should we ban everyone that knows about street racing?


Yes, yes we should.

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I like the way you guys all resort to name calling its very childish of you.


Ill leave you with this, I saw somebody make a post about how a person was street racing and crashed on sawmill. I figured Ill go by the cr page and see if they have a thread about this because it was most likely one of their members. Shockingly you did! Not my fault that your members give your site a bad name.

I doubt many of you saw the post so you don't know what I said. I just told the story of the member who crashed here. I reminded people that street racing was bad, and now you all are on the fuck tko bandwagon.


So you've been arguing based off assumptions and incorrect information. Really goes to show the kind of person you are.

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I should ban myself for wiping my ass a too fast after a recent shit... I should have taken my time and savored the texture of the triple-ply charmin ultra across my rear exit. Instead of doing that I wiped really fast and found later that my impatience not only robbed me of a great experience, it also left proof. As I send my underwear off in a tightly knotted plastic bag I reflect on my actions. I will live with hesitation for the rest of my life and forever be haunted by the shit stains from my past decisions. Its a sad but true story I felt had to be shared. All of you reading this are now shitty by association....
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