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TKO with the 350z.. get in here

V8 Beast

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I should ban myself for wiping my ass a too fast after a recent shit... I should have taken my time and savored the texture of the triple-ply charmin ultra across my rear exit. Instead of doing that I wiped really fast and found out later that my impatience not only robbed me of a great experience, it also left proof. As I send my underwear off in a tightly knotted plastic bag I reflect on my actions. I will live with hesitation for the rest of my life and forever be haunted by the shit stains from my past decisions. All of you reading this are shitty by association....



I'll never take my charmin for granted again.




Always remember.




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I should ban myself for wiping my ass a too fast after a recent shit... I should have taken my time and savored the texture of the triple-ply charmin ultra across my rear exit. Instead of doing that I wiped really fast and found out later that my impatience not only robbed me of a great experience, it also left proof. As I send my underwear off in a tightly knotted plastic bag I reflect on my actions. I will live with hesitation for the rest of my life and forever be haunted by the shit stains from my past decisions. All of you reading this are shitty by association....



I was just cited by my wife for leaving skid marks in my briefs. 4pts for failure to control. :dumb:


I blame CR for arranging for a meet at Chipotle.

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I should ban myself for wiping my ass a too fast after a recent shit... I should have taken my time and savored the texture of the triple-ply charmin ultra across my rear exit. Instead of doing that I wiped really fast and found later that my impatience not only robbed me of a great experience, it also left proof. As I send my underwear off in a tightly knotted plastic bag I reflect on my actions. I will live with hesitation for the rest of my life and forever be haunted by the shit stains from my past decisions. Its a sad but true story I felt had to be shared. All of you reading this are now shitty by association....


i just got a fb status update. paul tagged himself at your house.


Paul Brower- "was tagged at brian carters shit shack using tri ply"

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I was just cited by my wife for leaving skid marks in my briefs. 4pts for failure to control. :dumb:


I blame CR for arranging for a meet at Chipotle.




if skid marks is 4 points, this is offense would leave you with a suspended license for at least 6 months. NSFW, maybe??




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I like the way you guys all resort to name calling its very childish of you.




Your just stupid as hell with no knowledge of the history of the 7m. How is a stock motor that you have to re-torque things on from the factory a good motor? Bearings and headgaskets were problems from the factory! So as a stock motor its no good!


Hey retard it said strong good compression ect!!! I am not assuming anything I KNOW THE FACTS. I don't need to be JDM tyte I need a reliable motor with a good powerband not some archaic piece of shit.

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I was going to leave this all alone in the other thread after my last post in there. However some child called V8 beast and had to take it personal (and try to start an ebattle) . If you guys don't condone street racing then ban people who do it, your hypocrites. Furthermore an element of guilt by association exists here.

I have no speeding tickets and have been driving for well over a decade, its not that hard to obey the law.

What makes me special is I say street racing is bad.


Sorry, but YOUR logic is basically to the point of mental retardation. There is no guilt by association because some individuals are members. Last I checked, there has never been a thread named, "STREET RACE OR DIE!!!" Again, individuals have a thing instilled from birth known as FREE WILL. Thus meaning, are free to do as they please. This being said, how can Columbusracing.com be so omnipresent and omnipotent that it stops every possible "street race?"

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this guy has me confused, do non CR members not street race? if that were the case, than banning them might make sense, but guess what genious, it still happens. So banning members that do it is just pointless. and good for you for doing the speed limit in your "sports car" all the time, but although i dont street race, i also dont tend to do the speed limit very often in my daily driver, so should i be banned still?
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Cordell just got a fucking miata to replace his 600hp camaro.

Quoted for gayness.


If you guys don't condone street racing then ban people who do it, your hypocrites.


I'll chime in here. I've been infracted for mentioning street racing in the wrong context on this site. you obviously don't know shit about the admins here.


Normally I try to stay out of threads like this due to the whole sponsorship thing, and when I do post I try to keep it short, but there are times I have to throw all that out the window.


You've proven that you're incapable of anything more than jumping to conclusions and speaking from an uneducated third party perspective. From what I've read in here, you completely contradict yourself and, as anyone else guilty of accusing someone of having a "deficient education", you're deferring your own problems.


You've been a member for three months now. You posting a thread about an event that, again, you have no information about nor any business referring to has no benefit for any party. Are you that fucking insecure or stupid that you need to be a pretend internet enforcer? You have an admitted extreme lack of involvement with anything to do with this site or community, yet absolutely bash this event with no factual backing; that means that this statement:




Is actually better applied to you. In continuation with your plebeian, ineffective, childish arguing style, you haven't even answered my question. This:




Is not an acceptable response. Beating a dead horse, you were not involved with any of this, so shut the fuck up and learn your place.


Let's move on to this wonderful post:




As Brian stated, this site offers outlets to attempt to limit the amount of illegal racing that occurs around the city. This is not the duty of this site's administration's to do so, but they feel so inclined to plan these events to give people a legitimate alternative to racing on public roads. That being said, street racing will not be stopped by the actions of an entire community such as CR, let alone a faceless member like you out on a personal vendetta that's driven you to an apparent psychopathic disregard for human life.


The reason people come across as defensive is because you're playing the role of a whining mother or girlfriend. You have a general lack of understanding for anything going on with this community and can't even understand why nothing should be posted about the aforementioned event at this point. I'm not going to explain any more of this to you, but I will leave you with my final assessment of you as a person:


You've put yourself on such a high pedestal with your head so far up your own ass it's amazing you haven't lost your balance.





You don't even have to break the speed limit to break the law.


Have a nice night, faggot.




posts like this make me proud to be a fellow ginger.

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A drifter? No wonder you're aren't going to be scene at any of CR's events...

Your credibility when from slim to none; you don't race shit and you probably suck at drifting.


I'll give tko one cookie for making a point: we should have closed membership and done member clean up some time ago. I don't like half the regular posters anymore. White trash, beat-dick-driving, homo's.

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