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Now own a 302 Block: Need Learned


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I mean I have this Bare Block already for Cheap... the engine stand I will put it on will have cost more.


If I build this one as a 331 or 347 nitrous motor and max it out at 500-550 I will then buy a 351 or a BBF and start over for more... but still have a car to drive while doing so. But I think I will be more than content on 550. I loved my new edge and it was a couple hundred HPs less.

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Rhett there is a 5.0 in the corral for $2k


Dont Have $2k :/


throw it off a cliff and use rotary


Fuck Rotary... You always hear of people swapping SBF or SBC or LSx into a Rx7... Never hear of Rotary going into a Fox or Fbody.... :fa:


You should not have nitrous......Does Ole' girl almost dieing ring a bell...LMAO


Fuck Her:gabe:

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Ok, So I think my first step is to have some machining done. Who would you recommend and what is the cost range I am looking at?


I did some searches and found a ton. But for where I am wanting to go with this build for now (347 stroker nitrous motor). Who would you recommend and why?

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On post #51 you say you don't have 2k for a car. If you don't have 2k, you are gonna be way short on building this motor.


I dont have 2k in my pocket to buy a car right now... but I do have the money to build this car over the winter.


but he said in the end he wants boost


Boost eventually. I think the route I am going to go with this motor is 347 Stroker with spray. Drop it into something and have fun. And then slowly peice together a 351 for a boosted application.

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You will spend 3x the amount of money and wind up having nothing going the path you have chosen.


The idea of thinking you can throw 50 bucks weekly at it is a terrible one. Save your money and do it right the 1st time. Write down a game plan and research cost so you can plan on how much to save for.


Its still far cheaper to buy something already done. Figure 50 cents on the dollar in a lot of cases.


People are really trying to help you here and you are not listening. As they say though..........a fool and his money are easily parted.

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Its not just about having a motor in a car. Its something I have wanted to do... build my own motor and learn from doing so. Its not throw $50 at it a week. Like now, I have the block and am going to have it Machined and bored 30 over. Then Ill save up a little and put the bottom end together, then heads... and go on from there. I am in no rush to have a car for next summer. Once I get the car I want to do the work to it to make sure its set up right and looks good. If this is a 2.5 year build so be it. But I know its cheaper to buy another persons problem and throw cash at it.


So Back to the question...


What Machine shops have you used, who do you recommend?

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Randy's machine shop is Whitehall is very reasonable and we've used him plenty for stuff through work, if all you are going to do is basic machine work I'd save a few bucks and take it there. Phillips racing did the machine work on my Camaro, while he is a pain in the ass to deal with, never returning calls and taking forever, he did a good job on the machine work.


Keep in mind to do good machine work you need to have all the parts to go into the engine, so the block can be honed to match the pistons and everything can be balanced and matched.

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Thanks Scott!


So you would recommend having the rotating assembly first then taking the motor and all the inner parts to him then?


Yes that is how I prefer to do it. People get away with just doing a generic machining of the block and throwing parts in it, but for a quality job that isn't the best way.

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