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Dog questions


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My mom has been constantly talking about getting a dog. Growing up we had a dog and she was awesome. This is for my mom and dad who is 75 and 70.


I'd like to surprise my parents one day with a small dog. I'm not talking a 5 lb dog or what not. I'd say something around the 30 lb range. I'm not even sure how big a 30 lb dog is. No german shepard or what not :). A well mannered dog, not a puppy so about a year old, house trained, etc. This isn't really a WTB thread but if there's something out there I might be interested. I'm more/less looking to see what dogs out there that would fit my parents. It also doesn't need to be a pure bred or anything expensive like that.

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The type of dog really depends on the kind of people your parents are. You prob want a dog thats chill, not long haired. Do some research in dog personalities and traits. Maybe you can try to match one up with the type of people your parents are. Smaller dogs are going to be hyper and yappy. A lot of times mutts are super chill. Take a look at the human society every now and again, talk to the volenteers, they are super good at matching people up with dogs.
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Go to the pound and adopt one...most times mix breeds make the best dogs. My grandma had one named Snuggles (cmon my grandma's old lol) and it was some sort of mix, but was the best damn dog I have seen. That dog would not leave her side for nothing (well until death got the best of the dog, grandma's still alive and kicking). I will ask her what mix the dog was.
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perfect dogs for older people.



Did you miss the part where I said small dog to 30 lbs/ That mountain dog starts off at like 80 lbs.


As for my parents... well my mom does pretty much everything. My Dad has parkinsons and can't really do much around the house. My grandma (moms mom) is in rehab with a compression fracture in her back (she's also 90). Mom just has a ton of stress on her and I feel the need to get her a dog to take some of that stress away at nights.

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If you look at places such like http://fairhumane.org/ they have programs where some of the dogs will go to the prisoners and they train them. So its a win win situation where you can choose a grown dog that is trained, would fit well with your parents, and your saving a dog.



what the fuck



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dont get them a boxer. the 10 month old boxer my rents just got owned my mom about 2 weeks ago. she was walking it and it yanked her flat on her face breaking her nose and giving her two black eyes.


Not the fault of the breed. Beware, a Boxer needs plenty of exercise and will be a very lively pup for the first 5yrs.

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